Getting Started - The Fundamentals of Instructing

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In this exciting new episode, you will be learning about the ways of studying for and understanding the Fundamentals of Instructing (FOI's). Be sure to have your PTS out in front of you as I walk you through step by step on how to get started on your way to becoming an FOI master!
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Amazing video dude. I’ve gone through FOI and been pretty unmotivated, but after watching this video, you’ve got me GOIN! It’s so ironically cool to see you use the fundamentals of instructing in your lesson plan today. The way you set out objectives etc… the whole time I was engaged. Truly a really cool example of good instruction and communication. Thanks so much!


These videos are great I don’t think you should put a time limit on yourself I would watch the whole thing even if it was 2 hours


I am studying for CFI now and wanted to comment that years after these videos were made, your instruction is still super effective for learners like me. Thank you! Liked, subscribed and watching everything you’ve generously shared.


FOIs have been the biggest struggle to me throughout training so far but it seems like your series has really been a help to me to finally breaking through and getting ready for this checkride!


Had Todd for my initial MEI training in ATP back in may of 2018 very well presented course. I can personally attest to that what I learned in his class made me a more professional instructor.


Greetings from PDK! Second video in and finding them extremely helpful, I'm just beginning the CFI journey. Thanks for taking the time to put this out for on youtube.


Great presentation. I have my CFII ride scheduled for the end of Feb. this video series will be very helpful. Thanks


Got my Initial tomorrow! Wish me the best ahaha.


Quick Note: the Aviation Instructor Handbook has since been updated from the time this video was uploaded.


I'm found myself very engaged and interested in the way you present Mr Todd! Thank you for this video!


Hi Todd, Im studying for the CFI-s rating and the FOI is killing me. Im going to try your videos out and hopefully it will get me through this. Thanks!


Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom, sir! You're a terrific instructor—I strive to be like that!


Thank you so much for these videos, Mr. Shellnutt! I start CFI ground tomorrow with ATP. You have the rare ability to keep my attention with how you communicate and I intend to attempt to do the same with my future students. You’ve helped me to start thinking like an instructor. We had a new zero time room mate move in recently who was very confused about VORs. I took an hour or so to get on the white board and start explaining them and after that hour he was easily able to answer my questions about using VORs to navigate. It was a pretty great thing to be able to help someone go from total confusion to “oh that isn’t so hard.”


Appreciate the videos Todd, Foi’s are exactly what I am struggling with. CFI initial is Wed 6/26


Question for ‘the’ Todd Shellnutt: I’m currently assembling/writing my CFI binder, gathering resources, and making outlines of material in the ACS/PTS that I can teach from. One area that I struggle with is knowing to what depth to teach these concepts. I hope in an upcoming video or comment, you’ll give some insight about how much detail to present. I wouldn’t want to dig myself into a hole talking about things like canards and stabilator anti-servos on the CFI oral exam if I don’t need to. Thanks for the great videos! — Jared


Thanks for putting all of these videos up on here for free. Helpful resource for people like myself studying or the CFI currently.


Checkride tomorrow. Thanks for putting me at ease 😂


Thank you Todd! Gonna take my CFI Check ride within weeks


I find FOI fascinating. Psychology is always cool


Hello Mr. Shellnutt. I just got my commercial certificate yesterday and the next thing up is But had no clue 🙄🙄 on how and where to start, but thanks to you and this video. I thank you very much for taking your time to make these video. I have one or two questions. 1. Is the aviation instructor's handbook (AIH) the same as the FOI or they are two separate book and the AIH just happens to be the boook you need to get the answer for the questions that is been asked from the FOI?
2. The PTS (now called ACS): is it the commercial level or the private pilot ACS?
3. How many area of Operation? How many task are there in each area of Operation?
