Unemployed After College? My Experience & Advice No One Wants to Tell You

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Unemployed After College? Advice No One Wants to Tell You

If you're not sure what to do after college / are struggling with post grad life, make sure you watch until the end! I share why life after graduation is so difficult for people in our generation, the mindset shifts that helped me, and how to deal with post grad depression. Being unemployed after college is difficult, but if you're able to shift your mindset, avoid the trap of mindlessly re-enrolling in grad school, and explore entrepreneurship, it will go a long way!

Links mentioned in the video:

⭐RESOURCE- Download The Write Path:

⭐RESOURCE- 2:45 Podcast episode on meritocracy:

⭐RESOURCE- 2:45 The Meritocracy Trap by Daniel Markovitz:

⭐POST- 5:42 How to know if Grad School is right for you:

⭐VIDEO- Job Searching in 2020 (College Students & Recent Grads):


⭐ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Here are some of the possibilities I mention in the video for entrepreneurship: reselling apps such as Poshmark, Mercari, or Ebay; online tutoring; investing (swing trading/day trading); starting a Youtube channel; selling your products/services on social media... the list goes on!



⭐Join me on socials!
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In this video I lay out the reasons why unemployment is the new normal and my top tips for staying sane/smart while unemployed (hint: they are NOT "apply to jobs every day" and "stick to a routine, " which you're probably sick of hearing).

Comment below if you have ever started a business (tip #3) or are thinking about starting one! I love hearing from you all 🤗


you also leave out another problem: some folks in college who devoted fully to education with no work experience end up becoming unemployable


This is such an important message. When I graduated from University, we were heading in to an economic slump and many of the people I graduated with, all very able, couldn't get jobs. It is never a reflection on our talent.


I couldnt find work during college, graduated during this covid pandemic (couldnt even attend graduation), and having an even harder time finding work than I was before. I overcame depression but this whole thing is bringing it right back. This is overwhelming.


The amount of money people are willing to throw towards a master's degree is astounding. Thinking through the decision before taking out more loans is something everyone should do!


I know I need to be supportive of other people's success, but it's only making me feel insecure... I unfollowed/muted posts by people (I know) that are really nice and kind, but their successes make me feel like crap lol. Also your information is AMAZING. I relate to everything. I'm so stressed out about wanting to be financially independent... It's so annoying to have those 4 years of fake independence during college just to move back in with your family.


Unemployment takes a toll on your health. In the US, being unemployed is seen as being a drug addict, lazy, or crazy. When I was unemployed, that is what everybody assumed even my family. As a result, I don't have family and friends anymore, leading to more unemployment and underemployment.


Im a junior and so worried about getting a job. The fact that most jobs want experience over a degree is so dumb. Everything you said in this video is so true. I was thinking about getting my masters but I always think to myself will it help me in the long run. Thank you for advice.


Meritocracy? That's the biggest joke ever, it's all about connections, and luck. Only after meeting those two, you can consider hardwork and meritocracy.


It's definitely hard to get jobs straight out of college, but especially right now!


This young woman is wise beyond her years. Her wisdom is her ability to see the real world as it truly is, not meaning to give up on your dreams but to not get down on your self because you haven't yet found employment ! Don't be ashamed to take less meaningful jobs since some money is better than no money but continue to strive for better while working this less than meaningful job .


I've been struggling so hard feeling confident with the constant rejection or feeling discouraged with the massive amount of people applying to the same jobs I am. Thank you for making this video. I needed to hear this. I really hope everyone in this position is able to get a career/job that suits them.


I was really glad to hear your point on grad school. I’m 22, graduated this spring and did exactly what you suggested you shouldn’t do. Couldn’t find a job/didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life so enrolled in an Economics grad program.
Thankfully I listened to my intuition and dropped it after completing just one class. It felt so forced and inauthentic. Only thing is now my mom and family are on my case about it because they think if I still can’t find a job and now dropped out of school that I’ll be eternally fucked. I’m a bit more confident that things will work out accordingly than they are. Nice channel. Subbed 👍


I got my license last September 2019 as a Social Worker and immediately studied law in November 2019 to August 2020. But then decided to stop and looked for a job BUT still 2021 I am unemployed. I am 24 running 25 UNEMPLOYED. Even lost hope. It hit me hard when you said about "FEELING INFERIOR" huhuhu. Thank you for your video, Ms. Stacy!


Graduated last year with an Applied Math degree.Took up a retail job 8 months after graduation for the sake of an income. It definitely sucks but won't give up trying to reach something better.


I literally had an application for grad school open at the time of this video because i honestly thought there was something wrong with me for not getting a job in my field rn lol..you defo saved me


Just adding: another thing that you can do with your time is work on personal/passion projects using the skills you have or developing new ones and build a portfolio from that (I.e. using some software). It may not make you money but it’s something that you will enjoy doing and eventually can showcase to employers the skills you have and that you are a self-starter and can learn things on your own.


Anybody else having a mental breakdown(i mean a full breakdown) of having a mediocre job out of college? I apply and still write but I have become just numb. Saving up to move out of state and from my mom's place. However, everyday it just becomes heavier to continue. Those unemployed I feel your pain. I truly do.


I graduated DEC 2019... Didn't find a job so I started a bussnise in 2021 and now it slow down and stopped again ... just asking you to pray for me to make it work again or find a job <3


This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 9 months ago about self development. Now I have 1, 594 subs and > 1, 000 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.
