1 Samuel 13 Summary: 5 Minute Bible Study

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Get a quick overview of 1 Samuel 13, including its themes and key events. This article provides a short summary of 1 Samuel chapter thirteen, and will help you understand the book of 1 Samuel as a whole.

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I want to say thank you for your studies. I have a Thai Buddhist 10th grader going to Dream City Christian School in Phoenix living with us.. He is an exchange student. He is learning the Bible from scratch and in 1 Samuel. I have him read and watch your videos which I find great!


Just here to say thank you for creating these videos! They are a tremendous help to my journey of understanding the word. Keep up the great work of God


What a wonderful application. God has used your ministry the past couple of months to answer very serious questions I have.


Not to mention that saul did it for the wrong reasons. Saul was not worried about the lord but himself ultimately.


I agree with you on the application here, and my Pastor needs to take heed to this, as he is stepping out of 1 Timothy.3 when choosing elders deacons ect.
Scotland UK . This has been a help.


Saul failed to wait for God we need to learn that God's time is the right time.


God bless and much love to all ❤🙏 Jesus loves you


Thank you for this study... And unfortunately it's a lot of pastors and prophets that will manipulate this scripture on how to "give"... Trying to guilt trip people on "how" to give missing the main point and cheery picking one verse out of the entire chapter 13 😢


Very interesting in this chapter to read the Israelites would go to Philistines to have their farming equipment sharpened instead of perhaps learning how to do it themselves or work to obtain the equipment. I understand obtaining things was more difficult back in those days pending on what part of the nation you were from, your finances/resources, etc. But I kind of question this being another mistake of Saul. Yes, the relationship and serving God should have been number 1 but if you're in charge of a kingdom and God permits, defense of it from attackers should be a high priority as well unless God says otherwise. I think this is 2 things Saul fails on as a king in this chapter


Sounds like the story of guns, germs and steal when the Spaniards invaded Aztec lands
