A New Path [calm piano music]

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Calm and peaceful piano music you can use as music for stress relief, to relax, to focus, read or while studying, doing creative work or mind work of any kind, to help healing your body and mind, but of course also simply to relax and enjoy.

Title: A New Path | Artist: relaxdaily

My thought of the moment: I just changed naming my piano sessions from giving them numbers to giving them real titles. I’ll try to find titles that are relevant to my life, to what I feel, think, what I care for or how I see or want to see the world with future releases. I hope this will be relevant in some way to you as well and this is OK with you.

I truly hope the music connects.
Michael (relaxdaily musician*)

🎧 Tune into my channel:

♡ Help me to continue this music project beautifully:

Selected popular relaxdaily playlists (save a playlist for updates):

*I’m Michael and I love creating music. I play, compose and record mostly calm and peaceful tunes and started sharing these here on YouTube in 2011.

Music can be much more than just pure entertainment. It can be a meaningful soundtrack that accompanies us through a moment, through a day, a phase, or through life.

Many use my recordings and piano music sessions as background music while reading, doing mind work, to achieve better focus, while studying, while being creative, while coding or designing a product, a service or the world of tomorrow. From your comments I know that my music also works as relaxing music, spa or yoga music, or to set a calm tone at cafes, bars, lounges, in hotels and restaurants, mostly at a low volume.

This project is not as much about a genre as it is about a feeling. A way of life. With my tunes, I try to take a little heat and speed of our generally quite busy lives. A soundtrack for you, when you feel the need for a calm and peaceful, light and positive tune, the relaxdaily way.

Thank you for following, liking, sharing, commenting on and supporting the relaxdaily project!

- Michael a.k.a. relaxdaily

...you are wonderful!

#calm #piano #music
Рекомендации по теме

I am an older person who admires your talent and I pray that some day I will pay the piano in Heaven for God like you do.


Like SO many others have stated, I NEVER get tired of listening to your beautiful piano serenade. It brings so much peace and serenity into my life and is the perfect background work music!


Thank God for a new season. Live forward and see how far you've come and how much you've grown as a person.👍💯


Thanks for sharing your gift of music with us all.


Just finished a very complicated surgery.
I have been listening to you all day, everyday and you really are helping me heal.
I listen to you as I do art and everyday makes a difference
Your talent is changing lives


Gratitude Michael... Love is all Love is in your beautiful creations... New path for all is Love 🙏🕊️💖


Hello, Michael, two years later and I'm still listening to your soul-filled beautiful music coming straight from your ♥heart. Brings tears to my eyes every time I hear the notes. I suppose we are all on a new path, after all we are 2 years older and 2 years wiser. Thank you, dear Michael, stay well and stay safe. I♥ listening to all your music, but of course I have my favorites. Be Good to Yourself is another♥. May God continue to bless you and keep you in His tender loving care. ♥


I let my mind get me into over thinking about money....so I got up out of the chair to sit up in bed and listen to you play while I undo myself! So soothing and expressive.


A great shift from numbers to titles.
This clearly shows that music has life.
Well thought Michael!


I'm very glad that you changed to giving identification to your music sessions with titles from numbering them. The title of this one, "A New Path", is perfectly suitable for me right now. Thank you🌟


So peaceful, thank you for the wonderful music you create, i wish everyone around the wolrd all the best.


...—✨✨and the healing energy comes —✨✨✨✨


My young children listen to your music to fall asleep to at night. Thank you for the quality music and only one ad at the beginning! This relaxes the whole family!


I love your music. I am a Massage Therapist and play it many times...Thank you for sharing your talent on YOU TUBE..


Hi, Michael❗ My new path is in line with doing what is right and good as much as possible - for there are only two paths - right or wrong - I chose right❗So comforting in this time of much needed peace - Thank you 🌷😇👼📖😷


Michael, this is beautiful, and so right for the moment...everyone's life has begun a new path whether they realize it or not...Relaxdaily is my daily relaxation...Thank you, dear Michael, stay well and safe


Very calming, listening to this piece after work. Also, love your titles correlating to your music. I especially like your pieces where you’re playing the piano. Thank you Michael!! 😊☀️


Thank you for sharing your blessings with our world~


This one is especially beautiful. I've been listening as I study. Your music calms my anxious and distracted spirit. Thank you, Michael.


Thank you, my babies love to fall asleep listening to you! Can’t thank you enough
