Ford and GM's SHOCKING $300 Billion Debt Crisis

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Ford and GM came close to collapse a decade ago in the financial crisis and automotive bailouts of 2008 and 2009. Is the Coronavirus putting them back on track for bankruptcy? Or could there possibly be a deeper root cause to the industry’s dysfunction and the automotive manufacturers’ accumulation of billions of dollars in debt? Is America, and the world at large, ready to move on without the car companies of the last century?
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If you know your dad is going to bail you out of any trouble you get into at anytime, you're going to make stupid decisions.


a company that is not making a profit should be restructured or shut down. why are they allowed to be dependent on shares?


Toyota seems to have the right formula, IMO. They’ve been developing and perfecting hybrid systems for 24 years now and they are starting to implement it into all their vehicles. Great fuel mileage while keeping ICE.


The batteries in theses cars are really bad for the environment


Well if both companies sold better and more fresh vehicles they would be in less trouble. They spend to much on slight refreshes.


The big three car companies have always had their heads in their Buts. After over a 100 years you would think that they would learn. Adapt or die. Just Saying.


Ford took a 5.9 billion loan from the DONE and is paying that back in interest. Most of Ford’s supposed debt is actually customer loans via Ford Credit and not the black hole you think


People will not switch to EV because high cost of vehicles and who in their right mind will charge for 30 minutes . You will need a lot of charging stations.


I can see why. Neither has a selection of sedans. They are becoming more and more expensive on the used car market. What are they making? SUV. Each of them have multiple SUV and not only are they competing with other manufacturers, they're competing with themselves. Bioth are putting and seem to be concentrating more on technology than producing a vehicle that people really want. Living in Montana, an EV is not a prctical car except for localcommuting because towns and cities are so far apart.
We have both a Ford and a GM sedan which are in excellent shape and we will not be spending the money that carmakers are expecting buyers to pay for.


Just to clarify - Tesla has never shown a profit - it's all speculation on the future. A new battery technology could emerge that would change all the plans made in todays EV. And that means any car maker with the ability to change fast enough will cash in. Everything relies on the most expensive component - the battery. A few other factors - there are not enough charging stations and they are expensive to build - EV's don't do that well in very hot or very cold environments - they don't fare well in long distance or towing scenarios. They are excellent in cities or close commuting - not so well everywhere else.


For ever debt vehicle brand owners. See many vehicle factories own thousanths of electrical engeneers as a workers and administrators managing accounts from vehicle brands... Does workers cant loose jobs.... Thats lets say 1 million plus workers from some vehicle companies economy and jobs will drop. I LOVE YOU ALL.


Bankruptcy isn’t always a disaster it happens and you survive


Its a catch 22. Make lots of successful EVs - you just sunk your ICE market. Carry on with ICE, your doomed...


This is misinformation. Always be wary of headlines with "crisis" in them. CLICKBAIT
