The Barbary States - The Final Yarrs

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Today we start to look at the last half-century of the history of the Barbary States and how they eventually became the architects of their own demise.


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The story of Stephen Decatur and the scuttling of the USS Philadelphia, an operation which Lord Nelson called "the most bold and daring act of the Age" really deserved its own video.


Southern part of Iceland was also raided by the barbar pirates. They are know here as the Turk Pirates and those raids are known as the Turk Raides.


A sad consideration was that the captives were used as motor power for the galleys,
the barbary pirates were notorious for wearing out their rowers quickly, basically working them to death, tossing the bodies overboard then getting a new batch
this was very efficient and saved on food and water in the cargo hold as long as supply was plentiful


So the bottom line is this: Stand up to bullies and save yourself a bunch of trouble later on.


Thomas Jefferson excelled at arguing both sides of an issue simultaneously; that way he could tell himself he was never wrong


The scope of the enslaving depredations visited upon the continously raided coastlines seems to get lost in the casual story telling of merchant vessels in peril.
We are talking about an excess of 1.250.000 western europeans being carried away to abject slavery. Not counting over two million eastern europeans that ended up being sold through Istambul. These figures are staggering and get seldom spoken about.


I have been looking for a barbary doco for so many years.. Finally one, from a high quality content creator. Excellent.


How to negotiate with pirates - you shoot them until they agree to your terms.
How not to negotiate with pirates - give them money and ships for not attacking your merchant navy.

... or just be a Royal Navy at its prime, so noone wants to mess with you to begin with.


Oh Drach, US Marines are very sensitive about their traditions and history. There is no Marine Corps "Anthem." It is the "Marines' Hymn."
Yes, Drill Instructors are very picky about details like that.
Great History! Thank you! Keep up the great work!


I was taught about the Barbary Pirates in school but never to the extent of detail and truth that you imparted. Once again, Sir, masterful piece of work and thank you.


28:50 That painting of US Marines assaulting Derna was painted by Charles Waterhouse, who passed away in 2013. He was a Marine who received a Purple Heart in WWII and became the USMC's only "Artist in Residence" and painted various historical scenes in USMC history from the Continental Marines of the 1770s to US Marines in modern times. I believe the officer depicted here with the red plume holding a musket up and leading his Marines is 1st Lt. Presley O'Bannon, who was later awarded the "sword of the Mamelukes", which serves as the pattern for the current Marine officer's sword, often seen in recruiting ads today. It's a straight blade with an ivory grip, as opposed to the NCO sword, which is a curved blade with a black leather grip.


Pirating was definitely a long established Mediterranean profession. For example, even Julius Caesar had some experience with them.


You are remarkably fair when discussing the awkward occasions of battle between the cousins.
Most Brits cant resist sneering.


This title is genius.

Also, I didn't appreciate how important the Barbary pirates were in the establishment of the US federal government and navy.


I have read something of these pirate slavers. For many piracy was a side issue with slavery being the main reason for the attacks.

Apparently they raided as far north as Iceland, enslaving an entire village. They did the same in Ireland taking most of the population of a village into slavery. Only two of those taken made it back home. In the 16th century slave ships in the English Channel were taken with attempts to raid towns and villages on the English coast. And, of course the Mediterranean islands such as Malta were frequently raided along with European countries with a Mediterranean coastline.

None of this was new. Piracy in the Mediterranean had been a huge problem for the Romans and remained so until they sent out their navy to kill, capture or drive off the pirates. The irony here is that many of the slaves taken by the pirates were actually sold in Roman slave markets.


Please Drach, more of this. Love hearing about the various kinds of Pirates Not Near The Caribbean.


Splendid overview of the barely discussed Barbary events. Slavery is only taught as a American Southern Plantation problem, the educational system is virtually blind to this. World needed an Interpol, c1750.


Way to go Enterprise, kicking ass over the centuries.


Another fun segment. My son is a Marine pilot and carries the Mameluke saber in his dress uniform. The lore is that it was a gift to Presley O’Bannon, the officer in command of the Marines and Arab mercenaries who besieged Derna in Tripoli. Your segments are so informative and well done.


Damn pirates pilfered all my resolutions higher than 360p ...
