California lawmakers struck a deal on eviction protections. What does it mean for tenants?

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State lawmakers are rushing this week to extend California eviction protections for hundreds of thousands of tenants waiting for rent relief.

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And you wonder why rents have skyrocketed


How about just get the money out faster instead of making landlords suffer another three months?


And they couldn't find a job in that time 🙄 these people will always have a problem because they are the problem.


It makes no sense fattening corporate landlords through rental assistance, that's stop gaps measures, until there would be no more funds available.those same funds should be used to build affordable family homes use federal or local policies to drive such programs.


What right does the state have allowing taxpayers to pay renters debt???


The longer you keep those moratoriums in place, the higher the rents will be after all this is said and done. Look what's happening in all these other states that have ended moratorium, landlords are jacking up their rents to recouped lost monies and evicting tenants now because they can't afford the new higher rents. All these moratoriums do is delay the inevitable homeless issue. Government is just putting a small bandaid on the huge homeless boom that will happen 3 months from gov does yet another moratorium in July. 🤔 2 1/2 years of moratoriums is ENUF already


So basically squatting is still legal in California. Why am I not surprised


There is no such thing as freebies - someone always pays. Lawmakers are used to stealing so they advocate it and make it legal for others to do so. Stealing is stealing whether it's legal or illegal.


Another 3 month extension after more than 2 years. The more you extend the greater the debt grows and relief will never catch up. Units are locked in gridlock as no one can find a rental. People who do not pay need to move on so that traffic can flow freely.


This isn't good.. it is only making things worse


It’s simply not profitable being a Landlord with the amount of risk, headache, maintenance, laws against you…if tenants think their current Landlords are bad wait until a big corporation takes over all the buildings


Why should Landlords be forced to dip into their savings, retirement or take a loan to subsidize a nonpaying tenant.? The moratoriums will cause many Landlords to sell their properties out of frustration, reducing supply, or cause those that decide to stay in the business of providing housing to raise rents to try to recoup their losses and require bigger deposits and much higher standards which will limit choices for future applicants. The government has been negligent in their disbursement of funds and try to rectify by creating more bad policy on top of bad policy.


Landlords are just getting out of the business. No wonder there is housing shortage in California.


California lawmakers are taking away the landlord's rights and are regulating business practices they have ZERO knowledge or experience in. Landlords will quit just like they did in San Francisco and the number of homeless people will skyrocket as will the cost to rent. The California landlord will have ZERO rights. It's just a matter of time. What businesses will these lawmakers regulate next? Supermarkets? The Hotel Industry?


They should have not had moratoriums at ALL. Shame on these tenants for having NO savings in the bank. Like really, you're THAT financially irresponsible? By continuously extending these moratoriums the government is sending a message to tenants that it is "Okay if you have no savings and can't pay your bills in the future, we will save you". NO, they need to be taught a lesson. Be more financially responsible, save your money, have an emergency savings fund, don't live beyond your means.


Rent control it's not the solution that's communism laws the landlords should take posesión of his property at any time as long let the tenants know probably a month before .


More FREE MONEYYY! But for some reason, folks keep leaving in droves. Maybe because it's not actually free. California had to take it from someone else before passing it on. Did I mention that the state kept a bit for themselves in the process? If taxes weren't so high, perhaps there would be more businesses, jobs, and money flowing around for the people who are struggling. I think Texas has a lot of job openings though.


I better get my student loans forgiven if they expect me to pay for someone elses rent.


If you cant afford the rent then leave. No excuse since everything has been open up for a long time. Cant make it on one job get 2, cant make it on 2 then maybe its time to relocate. Millions of people have done this throughout history. You move were the opportunitirs are and sadly it's not in this state anymore.


No, bad government. If you don't lay rent, you get out! Why would anyone need renatl assistance? Get a job. There are 10s of thousands of jobs out there, right now. Can't afford it, move. Sorry, not sorry.
