ASIAN REACTS to Orkiestra online - Co mi Panie dasz (Adam Sztaba)

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Asian reacting to Orkiestra online - Co mi Panie dasz (Adam Sztaba). Asian reacts to polish music, asian reacting to poland.


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It’s a cover song of rock hit from 80’s, made originally by group Bajm (you read it Baim). It was made during COVID-19. In 80's our rock music was like a manifest of non-easy time during communism, which has fallen few years later, after 1989. The song is quite universal, every era has its struggles. 🙂


Over 700 musicians took part in it. They had 3 days for recording. Then it was mixed over the next 4 days by 4 different editors. Everything was organised and the music arranged by Adam Sztaba - the guy you see at the beginning and the end.


W nagraniu piosenki online udział wzięło 732 muzyków i kilkanaścioro wokalistów. Kompozytor przekazał, że przed nagraniem muzykom przekazane były tylko nuty. Każdy z instrumentalistów wybierał sobie jakąś swoją partię instrumentu, którym włada. To były waltornie, flety, oboje, klarnety, trąbki, puzony, ale też gitary elektryczne. Instrumentaliści, którzy wzięli udział w projekcie, nie wiedzieli, że będą akompaniować gwiazdom. Adam Sztaba zdradził w rozmowie, dlaczego zdecydował się przygotować nową aranżację tego utworu. - Ta niepewność jutra, my mieliśmy każdy dzień zaplanowany, a nagle mamy przestój i nie wiemy, co dalej. I o tym jest ta piosenka. Tego tekstu nie ma dużo, ale myślę, że te pojedyncze frazy, zdania, które się pojawiają, doskonale komentują nasze nastroje, które nami targają od jakiegoś czas - opisał sytuację artystów w dobie pandemii Covid-19


The guy you told to chill is actually singing using the technique typical for Polish ethnic group from region of Tatra mountains 😉


This song was made during the covid pandemic, when everyone was sitting at home and it was hard to leave their homes. Everyone was afraid of catching covid and 100 thousand people died in Poland. This video was remixed and the musicians and singers recorded their sections in their homes. This song had power at that time, a time of uncertainty about tomorrow, a time of pandemic.


Bajm used to be almost a rock or pop-rock band. Polish rock music, of course, was not very original, but in the entire Eastern Bloc only in Poland rock was allowed. First it was soft-rock in Poland called big beat. Later, other genres of rock appeared. In the 1970s, Hungary also opened up to rock music. Everyone knows the song by Omega called "Girl with Pearly Hair".


Haha, the first male singer who you said has a really good voice is Igor Herbut, please check out the song "Mamo tyś płakała" that he recorded with Sanah. He is my favourite male voice in Poland. The one where you said "Chill man, chill" is Sebastian Karpiel-Bułecka, he is a famous leader of a highlander band Zakopower (name comes from the city in the Tatra Mountains - Zakopane), so his way of singing is quite unique ;)


You should react to LemOn - Napraw. The lead singer is the guy that you said has a really good voice. And his voice really shines in the Napraw song.


Wokaliści / Vocals: Natalia Kukulska, Ewa Farna, Ania Karwan, Natalia Nykiel, Kasia Wilk, Kasia Moś, Olga Szomańska, Dorota Miśkiewicz, Cleo, Patrycja Markowska, Kuba Badach, Igor Herbut, Piotr Cugowski, Andrzej Piaseczny, Sebastian Karpiel, Damian Ukeje

732 muzyków / 732 musicians

Flety / Flutes: 47
Oboje / Oboes: 9
Klarnety / Clarinets: 25
Saksofony altowe / Alto Saxophones: 32
Saksofony tenorowe / Tenor Saxophones: 13
Saksofony barytonowe / Baritone Saxophones: 3
Fagoty / Bassoons: 5
Waltornie / French Horns: 16
Trąbki / Trumpets: 43
Puzony / Trombones: 31
Puzony basowe / Bass Trombones: 5
Tuby / Tubas: 2
Kotły orkiestrowe / Timpani: 1
Marimby / Marimbas: 16
Akordeony / Accordions: 3
Gitary elektryczne / Electric Guitars: 47
Fortepiany / Pianos: 33
Instrumenty klawiszowe / Keyboards: 24
Gitary basowe / Bass Guitars: 61
Perkusje / Drums: 57
Instrumenty perkusyjne / Percussions: 8
Cajon: 1
Skrzypce / Violins: 129
Altówki / Violas: 54
Wiolonczele / Cellos: 48
Kontrabasy / Double Basses: 19


700+musicians recorded that at their own home and Adam Sztaba mixed it into one


732 muzyków / 732 musicians

Flety / Flutes: 47
Oboje / Oboes: 9
Klarnety / Clarinets: 25
Saksofony altowe / Alto Saxophones: 32
Saksofony tenorowe / Tenor Saxophones: 13
Saksofony barytonowe / Baritone Saxophones: 3
Fagoty / Bassoons: 5
Waltornie / French Horns: 16
Trąbki / Trumpets: 43
Puzony / Trombones: 31
Puzony basowe / Bass Trombones: 5
Tuby / Tubas: 2
Kotły orkiestrowe / Timpani: 1
Marimby / Marimbas: 16
Akordeony / Accordions: 3
Gitary elektryczne / Electric Guitars: 47
Fortepiany / Pianos: 33
Instrumenty klawiszowe / Keyboards: 24
Gitary basowe / Bass Guitars: 61
Perkusje / Drums: 57
Instrumenty perkusyjne / Percussions: 8
Cajon: 1
Skrzypce / Violins: 129
Altówki / Violas: 54
Wiolonczele / Cellos: 48
Kontrabasy / Double Basses: 19


When translating the text, people from various countries believe that it is a religious song. But that's not true. Probably mistaking the meaning of the phrase "what will you give me, Lord". Meanwhile, the word Lord may refer to a god. But it is also commonly used as a polite phrase. For example, hello, Mr. Generally speaking, a master is someone who has power over something. The lord over the land, property, or stands higher in the social hierarchy. Master, servant relationship.
In Polish, the meaning of a sentence can be changed using intonation. Or saying a sentence in a context.
The year the song was written was one of the darkest times for Poland and Poles. This is the period of martial law. The state of war in Poland officially lasted from December 13, 1981 to July 22, 1983. The year 1982 was the heart of darkness. These are tanks on the streets, arrests and persecution of the population. And before the declaration of martial law, there was a wave of social unrest and a threat of military intervention by Russia in Poland. It was definitely not a good time.
For me, for a Pole who experienced these events, the lyrical side is 15 out of a possible 10 points. Unfortunately, the meaning of the text fades over the years, not to mention translation.


I've watched numerous reactions to this piece ( I love it), but your's is the best one, many comments, really going into details. It was fun to listen to you.


1982 a home war year, the remake in pandemic thus those lyrics were on point.


My recommendation is " Zegarmistrz swiatla purpurowy".1972.


W języku polskim jest dużo naśladowania odgłosów przyrody. Na przykład słowo "szeleścić" rzeczywiście oddaje dźwięk jaki wydają poruszające się liście na wietrze. Nasz język jest bardzo rozbudowany i skomplikowany, dlatego mamy jednych z najlepszych programistów komputerowych na świecie. Angielski ALFABET jest zubożoną wersją naszego ABECADŁA mającego więcej znaków.


This song came out after martial law was declared in Poland in 1981. It's about uncertainty of the future, settling for scraps, and existing rather than living, despair that essentially becomes giving up and going with the flow. Going through the motions to the extent of feeling nauseated and getting a headrush like being on a merry-go-round or eating an apple pie on the morning. Ignoring the reality although you known exactly what it is. Those who like I grew up in communism, understand this feeling of being trapped and confined in a reality created for you but that you don't control. Think of the Matrix. Some fight it, some embrace it. But everybody is in it, and they exist in the now, regardless of how they feel. So, you might as well get drunk to numb your pain. Greetings from Florida.


732 musicians and a dozen or so vocalists took part in the online recording of the song. The composer reported that only the notes were given to the musicians before recording. Each instrumentalist chose his own part of the instrument he plays. These were French horns, flutes, oboes, clarinets, trumpets, trombones, but also electric guitars. The instrumentalists who took part in the project did not know that they would be accompanying the stars. Adam Sztaba revealed in an interview why he decided to prepare a new arrangement of this song. - This uncertainty of tomorrow, we had every day planned, and suddenly we have downtime and we don't know what to do next. And that's what this song is about. There is not much of this text, but I think that these single phrases and sentences that appear perfectly comment on our moods that have been affecting us for some time - he described the situation of artists in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic


This song was made in 2020 lockdown. All musicals ate very fame in Poland 😀 But u have to listen old version - Bajm "Co mi Panie dasz" ❤❤❤
