Where Are You Going?: Ultimately with R.C. Sproul

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All of us experience many turning points in our lives, but none is more important than our conversion to Jesus Christ. Today, R.C. Sproul asks a question of eternal importance: Where are you going?

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Thanks be to God for R.C.Sproul’s ministry.


I’m going to heaven thanks be to Almighty Gods Grace and Mercy, saved a utter wretch like me ) blessed beyond measure. 💐


He has helped me in my walk with the lord of my salvation


When I lost the most important person to me.
Losing that loved one to cancer a few years back, turned me toward Christ. He gave me His grace and mercy, this I will never deny.


John MacArthur said " it's not the perfection in your life that matters, it's the direction. " Are you on the road that leads to Hell or Heaven? If you are truly honest with yourself and ask yourself the right questions, then you can know for certain. A believer in Christ not only reads the Bible but they also apply the Bible to their lives. Are you striving to be more like Jesus and obeying Him or are you neglecting Him. Do you think of Him and talk with Him often or hardly at all? Is your focus on the things of God and serving Jesus or are you living for yourself and the pleasures of this world? Would you give up everything and everyone for Jesus or be terrified at that thought? Who are your friends? Do they love Jesus? Do you attend church joyfully? Do you fellowship with believers? Do you like worship music or worldly music? Do you watch R movies or television that blasphemes the name of God? Do you really know anything about God and do you want to know Him? Are you bothered by your sin and long to be Holy and righteous? Are you ashamed of your crimes against Almighty God? Does the thought of going to Hell make you tremble? Do the thoughts of KNOWING your going to Heaven give you joy and strength and encouragement? Is meeting Jesus Christ your motivation for going to Heaven? Do you truly want to please Almighty God? Do you truly love God? Ask yourself what matters most to you?


Have faith in Messiah Yahusha and keep the Commandments of our Heavenly Father. That’s how we know we are in Him. Matthew 5:17-19, Matthew 7:21-27, John 13:15-17, 1 John 2:3-7.


So profound and true.
Just ask Alice.


RC Sproul. Gifted individual. Myself would have liked to or may I say want to ask him some questions believing his answers are valuable. Not that others aren't to be admired rather Mr. Sproul flowed accuracy, legitimacy, gentleness while brash and humorous too. His insight and interpretation of 1 Thessalonians 4 and focus on preterists and partial preterists is eyes wide shut open! CCCM & all them got it wrong? Will Skip Heitzig confess he got it wrong and that the entire dispensationalism theology is inaccurate & incorrect?
No Way!
What does one say now?


Can someone please tell me the name of the music in the intro and outro.


You were not tuned off of God you were born that way. You have to be turned on to God by God.

The eternal home of the Christian is not Heaven that's a temporary abode for the soul/spirit separated from the body by the death of the body. Humans were not created to be disembodied spirits existing in a purely spiritual realm, like angels. It is unnatural for us to loose half our nature. The eternal home of God's redeemed will be the New Earth after the resurrection.
