25 BIZARRE Dog Facts You Need To Know

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If you own a dog, you should check out the bizarre dog facts found on today’s list. Even if you don’t own a dog, you’ll be blown away by how awesome these animals are. Check out these bizarre dog facts you need to know.

Most people know that dogs are awesome. But you might not realize how awesome they are. Today, we’re going to share some incredible dog facts that you might not know so feel free to check these out (and our photo credits and sources). Also, let us know in the comments below which of these dog facts you think is the best:

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Did you know dogs sometimes smell like Fritos? The reason behind this phenomenon may take you by surprise. We all know that a dog’s sense of smell is greater than ours. But have you considered how much greater than ours it is? It’s significantly greater and some of the things dogs can smell will blow your mind. Speaking of minds, did you know that dogs can dream like us? Check out the rest of these 25 bizarre dog facts you need to know.

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Questions: How many of our fans own dogs? What breed are they? and how old? - Juan


Literally don't know how I'm ever going to live without my dog someday... we've been together 24/7 for the past decade. 😕 Dogs are soooo special.


Gosh I miss my dogs, you guys forgot one more fact, and it's that dogs make us fall in love with them like they are our own children


My brother has a diabetic alert dog. Not only will he alert his owner, but will alert other people close by that their blood sugar is at a dangerous level


Omg I always tell my family that my dogs' feet smell like corn chips. I guess I'm not crazy!


Thank you for NOT selling our dogs short! From the time I came home after being born I have had a dog in my life, 51 years. I started off in the 4H club "training", then discovered by accident how intelligent they truly are by "teaching" them (also trained a cat - they too are incredibly intelligent AND willing to learn if motivated correctly).
Intelligence of a two year old human child indeed, some a little more than that and some a bit less. It's not just about the tricks and commands a dog learns rather how aware they are! That to me is the real test of intelligence and I have tested them thoroughly!
It truly annoys me when people say "Your dog is so well mannered, sweet and smart." I want to reply with "Your's isn't?" Train your dog sure, come, sit, stay etc, but teach your dog EVERYDAY! Expose them to the world, people, other animals, emotions, everything you would a human child and see for yourself the rewarding possibilities for you and your dog!


I have two large dogs. They are both rescues. Cammy is a black/chocolate Labrador 13 yrs. old and Lilah is a Newfoundland/ Shepard mix 11 yrs old. We got Cammy from a horrible place that claimed to be a rescue but was more of a greedy woman who mistreated puppies and was shut down. Lilah was rescued by a great place that took her and 12 other dogs from a kill shelter. Cammy is 57 lbs. and Lilah is 85 lbs. They are both so sweet. They both love cats which is good because we have 7. Lilah treats them as her children lol. They still love to play and I always make sure that they are healthy and happy since they are getting older. I love dogs and I will always have dogs in my life. They love you unconditionally and they understand what you are feeling and always give great kisses to help make your day better.


My wife and I have a ten year old Pit Bull/Dutch Shepherd mix named Tucker. He is a very loyal, intelligent, and friendly dog.
We also have two 7 year old male cats, named Tazman and Beamer. They are brothers.


My dog learned how to purr from my daughter's cats! It's hilarious.


My Chihuahua sleeps on my bed nightly. She sleeps next to me every night and she gets pissed when ever somebody walks into my room to wake me.


My pit actually saved me from getting hit by lightening on my porch last year. It was storming about 30 miles away and I didn't know but he did. He shoved me in my door about 3 seconds before lightening hit the bird feeder I was messing with. The lightening blew the bird feeder apart and it caught on fire or what was left did. He's never shoved me like that before or since. I swear he knew what was happeneing.


Who else afte watching dog vids wants to hug they're dog


I have a teacup chiauhau who's 4 yrs old. She helped me when I had depression after my dad died.


My dog is beating the odds agewise than. She's a Shepherd Husky mix and she will be going on 15 this Halloween and still has more energy than the Lab who's only going to be 8 this June. The vet is always impressed with my dog's amount of energy, which is usually put into fighting the vet exam the entire time.

I understand why my dog is afraid of the vet now though. The last time we were there I was sitting on the floor with my dog and the vet came in with a needle in one hand and a muzzle in the other, because my dog's first response is to bite, and he looked a little too excited to be there. I got the shit scared out of me from that.


I love my dogs💖 I have a 6 year old pitbul and a 4 year old schnauzer & I used to foster a schnauzer named daisy she is 6 now, I miss her 😔 i gave her away and shes doing great she won 3 place in a dog show last year 😄


For a few seconds, I thought support Dogs were secretly assassins xD


Ah, but can you explain why it's fun to scratch a dog to make both hindfeet trying to scratch at the same time?


They can also detect high blood pressure and seizures!


I had a dog who was terrified of thunderstorms, we always knew when a storm was on it's way due to her behaviour, usually an hour before we could hear it.
Another of our dogs could sense when my cat would have a seizure, he would get very clingy and then would gently try to hold the cat down while it had the seizure.


When you and your dog is lost in a jungle, you can use your dog as a compass. Lol! Wait until it poop, to know the direction. 😂
