Brooke Schofield CANCELLED over old tweets and Tana Mongeau is a HYPOCRITE.

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This video is about Brooke Schofield and Tana Mongeau! Enjoy :)

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tana seems mad because brooke is ruining her redemption arc


Tana a hypocrite? *Pretends to be shocked*


Isn’t one of Tana’s big controversies being racist? And she’s pretending to be better? Yikes.


For a podcast called Cancelled, they sure don’t know how to properly handle a cancellation lol

I wish people would realize an apology is supposed to be step one. Growth and change is supposed to follow, and people don’t have to accept the apology if you hurt them!


I know Clinton Kane is eating this up, which makes this whole thing feel even weirder bc I don't want that man feeling any kind of satisfaction


I was cracking up at the apologies, you can tell she doesn’t interact with black people. “No black person deserves that” being murdered??? I hope not???


Tana’s whole speech about it was funny to me, considering the fact that her racist past was worse.

She’s just mad that this might mess up her redemption arc.


it's incredibly important to note that Trayvon's murder was fueled by racism. He was a young black boy walking with a bag of skittles, posing absolutely no threat to anyone around him, and he was murdered. His murderer then profited off of this crime, which is just disgusting. Brooke defending Zimmerman really shows her racial bias.


Idk to me there is such a big difference between a teenager using a slur (still bad!!) and a legal adult saying they think a black kid should have been murdered by the neighborhood watch


In Tana's apology when she said she never wants to use her white privilege... That's when I realized she doesn't really understand the magnitude of this situation. White privilege is horrible and shouldn't exist, but since that's the society we live in, it should be used for good. In fact, it NEEDS to be used.

These are ways white privilege can and should be used:

- Use it to teach other white people the barriers that POC face
- Promise in not only words, but actions to POC that you will listen and amplify their voices. (Never say you want to /give/ anyone a voice either, everyone has a voice. It is our duty to AMPLIFY the voices that get silenced)
- Be actively ANTI-RACIST, not just "not" racist
- Confront injustices that you see no matter how uncomfortable it is

I do want to say at least she is using her white privilege for some good here, by addressing it and donating funds, etc. I'm more so pointing out her word choice and educating anyone who might read this!


The gorilla tweet was actually imo the worst one, it's just not as obvious. It was about a murder of an 18yo black boy named Michael Brown by police, she sure loved dehumanizing and making fun of teenage black boys being killed. The gorilla had a graduation cap because the media was using a graduation photo of Michael gave by his family, if you google his name thats one of the first photos you will see (from what I remember his family didn't appreciate how the media was portraying him, you can probably imagine how, not gonna go through all the racist tropes but basically they were spreading the usual thug narrative and the family gave his graduation photo to change that. That's why Brooke said "the photo media doesn't want you to see" and posted that insanely racist and evil tweet. The gorilla was obviously a very old racist trope but also it was reffering to Harambe who was gorilla shot in a ZOO the same month she tweeted it and it was a huge story. I think we can assume an author of that picture saw Harambe being shot and was reminded about Michael


13:15 Did she learn that minorities are people worthy of basic respect and dignity or did she learn that telling people how much you hate them is not a good look?


Let’s be real, these people will never truly be cancelled because the majority of their fan base aren’t the people who have been affected by their comments.


I cannot cannot concentrate on anything beyond Tana’s MJ looking nose contour. What is going on?!


By the energy of the video, I think Tana has been holding resentment for Brooke since their initial boy drama. Just my take. Her energy in that pod seemed shes eating this up not to mention performative asf


Angelika is so glossing over how horrendously racist and evil Brooke’s tweets are. As much as racism is racism, Tana’s past to me isn’t on the same level as Brooke’s.


tbh i understand what brooke is saying if i was raised by my grandpa, i would’ve had the same homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic (and the only thing stopping him from being racist is being black) ideology that he has, and i didn’t even begin to really understand politics till the last yr or two.

and by the end of this video i’m annoyed. it’s okay for tana to have a racist past but it’s too far when brooke has one, like angelika said this all seems performative. all these companies are okay with working with the CANCELLED podcast, but are suddenly not okay with it when it’s not tana being cancelled.


I grew up similarly to Brooke. Went to a private fundamental baptist school for 13 years, youth group, Sunday school, everything. Even my grandpa listened to Rush and Hannity when I was in the car with him. You know what I never did? Use racial or homophobic slurs, or ever said anyone deserved to be shot no matter what the situation was. Racism is learned, but just because you’re taught racism doesn’t mean you have no choice but to enact it. Not my apology to accept or deny, but I will say you don’t have to forgive everyone. People can change, but there is something in her that made her bold enough to parrot the atrocities she heard. And that is a concerning thing.


Those tweets are horrible. I think people can change but I don't think anyone would be wrong for not forgiving her. Especially POC. Because those are beyond racist.
