How I Went From Stage 3 Colon Cancer To NO CANCER Detected In 4 Months! | Fred Evrard

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As a doctor, I am always keen to learn from patients who have managed to heal themselves by taking control of their own health. I recently became aware of Fred Evrard, who was diagnosed in 2020 with stage 3 colon cancer and in just four months he was cancer-free. I have seen his medical records and was interested to speak to him about his journey.

As doctors, I think we need to me more open minded and learn from patients who take alternative paths to getting better. TO BE CLEAR, I AM NOT RECOMMENDING THAT ANYONE NECESSARILY SHOULD IMPLEMENT WHAT FRED DID IN THEIR OWN LIFE. I am well aware that being diagnosed with cancer can be extremely scary and fear inducing. I would always recommend you discuss any therapeutic options with a qualified healthcare professional.

As you will hear in this conversation, Fred engaged in a variety of different measures that he believes helped him to heal including:
- fasting
- breathwork
- ketogenic diet
- positive mindset
- psychotherapy
- as well as 3 sessions of chemotherapy rather than the 24 sessions that his doctors recommended.

This is a really powerful conversation that I believe can give hope and insight to anyone suffering with a chronic disease. I hope you enjoy listening and if you know anyone who you feel may benefit from hearing this conversation, please do share this video with them.

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DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.
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Stress is the number 1 cause of many or maybe all illness. My Dad was diagnosed with Prostate cancer 35 yrs ago, he did the surgery, we choose not to do chemo after talking with his Doctor. I change his diet, no flesh food, no fry foods. I steam vegetables, I also give him juices, I basically juice any and everything. I research and eliminate things that are not good for him and increases foods that will help. He is still alive now, no cancer cells developing and he is 87yrs now and will celebrate another birthday in December. Giving God thanks for his Grace and Mercies


My wife who was 24 died from Renal cancer in February 2020 after first being diagnosed with a 13cm tumour outside her left kidney. She had no symptoms at all. How we found out was that she didn't have her period and we actually went to the doctor thinking that she was pregnant.
Our life changed dramatically and I write this to explain our experiences in the hope that someone may learn from our mistakes.
One week after the diagnosis she had a 6 hour operation to remove the tumour. It was successful however the surgeon expressed concern over 4 smaller tumours they found while operating. 4 months after the operation she was back to normal health and the first mistake we made was not maintaining the mindset she had while recovering. Once diagnosed you need to maintain 100% surveillance of your body even if your feeling good.
After watching this video I agree entirely with what the guy is saying. From all the many other cancer patients and their families we met over the next 18 months everyone has a different journey on how they treat their cancer. Everyone has a different set of genetics, physical condition, tolerance of pain, body type and mindset. So just because one treatment works for someone doesn't mean it's going to work for you.
The mistake we made and this is why I'm writing this was we changed our treatment plan many many times. We would hear how stage 4 cancer patients had recovered on natural medicines, on certain types chemotherapy, from fasting, new pharma medicines that had come out. You name it we tried it. So we were constantly changing the way we attacked the cancer. Please if you have cancer do your research with your family and loved ones and pick the best course for you and stay with it. Constantly get blood tests and see if there's improvement.
From what my wife went through it was 2 years of hell for her not only from the cancer and pain but people with good intentions constantly telling us how she should attack the cancer. Why are you doing it like that, you should be doing it like this blah blah blah and that's just the doctors.
When the cancer had spread into her left ovary we went to 4 different doctors. 2 told us she needed immediate surgery 2 told us she needed chemo or radiation therapy.
As much as loved ones from family n friends want to help you stay strong and do it your way.
Until you get into the situation you have absolutely no idea what to do and many times she would cry because it became so overwhelming.
So please do your own research as it's your life and go down the path your comfortable with.
Mindset is so important. Stay strong and fight.

I'm so proud of my wife I never knew how hard she could fight being such a soft person. Life is really not fair.


Thank you for this video!! Wow. I'm SO excited with fasting. There are 5 in my body. Two tumors in breast, another in cavernous brain area and two in liver. I will be fasting 21 days and will focus on my mindset. Thank you for blessing me with this video. This video is a God sent and not a coincidence. All the tumors will disappear in my body too. I believe it.


I can’t believe you’re 50 years old Fred, you look about 26 years old, good work and you’re an inspiration to others.


I have Stage 3C high grade serious carcinoma Ovarian Cancer. Diagnosed in October of 2017. The life expectancy of 5 years is 45%. I currently have tumors in my body. I had debunking surgery in November 2017 and multiple chemo series, my first in December 2017. I haven’t had any radiation. I have my own “holistic” practices. I visualize the chemo going into my body, as positive and healing. I don’t put negative labels on treatments. I have a positive attitude. I believed from day one- I would be alive in 5 years and 5 years from now I will be alive. I know the science of OC and actively participate in discussions regarding my test results and treatments. I do not make Cancer the focus of my life. I live my life. I eat healthy I don’t drink alcohol. Champagne on my birthday doesn’t count, my birthday was in July I celebrated 60 years. I maintain my personal grooming. I dress true to my style, I have always loved fashion. I style my hair when I have it. Maintain my skincare and wear perfume. Just like I always have done. I eat well and have normal glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, urine. The point I want to make is I have Cancer but Cancer isn’t me- I’m not a victim of Cancer I have a soul of strength, I don’t think I ever acknowledged that pre-C, but it has always been there. I have a soul filled with happiness. I wii die someday as everyone will. This is my journey in life and I will continue to move forward. If you see yourself in me- or don’t be proud of your strength and beauty. Live your life- be happy.


This story is great. It resonates with my story in a different way. You see after being diagnosed with stage four oesophagus cancer I was expected to die in 9 months from March 2021! As you can see I am still alive today the 12th of December 2022. Like that gentleman I rejected what I call the NHS “oncologist cancer trajectory group think” I decided to do my own thing to beat the 9 months trajectory. My motivation are my three grand children, Mia, Eva and Iris that are under 8 years old.First and foremost I rejected anti-depressant pain killers ;because I believe they are designed to send the cancer patient to the grave quietly and quickly without being able to question the group think trajectory of cancer patient life expectancy of stage four cancer suffers into various silos; eg colon x month, liver y, oesophagus 9 months etc. The human body is a complex machine. No simple group solution to. Stage four cancer applies to all the patients in that group. I am now writing a book about my experience including the blatant abuse by the research hospital that put me on a “a so called miracle new drug”. Results. The NHS hospital crippled me by damaging my long nerves. No balance, unable to walk, wiggle my toes, unable to bend my fingers, couldn’t dress my self, No showers or baths without the help of my dear wife. Grade 4 peripheral neuropathy. Did the hospital research doctor care? No because he believed that I would be dead in 9 months and Nobody would know about it! I am now waiting a book to tell my story unless I do kick the bucket in the next six months. I am halfway at the moment. My first draft will be ready in the spring next year .


I did work for a guy in Boca Raton florida last year who was 'diagnosed' with C and told he had 4 or 5 months to live.
He went on a total raw fruit and vegetable diet, he and i ate raw turmeric root in his kitchen a couple of times. He said after a period of time he went back to his 'doctor and was told it was all clear. His doc couldn't believe it. I believe it


He didn’t become his own doctor, he became the driver who decided his journey. Most people seek medical advice, sit in the back seat, and wait to see where the ride is taking them. That is the difference.


This guy is really amazing . What I see is
1. He practices gratefulness
2. Has ability to fight fear
3. Able to connect with body by listening to what body is saying
4. He is logical in his thoughts .
5. Good life practices like meditation, discipline
6. Blessed with money which has also helped him to be stress free
He is amazing no matter what the result


He is 50???? Okay, he's definitely been doing something right o.o I thought he was like 35. Amazing success story, i think this will really empower a lot of us. Thank you so much for sharing 💖


I agree to this..i was booked for a hysterectomy with myomas on uterus.I cancelled the procedure and start eating clean, exercise and drank lots of water..after 1 year they measured the myomas and they had shrinked...15 years later still no need for hysterectomy


If you are in a toxic relationship when you are ill - get out because our emotional wellbeing will directly affect our physical health. We need a community of people cheering for us in order to heal. The body's ability to heal itself is amazing when we give it what it needs. Rest from physical and emotional toxicity as well as resting from digesting food is amazing.


I am 32 now, I had cancer when I was 16 (Stage 3b Hodgkins Lymphoma) The chemo completely destroyed me body. I wish this sort of information was around when I was undergoing my treatment.


What becomes very clear in this conversation is that mindset is crucial - taking control of the healing process, not having a victim mentality, taking responsibility for your own health, educating yourself with research.


What he’s saying is true about what happens to the brain after getting a diagnosis. My husband is a mechanic, about 4 months ago he was treated for a stomach ulcer. After the meds he felt fine again and went to work and lived normally. His mistake was going back to eating outside of the diet. Then as soon as he got his cancer diagnosis he won’t get out of bed, he is too weak to work.. can barely eat. But before knowing about it he was eating just fine.. it’s crazy how powerful the mind is. I only wish my husband would grasp this.


I love this man's honesty about the daily conflict in his mind concerning whether to do chemo vs Chinese medicine or fasting.


From this video
1. Keto diet - beef + good oil.
2. No negative videos, films, no arguments, no stress.
3. Sufficient rest
4. Keep insulin low by fasting, eat once a day.
5. Sufficient exercise and mentally disciplined to fight cancer
6. 3 sessions of chemo to stop the pain
I don't have any cancer, I like to stay healthy and I'm into natural healings.
Best wishes to all.


So true, stress triggers the cancer, may God help us to be stressed free


He has taught us a great lesson. He refuses to outsource his health to doctors. We live in an era when almost all information is easily accessible, we have no excuse not to take control of our own health and treatments.


Wow. Awesome testimony. I cannot BELIEVE this man is 50. I need some Tai chi, relaxation, meditation, breath work in my life. For real. I'm in my 40s now and I have got to prioritize REST and REGENERATION... Happy and Successful healing friends 🙏
