How Dark Money Convinced You to Vote for Monsters | Peter Geoghegan

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The story of George Soros, fake news & the Americanisation of far right politics

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The difference between uk politicians and US politicians is simply how cheap the UK ones are to buy.


I've followed the work of Peter Geoghegan (and Adam Ramsay) over the past few years, and he has been laser-focused on these crucial matters. Quality journalism from a real journalist. More power to your elbow, Peter.


Fascism on the march. We need to take to the streets.


How do we keep ourselves from speaking in echo chamber's? People watching this probably already agree with it, look at the comments. We need to build real communities that include our neighbours.


Very upsetting to hear but so good to explain this and how these people work and lying for their own benefit.


It's all a bit depressing but food for thought, thanks.


Monsters are the only candidates nominated by the Democratic and Republican Parties so....
Voting for monsters is unavoidable if one votes at all.


Thank you Peter and DDN, probably the most outstanding piece of


Money and influence had always conspired to keep the rich in power. It's just that in the age of the internet we are suddenly able to see the workings.


Its high time politicians are held to account for the words actions statements deeds and promises as this is really the driving force not lobbying but actually lying straight through the front teeth with either inflammatory remarks false statements deeds or promises...The backers know full well an politician can say and do pretty much what he likes and unlike others never ever face the consequences or pay the price. .An example both Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson told the UK electorate that Brexit would bring benefits..However since then many businesses have folded and ceased trading following the Brexit turmoil..Now if an professional gave such advice that proved damaging false negligent or otherwise or if an business's sold an product not fit for purpose or caused you harm despite stating it was safe like say chlorinated chicken then they can expect to face the consequences however if an politician tells you Brexit will be good for Britain and chlorinated chicken is safe but it's found to be not so then there's no consequences no court case for professional neglect no charges of defamation fraud or slander and it's this reason that backers pay them millions to do there dirty but usually illegal work after all what consequences for them telling you the green movement is misguided and wrong over climate change and you should continue buying Oil this as Nigel Farage has stated?...Well none...Let's make these lying politicians face the consequences of there actions so the next time Farage has an go at foreigners and encourages racial violence let's imprison him for his crimes not believe he has right to an opinion which we know to promote racial violence..


I’m so glad I found his channel. At this point I’m looking to move to a country with a sane government or leader but does that even exist?


The best politics channel when it comes to delivering a composed, coherent and powerful message


And the left and Democrats do not do the same? HRC spoke of "vast right-wing conspiracies" and "basket of deplorables." BHO spoke about those who "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them." This is not a right-wing/conservative problem.


It’s not the first nor the last badness that came from Netanyahu.


Advertising works. It's science - Bernays perfected it.
If it didn't work, billions wouldn't be spent plastering TVs, streets, and the internet with adverts.
Also, advertising lies.


It's like a generic episode of Scooby-Doo, where the real villain is always the one yelling the loudest about moral decay or corruption.


Ngl that thumbnail slapps. I want a poster like that for my presidential campaign.


Ok, so what do we do about it?
I've pretty much decided to ignore it now, just to be able to keep my sanity, to prevent more anxiety.
These are events so far above my ability to change or steer, it would be madness to dwell upon them other than with a very passing interest.

Sadly, these events do and will have consequences within my own life - but then, so does climate change, so does the pandemic.
I can do very very little about either of these.

Those who would rally against the injustices of the world would tell me, every action counts. That I shouldn't just do nothing. That I should join an organisation that wants to bring about change.

But I look at history, at so many of these movements and see so many examples where the change that was bought about, through struggle, through violence and through peaceful protest, can often end up, once in power, being the enemy. Being as bad or worse than those they overthrew.

So, you are telling us that dark money is convincing people to vote for monsters - I'm not so sure there's that level of sophistication, in terms of 'convincing'.
This is almost a strange double-edged sword. On one side, there's the "Don't treat people like idiots, they know what they want" and on the other "People will vote for what the mass media convinces them to vote for."

Which one is it?

As far as I'm concerned, this is all just the human condition - we are doomed to repeat mistakes, until our emotional maturity can match our technical prowess.
Then again, our technical prowess isn't exactly putting us in a good place...


Oh mmmm 🤔 this makes sense. Find a common enemy so you convince the people that your money is going towards protecting them rather than secretly going into their own pockets!


Transparency. Look what's happening to Assange... reflect. Decide whether you're a carnivore or a vegan, then act.
