Is Intelligence Really Different Among The Races? | MP CLIPS 1

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The apartheid government in South Africa said more or less the same thing when it introduced Bantu education


Saying it all without saying it at all


Ive researched this topic extensively.

Back when the alt right was a big thing, i was on their forums and their youtube videos and their reddit subs.

Reading their arguments and doing research in response to those arguments.

I watched endless college lectures in their entirety on youtube. I read various books though the best would be Thomas Sowell's books IMO.

At the end of the day, if you really dig deeply enough into genes. Race is a social construct.

The concept of race is the issue here.

If we look at black people, and those are the people EVERYONE is looking at when this topic comes up, we see the widest variety of genetic difference.

The tallest people in the world are black people (or did the norwegians overtake them?) The shortest people in the world are black people.

There are black people with white skin. Literally.

When you lump all black people together, you get the concept "race."

But that is nkt how genes work. All black people are not one race. All black groups do not have the same IQ.

The same goes for every other "race."

Not to mention to laundry list of socioeconomic factors to consider. The problems with IQ tests and really basic shit like that.

The concept of race also implies something. It implies that there are groups of human beings with different genes, who will always have those genes into perpetuity.

Yet i have seen studies where they follow families for decades. Thomas sowell mentions them in his books. I dont have those references atm.

So they follow families for decades. They followed families from the lowest IQ country in the world. Some african country.

Those people move overseas. All over the world. Europe, america, and so on.

Studies showed that the IQs of those people's children were comprable with the children of the area they lived in.

One exception was the USA, where african families IQs which were low, or were high in cases of moving from europe to the US, those black families children ended up having IQs similar to american blacks. Which would make some implications about our culture here. Black culture and plenty more im sure.

So not only is race a social construct which evades real science, but there are a lot of negative ideas packed into the concept of race in a package deal.

Such as the concept that black people's IQs are inferior to other races due to the relative nature of african societies. Many being on land islands with little contact with outside groups.

In ALL races where peoples were islanded away from other groups, those people had low IQs.

And all of those groups IQs have risen since.

So that is one negative package deal debunked. There are probably others i could talk about if i brushed up on thisntopic which i am not going to do becasue i already wentnthrough all of that. And im not doing it again unless i decide to wage war against the racists.

I like dr. Mike a lot but this puts a fault in his credability and his ability to read like he claimed.

You did not delve deep enough dr mike. Youre a scientist and as a scientist you know that shit goes fucking deep.

Especially in genetics where we are still on the frontier of science in understanding our brains oir genes our minds out consciousness.

Implying at all that there truly is a scientific basis for the concept of race is the most basic level failure to understand science.

You dont get to just claim that you did the reading. Especially when i see clearly that you did not.

It is a problem that you make this implication because not only are you not telling the truth, youre hurting people's psyche and mental health by making an implication that is scientifically unfounded, and youre emboldenimg racist peices of shit who never bothered to learn one bit of science because science is fucking hard.

And apparently neither did you.

I could go on all day on this topic. We caj go to haplogroups. We can go to any level.

Granted i dont feel like wasting my time doing such a thing. But god damn like wtf.

People need to start being honest. To be honest means to actually engage with ideas and understand them.

To compare and contrast, juxtapose and so on.

And no im not a leftist or a liberal. I used to be a leftist but now I am a free market nutjob. I despise the left and i despise the right.

My views are based on an informed perspective. I know dr. Mike's are not.

Im not mad. Im just disappointed. Especially when he said "because i can read."

And we have all of these dummies in the comments like "yea! Thanks for saying the truth! It explains why all these niggers killin eachother! Yee haw!"

They didnt say that last part but I know theyre thinking it.

Theres a of alt right racist pieces of shit and their numbers are growing rapidly.

Ive dug deep into the alt right and kept tabs on them for years. They have morphed and scattered but have continued to infect and multiply.

And this video done by a respectable man who seems to be a smart capable guy, able to read science and discern the truth, has confirmed their beliefs for them and justified their hate.


Just remember kids, you can be smart at one thing and that doesn’t necessarily translate to general intelligence. My mechanic is smart with cars, doesnt mean I would trust him to write policy


Dr Mike: scientifically awake to modern research like frenology and perfect arian head shape theory.


The Saiyan race is clearly the most resilient and adaptable.


how did we get from fitness content to here


There is no "totem pole of racial intelligence." Intelligence is a multifaceted construct that encompasses a variety of domains.

The instrument being used to measure intelligence can yield vastly different results depending on the resources of the people being measured (i.e. a group of poor, illiterate North Koreans may score low on an I.Q. test not because of their race, but because of their lack of food and education etc.)

I don't know your full viewpoints on this Dr. Mike, but whatever they are I'm hoping you don't subscribe to outdated, discriminatory pseudoscience.


This is a bizarre framing. You have to make the distinction between ‘race’ as the average person understands it being a social construct and scientifically defined population groups that share similar genetic traits. Otherwise you’re letting people conflate the two. You must know that but this clip makes it very unclear.


He has a new book coming out, Dr Mike Kampf.


My theory is that one challenge for highly successful people is that they often over-estimate how well their intelligence translates to understanding a different field of knowledge. You have to have the humility to understand when you have stepped out of your professional zone and are now just expressing personal opinion that is no more or less valid than anyone else's well-read opinion. At the same time, the more successful you have been in one field the harder it is to contain your ego. You are particularly dangerous as a thought influencer at that stage because many will give your views more credence than they might otherwise deserve because your success gives you credibility. This is especially true with people who have been successful in physical endeavors because your body is literally your resume and is apparent for all to see.

Elon Musk must be good at something (people I respect who are in the technical fields tell me he is not THAT guy) but I wouldn't listen to what he has to say about, I don't know, Jewish people. Thomas Sowell is a favorite on the right, but he is more of a social pundit than an economist (and how odd to be a fan of Sowell but believe that the myth of race might have anything to do with IQ). Not to mention the current limits of economics (economics in general) when applied to real life, because scientifically credible data sets don't really exist.

Libertarian economics are great in theory, but horrible in practice. The easiest example is Chile, where a bunch of University of Chicago-educated rich kids conspired with a military dictator to re-engineer society. Their biggest remaining legacy is that today you can see people who can't work (the elderly and the handicapped) begging for a meal on every corner of Santiago, because they decided what was REALLY holding the economy back was the Chilean version of Social Security. We won't talk about the thousands of people that were killed there in the name of anti-Communism.

Some of the happiest places on earth are Sweden and Norway, and they look absolutely nothing like a libertarian paradise on any major economic issue. It sounds great to say that things get screwed up mainly by government policies (like rent control) but the US has the most "free market" based version of health care in the world, and statistically we pay the most and get the least for it. I like libertarians, they are generally inquisitive and interesting people, but there are limits to the power of individualism. Namely, almost by definition you can't have a system based solely on individual choices, but Dr. Mike is smart enough to know that and so he puts some caveats on the concept.

All of which is a very long-winded way of saying, I love you Dr. Mike. I trust you when you are talking about exercise and nutrition. I think you have a lot to say about how to achieve success. And I'm not telling you to shut up. I'm not trying to cancel you. But just please acknowledge that there is uncertainty in any field of knowledge, especially the social sciences, and don't present AS an expert in areas where you are not an expert.


That's the most eloquent and long winded way to say the n-word I've ever seen.
I guess this is what he was talking about on Doctor Mike's channel about steroid use lowering IQ.


What scientific support exists of this? The concensus that human ethnic groups do not vary in intelligence did not come about through "politics", it came about because of overwhelming scientific evidence. Scientific racism was the law of the land until the 1940s, so its hardly as if no one has ever considered the possibility. Dr Mike's degree is in Sport Physiology - his expertise does not apply to this area


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"How the Klan is revolutionizing ChatGPT"


Differences exist between ethnic genepools, but we're nowhere near the point of knowing what's due to genepool differences and what's not, because we don't fully understand environmental or cultural factors yet. Poor Economics is a good book to read...learning that short-term childhood malaria lowers lifetime educational attainment and earnings blew my mind.


if this clip blew up, and was on the front page of reddit, twitter and youtube. no ones gonna care that you didnt actually say "some races are smarter than others" everyone knows what you meant.


Race as we understand it in our current society is absolutely a social construct. Ancestral population differences on the other hand are real.

An example of this would be how levantines are not considered white while Southern Italians are, even thought genetically speaking southern italians closter to levantines than to northern europeans. All sub-Saharan Africans are considered part of the so-called black race while light skinned West Eurasians are subdivided into White and brown people. The way ancestral population are classified almost never parallels population clusters.


Mike, I thought you were one of the good thumbs. Damn 😞


Noam Chomsky: “In a non-racist society, the category of race would be of no greater significance [than height]. The mean I.Q. of individuals of a certain racial background is irrelevant to the situation of a particular individual, who is what he is. Recognizing this perfectly obvious fact, we are left with little, if any, plausible justification for an interest in the relation between mean I.Q. and race….”


the based department has taken note of this incident. we are impressed.
