First Time Hearing Orkiestra online #wdomuzagrane - Co mi Panie dasz (arr. Adam Sztaba) Reaction

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First Time Hearing Orkiestra online #wdomuzagrane - Co mi Panie dasz (arr. Adam Sztaba) Reaction
Orkiestra online #wdomuzagrane - Co mi Panie dasz (arr. Adam Sztaba)

Słowa & muzyka / Lyrics & music: Beata Kozidrak
Aranżacja / Arrangement: Adam Sztaba
Reżyseria & montaż video / Director & video mix: Jacek Kościuszko
Miks dźwięku & mastering / Audio mix & mastering: Leszek Kamiński
Produkcja / Producers: Film Image, SztabMusic - Agnieszka Dranikowska-Sztaba

Wokaliści / Vocals: Natalia Kukulska, Ewa Farna, Ania Karwan, Natalia Nykiel, Kasia Wilk, Kasia Moś, Olga Szomańska, Dorota Miśkiewicz, Cleo, Patrycja Markowska, Kuba Badach, Igor Herbut, Piotr Cugowski, Andrzej Piaseczny, Sebastian Karpiel, Damian Ukeje

732 muzyków / 732 musicians

Flety / Flutes: 47
Oboje / Oboes: 9
Klarnety / Clarinets: 25
Saksofony altowe / Alto Saxophones: 32
Saksofony tenorowe / Tenor Saxophones: 13
Saksofony barytonowe / Baritone Saxophones: 3
Fagoty / Bassoons: 5
Waltornie / French Horns: 16
Trąbki / Trumpets: 43
Puzony / Trombones: 31
Puzony basowe / Bass Trombones: 5
Tuby / Tubas: 2
Kotły orkiestrowe / Timpani: 1
Marimby / Marimbas: 16
Akordeony / Accordions: 3
Gitary elektryczne / Electric Guitars: 47
Fortepiany / Pianos: 33
Instrumenty klawiszowe / Keyboards: 24
Gitary basowe / Bass Guitars: 61
Perkusje / Drums: 57
Instrumenty perkusyjne / Percussions: 8
Cajon: 1
Skrzypce / Violins: 129
Altówki / Violas: 54
Wiolonczele / Cellos: 48
Kontrabasy / Double Basses: 19

Angielskie tłumaczenie / English translation: Ewa Bielecka
Niemieckie tłumaczenie / German translation: Jacek Łaszczyk
Adam Sztaba - composer, arranger, conductor, pianist, music producer from Poland, created the "lockdown anthem" in April 2020 in collaboration with artists. It was a time when performances, concerts and meetings were banned in Poland because of COVID. The artists recorded at home with what they had and then everything was edited into a joint performance. I don't know if you've heard it and if you'll like it, but I still get goosebumps listening to this song. The lyrics of the song in English: "Lord, what are you going to give me?"

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Orkiestra online #wdomuzagrane - Co mi Panie dasz (arr. Adam Sztaba)
Рекомендации по теме

Dewastujące emocjonalnie za każdym razem. A oglądałem setki razy. Uwielbiam obserwować reakcje ludzi którzy słuchają tego pierwszy raz - zawsze to samo - opad kopary i napięcie na granicy zgonu.


Poles can do miracles. But from the beginning. The music video was made at the beginning of the Covid pandemic when practically everyone was locked down. Composer Adam Sztaba ( plays at the beginning of the music video ) decided to keep people busy . He invited several Polish singers and amateur musicians. 732 amateur musicians more precisely.
Flety / Flutes: 47
Oboje / Oboes: 9
Klarnety / Clarinets: 25
Saksofony altowe / Alto Saxophones: 32
Saksofony tenorowe / Tenor Saxophones: 13
Saksofony barytonowe / Baritone Saxophones: 3
Fagoty / Bassoons: 5
Waltornie / French Horns: 16
Trąbki / Trumpets: 43
Puzony / Trombones: 31
Puzony basowe / Bass Trombones: 5
Tuby / Tubas: 2
Kotły orkiestrowe / Timpani: 1
Marimby / Marimbas: 16
Akordeony / Accordions: 3
Gitary elektryczne / Electric Guitars: 47
Fortepiany / Pianos: 33
Instrumenty klawiszowe / Keyboards: 24
Gitary basowe / Bass Guitars: 61
Perkusje / Drums: 57
Instrumenty perkusyjne / Percussions: 8
Cajon: 1
Skrzypce / Violins: 129
Altówki / Violas: 54
Wiolonczele / Cellos: 48
Kontrabasy / Double Basses: 19
Wokaliści / Vocals: Natalia Kukulska, Ewa Farna, Ania Karwan, Natalia Nykiel, Kasia Wilk, Kasia Moś, Olga Szomańska, Dorota Miśkiewicz, Cleo, Patrycja Markowska, Kuba Badach, Igor Herbut, Piotr Cugowski, Andrzej Piaseczny, Sebastian Karpiel, Damian Ukeje.


Adam skupił wokół siebie cudownych ludzi, gdy lockdown i zrobili to co słychać i widać. Ciągle jestem pod wrażeniem i ciary na skórze. Cieszy, że poza granicami Polski też odbiór równie emocjonalny i podoba sie


I have heard this songs so many times, and yet I get goosebumps every single time!!


Jeszcze dużo dobrej muzy z Polski przed wami ;)


It was a pandemic time and the chorus is - "What will you give us Lord in this uncertain time"🙏


How did they even manage to syncronize it all? Amazing, soft and clear voices! And the OMG. This is something, that should be heard by everyone.

Those are all popular Polish singers, not a random amateur singers :)


Adam Sztaba who made this video and the singers are all famous polish artists.


Świetna reakcja, wielkie dzięki z Polski


All singers are very known famous artists, not some amateurs. They are from the pop, rap, rock, and soul genres.


720 Artystów się zjednoczyło do 1 utworu ❤❤❤❤


I grew up in the 80s with heavy metal bands watched lots of your videos for nostalgia, I'm half Polish and I came across this song while watching polish tv I absolutely love it a bit surreal to watches with you guys love from uk🇬🇧


That was 3 years ago, but I get goosebumps every time I hear it.


Kiedy tylko o tym usłyszałem - bez wahania keyboard YAMAHA E413 tam jest - Polski projekt i muszą być Polscy muzycy - nikt nie wiedział jak to wyjdzie - zaufaliśmy Adamowi i dobrze zrobiliśmy


6:32 The vocals are done by famous Polish singers; some of them had peak careers already in the 1990s and 2000s; to name a few: Natalia Kukulska (very famous), Ewa Farna (a bit younger star of the bunch), Cleo (have you ever heard "Slavic Girls" from the Eurovision Contest, that's her), Patrycja Markowska (singer and daugther of Grzegorz Markowski a very famous singer from the band called Perfect), Piotr Cugowski (singer, son of Krzysztof Cugowski, the singer of Budka Suflera, one of the top old Polish bands), Andrzej Piaseczny (VERY famous in the 1990s, probably all the female teenagers had a crush on him), Sebastian Karpiel (from Zakopower, a band that mixes energetic sounds with folk music).


Pięknie Polacy sa wspaniali Umią się bawic Orkiestra Ada Sztaby super❗️


Merry-go-round is rushing, music is still playing in the speakers I can feel my whole body moving to the rhythm And one, and two, and three, and lift up hearts, large smile Vigilance is sleeping, I feel a bit sick, as if [I ate] a piece of apple-pie in the morning Chorus: Lord, what shall Thou give me in these uncertain times? Which words will cradle my soul [and] my future for the rest of these years? Some old rags, so that I could sit on my butt And is it worth it or not; I pour strong vodka down my throat to ease my grief So what that I have bare belly and patched up top I can feel that blow of the wind, it makes my head fall off And one, and two, and three, and I don't feel cold at all To spit from above, to chew gum; here, everything is allowed Chorus: Lord, what shall Thou give me in those uncertain times? Which words will cradle my soul [and] my future for the rest of those years? Some old rags, so that I could sit on my butt And is it worth it or not; I pour strong booze down my throat to ease my grief Merry-go-round is rushing, music is still playing in speakers I can feel my whole body moving to the rhythm And one, and two, and three, and lift up hearts, large smile Vigilance is sleeping, I feel a bit sick, as if [I ate] a piece of apple-pie in the morning Chorus: Lord, what shall Thou give me in those uncertain times? Which words will cradle my soul [and] my future for the rest of those years? Some old rags, so that I could sit on my butt And is it worth it or not; I pour strong booze down my throat to ease my grief


Jestem w szoku😮 trafiłam na ten kawałek przypadkiem 😦


it was recorded during lock-down. It's why all worked separately, from home. And main guy responsible for this - Adam Sztaba - you can see him in first minutes - playing piano. and than start conduct. He's conductor.


''Polish Metal Alliance'' is similar and worth listening to.
