After God’s Own Heart - 1 Samuel 13:13-14

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This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik.
Enduring Words for Troubled Times.
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thankyou, i really loved the wisdom God is giving you.


When we put our will above God's will, there is an eerie silence, a long pause to be in the alone-ness of such decisions, a sadness, because our help, our hope is by our choices far away from us. Without a change of heart, there can be no change of hope. We either deny God in our actions and live as such, or we honor God in our lifestyle, and that fruit either way will show.


key take 5 - when you are down and out and in the dumps, forget your pains by helping one another.


Amen Brother David. This is starting out great., Think I might listen to this threw my ear phones, on my walk


Key take 2 - no matter your position, power or wealth - either GOD IS KING in your life, or you are king and a god in your own heart and mind, in your own life.


Last + Best Masterful Insight take of David - Today God is still looking for that one. The man/woman who honors God, puts Him 1st, seeks after His will ... IS THAT YOU???


Key point 3 - A SOFT REPENTANT 🧡 - one that heeds, come let us reason together, that's what God says, come let us reason, together saith the Lord. Tho your sins are as scarlet, they shall be white as snow. ONE comes to confess, and agree with God. I am a sinner. I am in need. I cannot do anything that would be of more benefit to me than to submit to you.


Good take - When God puts someone as King or leader to represent to the people, and they decide to do their own thing, their heart no longer concerned about God who put them in place, can we expect no less from God, that He would in his due time, remove them from their position, power and authority?

One either lives rightly before the Lord - or one chooses not to.
For Saul, he knew about God alright,
but his heart,
his lifestyle,
was far from God as David says.

Today, there are many who go to church,
honor God in song w their lips (for an hour),
toss a (tip out of excess) in the offering
and profess to be Christian.

Once out of the "service" they did not serve in at all,
they resume the life they want to live,
and say grace and love,
it's all good,
when in fact ... it is not
their heart is far from God.

Now is the day, today if one hears,
call upon the Lord,
turn from evil,
meet the Lord Jesus not only in mind,
but in heart, soul, and spirit - in the Word.
May his mercy then save you
to become one who picks up their cross,
dies daily to self,
lives anew in the sacrifice of Christ,
He himself renewing, regenerating, sanctifying.
In Jesus' name, amen.


Key take 4 - what is the temperature of your 🧡. One that loves people, social, inviting, caring, helpful - or are you one who shuns people, loves secrecy, loves privacy, shades are drawn, lights out, hates company, or uninvited guests, not exactly warm or hospitable.

How we LOVE people and ONE ANOTHER is a good temperature gauge indicator of one who follows the Lord


key take: All SIN is a disregard for God!


The issue wasn't over an incident of sin (although even there it rightly could be) - but rather, it was over a repeated pattern of a sinful lifestyle, that made excuses, justified wrongs, and was not repentant.


There used to be an old TV show, "To Tell the Truth" - so I see the one thumb down, I always think good, there is one who maybe can be reached. However often that one is silent. The TV show would challenge - will the real (so + so) please stand up. So if you have a disagreement or dislike, why not share your view so all of us can appreciate + understand where it is you are coming from?


You could almost replace Saul and David with Cain and Abel in that comparison.
