Is Sword of Convallaria P2W or F2P Friendly? Here’s the ABSOLUTE TRUTH!

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Is Sword of Convallaria really as pay 2 win as many would have you believe? Let’s discuss why I think that couldn’t be further from the truth in this video.

#swordofconvallaria #swordofconva #clintwulf
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It's Gacha, it will always be p2w, evry single time, don't let the honeymoon phase blind u 👀


Clint, your right eyebrow is three times as thick as your left one.


I see people complaining that the game is too greedy and calculating based on needing 180 pulls for every character. I think many people don't even know that there's a separate pity for 100 pulls that gives you a guaranteed legendary as well.

From everything I've seen so far the game seems very F2P friendly, especially the Spiral of Destiny mode which doesn't let you pay for an advantage at all really. I hope people don't spread false info and turn people away from the game, it seems like the devs crafted something really good here.


with gacha games I don't tend to concern myself with clearing the hardest content, if I can just get through the main story okay then I am good, and thankfully most gacha games these days allow you to experience the main story without investing in the top characters. I still pull on banners but only with the free currency the game provides me, I just consider it worth it to actually pay for the characters.


I think its time we let it out and say that any gacha game is p2w. Thats it. FOMO is the only reason why we are inhaling so much copium that a gacha game is f2p.


Just cut the arguments out. Let’s see how many still here playing after the games released for 3 months. Good enough to prove whether the game is good regardless f2p / p2w.

We talk about how good a game keeping its player.


nobody is gonna be playing this game for 4-6 months if they really think people care more about dupes over getting new characters.

IMO, they could do away with the shard farming and just be more generous with pull currency. That would be better for most f2p and low spenders.

its not about whether or not you can clear content with base characters, its about holding player interest. Only the truly dedicated f2p and low spenders are gonna be playing 3-4 months just to get enough currency to full pity a banner. A vast majority will drop the game cuz it gets boring playing with the same units for months on end. I feel like if they just took notes from Epic Seven, Browndust 2 and other games, this gacha system would be way better.

Not to mention the fact that they have a pve and pvp endgame, the latter one requiring a big playerbase so whales feel that they are getting their money's worth from their maxxed out units and roster. If the game cant retain a healthy amount of f2p and low spenders, then its not looking good for the longterm health of the game.


At least the shard system is there as an option, i would rather have that than nothing 😂


I'll try this game out but it's going to be rough with these pull rates and currency after been playing Brown Dust 2 for a while lol.


so it's like units in Snowbreak where you log in every day to get shards till you max your unit.


Knowing this is developed by XD. I would be surprised if the monetization on global will be different


Sounds reassuring. And I love how your pulls carry over to the next banner, instead of resetting your progress (like some gatcha games that I know. Not saying any names Epic Seven). To me, that's a sign that there are great things to come and we are in good hands.


Clint how much at max pitty would it cost to max a character out of curiosity? Like worst possible luck


180 is good if you want maxed out characters, it sucks if you're just a collector and don't care that much about dupes/maxing out


I guess the discussion about Pay to win has shifted. To me, if you can pay for an advantage in a game, it's pay to win. Which means essentially every mobile game with monetization is a pay to win game.

To me, being free to play friendly and being pay to win are not mutually exclusive things. But I guess in the context of a game like this, of course it's pay to win.

I suppose time will tell about the whole PVP thing since apparently that's in the game. Just started out myself. But having played other games, I've seen a lot of them that have units where if you aren't a spender, you aren't making it out of silver rank.


I just feel the gacha system is very bad. Compare to even predatory games like hoyoverse ones, they (SoC) are even worse.

Imagine 180 pulls to guarantee a 5 star. At least in hoyoverse games, you get it around 70-80 pulls. You can get it earlier and guaranteed for the next.

Here you can lose over and over and over again until you hit 180 pulls and that is a slippery slope. I faced it on my other account that I just threw away.

I played wrongly because I got Inanna and I felt like need to keep that account, pulled her in 4 pulls in Gloria banner. I thought I could fish a Gloria out. But nope. Inanna, Teadon, Guzman. Like is the rate even 50%? Lol~

Then I make a new account. This time I made sure to get Gloria. Then I lucked out on 47 pulls for Beryl. Now I am just fishing for Col. Not guaranteed btw lol~

It just sucks. Not to mention the weapon banner is a no pity banner. So you can potentially be pulling your entire life and not getting a single 5 star if you are extremely unlucky.

The weapon exp material is also scarce af. Imagine only getting 1.4k dust for grinding the radiant weapon thing.

Might just quit if I cannot get Inanna/Col in their banner before end of this month.

Not to mention, the BP is more exp compared to hoyoverse and what is this Col afternoon thing that gives even more advantage to p2p players? PVP mode as well.

This game just stinks EA but it is not. XD

But it is ok as long as I haven't sink a single cent into the game. I'll just play for free atm.


The game literally start with you summoning 10 units by default. That already tells you how much gacha the game really is without any fake reviews. hard pass


Good content Clint. PVP is where I see the obvious whales have advantage, but I think those with the right strategy will be fine F2P otherwise in other modes.


I'd rather pay out a flat amount for a game with a story where i can enjoy the progression and natural grind. Games like Octopath Travelers or Sea of Stars. The last Gotcha game i played was Another Eden.


You kinda contradicting yourself with it being very f2p or generous.
