Who Was Ammit?

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Who was Ammit the Devourer?

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have you ever noticed the similarities between  Ammit and the Australian platypus ??, this similarity become more interesting if you study the ancient Egyptian funeral texts describing the only location  Ammit appears is at the end of the night journey to the '' underworld '', just before the place / destination of the god Osiris, the same and only place you see platypus living , if you simply read the ancient texts they tell you its in the 11th hour of the night journey = 28, 390  km west of the river nile, = 17 hours of the suns movement around the globe   . '' Book of the Dead '' texts include descriptions and images of the underworld focuses on the journey of the sun god through the twelve regions '' hours ''  of the underworld. Each region corresponds to an ‘hour’ of the night. At the end of his journey he is reborn each morning as the rising sun, -
During the Ancient Egyptian  long Journey through the first  11 hours of the night /underworld, the deceased’s spirit would have to contend with gods, strange creatures and gatekeepers to reach Osiris, the  chief god of the dead and the afterlife in the '' Hall of Final Judgment.'' located  just before entering the final '' hour '' of the night  where  Osirus lived in paradise, and  where the ;''sun god '' prepared to embark on the days next 12 hour  journey across the sky starting 6 hours east of Egypt and ending 6 hours west of Egypt
-The '' Final Judgment '', Once the journey through the underworld is almost complete, near the end of the 11th  '' hour ''  the deceased reach the ''Hall of Final Judgment.'' to be judged before being granted entry to paradise, in the last '' hour '' of the night
The '' weighing the heart '', The second part of the judgement process was the ‘Weighing of the Heart’ ceremony. If the heart was found to be heavier than the feather, it was fed to  a creature we call Ammut, the ‘Devourer’, and the soul was cast into darkness. If the scales were balanced, the deceased had passed the test and was taken before Osiris who welcomed them into the afterlife.
-The Afterlife, Life in the '' Field of Rushes'' was a reflection of the real world they had just left with blue skies, rivers and boats for travel, gods and goddesses to worship and fields and crops that needed to be ploughed and harvested.


So she's basically Anubis's pet (I am just saying that as a joke)


Those who are behind the scenes and the covers will go down tonight


I now truth eygain was ste room test heart back earht start good depressai star hunter demon in body smoke back old sinner now stop sinner i beieven gods truth true bless now truth i falling doen no end live heart light veer still tell first time hight eerder in live seee end desiny bye


😢😢😢i was some nightmares of this omfg 😂😒


The only thing that an ammit eats is your heart .The Egyptian still think today that the goddess Isis had a pet called and ammit .One day a man died and walked to her she weighed his heart to a feather . The saying is that if your heart is lighter than the feather you shall have eternal life, though if his heart is heavier than the feather he shall suffer the deadly pain of being eaten.


I leard qhat I already know, but still AWESOME


no videos in two years man? that sucks this is well made


please do more stories of more legendary creatures.


Interpretation must also understand the Ancient's view and interpretation. The modern God view and the Ancient's God view are two different perspectives. Often the Hieroglyphic and the metaphor or simile and sometimes opposites that sound alike but represent opposite realities. Such as the Ram and the Egyptian word for Ram or Bull may represent a Pharaoh's Ba, in name only, but sounds like the same word used for the beast of burden with an opposite disposition.

So, hindsight?


Hence the idol, come lately, and profit! A new reality!


All the impalas will be swallowed up and the foolish impala that was tailing me all its herd and herder.
