Webinar: Product KPIs & Metrics That Every PM Should Know by Zalando Sr PM, Zafeer Rais

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Zafeer is a Zalando Senior Product Manager with years of experience building SaaS products in global teams across the US, Asia, and Europe. He enjoys a challenge and getting the whole team motivated and focused on solving tough problems. His strong people skills allow him to bring teams together and have given him the confidence to share his talents as a mentor in the Product Management community.

Founded in 2014, Product School is the global leader in Product Management training with a community of over one million product professionals.

Our certifications are the most industry-recognized credentials by employers hiring product managers. All of our instructors are senior-level Product Managers working at top Silicon Valley companies including Google, Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, PayPal, Uber, and Amazon.

Designed to fit into work schedules, our live, online classes are held in the evenings or on weekends to ensure that both instructors and students can maintain their full-time jobs. You’ll learn how to build digital products from end to end, lead cross-functional teams and land your next product job or promotion.

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Рекомендации по теме

Good session but I feel depending on too much data can trap one into the dreaded analysis paralysis, to become a great product manager data + understanding user sentiments or being informed are both very important. Thanks Product School for these insightful videos.


Thanks for the free knowledge! I intend to become a great Product Manager but I don't think you can be a great Product Manager by only making data driven decisions. I believe the decisions made should be both data driven and informed, as there can be many other variables in the play. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Can you make similar video for B2B (especially Enterprise Applications)?


Will this video be permanently posted on the channel?
