Mega Man X MAVERICKS Ep. 2 - Storm Eagle (3D fan-film) - a Blender short

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It's finally here! After roughly four months, the second episode of my Mavericks series is finally complete.

"Mavericks" is my own fictional series about the events after Mega Man X.
It basically asks the question: What if all the Maverick Bosses survived? Showing their side of the events.

My plan is to create one short 2-3 minute episode for each of the eight mavericks and let all of those come together in 2 final episodes. Those will take months each, so please be patient :)

It was such a great time but also waaaaaay more work than I anticipated :D But I also learned a lot! After 1.5 years of using blender, so far this is my proudest work.
To learn how to create robots and rig them properly, please see Blender Secrets' course on Hard Surface Modeling. If you the link below, I'll get a little cut of the sale. That's a great way of supporting us and you'll learn some really cool stuff :)
And with this code, you'll get 25% off: DEMNIKOART
Please consider supporting me on my Patreon. It would mean the world to me!
As a thank you you'll get:
- Access to my 3D files and assets
- Exclusive Artwork
- Behind the scenes, Work in Progress Videos
- Tutorials
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- Early Access to my Videos
Things I learned during this process and did for the first time:
- rigging
- animating a character
- using 2D video elements
- smoke simulations (thank you embergen)
- sound composition
- optimizing scenes for low render times
- engineering mechanical wings (never again!!!)
For all the updates please follow me on my social sites:
Thank you to the following people that helped me indirectly with this project:

Music: Epidemic Sound - Defend and Resist by Dream Cave
Sound Effects: Epidemic Sound & Sonnis

This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Mega Man world, which is trademarked by Capcom.
This is a fan project which is 100% created by me and is used in a non-commercial way.
Both Mega Man and Storm Eagle are characters created and owned by Capcom, and I do not claim any ownership over them. No copyright infringement is intended.
Рекомендации по теме

entire movie like this in X's universe would be PERFECT. Most criminally underused series EVER.


Storm eagle is the few Mavericks that has honor only followed sigma because he knew he couldn’t win and so to spare the lives of his unit ! Unlike Mammoth who wasn’t even infected and just wanted to spread chaos or Mandrill who was a mindless brute who followed orders most Mavericks weren’t infected they followed sigma for personal reasons


Capcom doesn't deserve fans this devoted.


I love the realistic style, that still retains the anime look with the eyes and designs. Wouldn't mind at all if an X movie/series took this route.


Maybe it's just Storm Eagle, but I find this short incredibly badass. He goes from damaged and accepting defeat to realizing he's still got power; which means he can still fight. Then rising up with wings spread, taking flight as if he's heading back for round 2 against X.

So badass.


1:25 I love how up to this moment Storm is effectively waiting for death, but then it seems a system check completes and storm realizes his basic systems are stable and he initiates self preservation protocols. very nice touches without saying a word or showing a status screen. Nicely done.


Man, the music and way Storm Eagle climbed out, assessed his damage, and then took off made him feel more like a hero than villain.


Someone HIRE THIS ARTIST NOW HOw am I just seeing this?!?! The pacing, the style, the environment down to the last detail is insane!! I CANT


Man the realism and the story portrayed without a word being said is just breathtaking.


Man, how did I not find this sooner? I absolutely loved the self repairing on his wings. That was really cool. For a moment I thought he was gonna use the claws to cut off the broken buster. Maybe find something to graft into it's place.


Storm Eagle, one of the most tragic figures in X.


Coming from your later videos in this series, I love how much of Storm Eagle is plainly recognizable despite your stylization, it helps sell how much more broken apart the others are after their defeats, that they've fallen further than they already had when they defected


Give this man a studio team and a hundred million dollar funding this second


this looks like if storm eagle hag a realistic filter and had the same death as the terminalmontage counterpart


Okay this one was absolutely terrifying, storm eagle looks like he's ready to not take prisoners


OMG the level of details is incredible and you can feel a lot of things happening so awesome 10/10


absolutely amazing... I can only imagine the countless hours this took but they all paid off... Capcom should take notice and budget a whole film with your vision.


This is the canon story where Storm Eagle didn't explode into orbs when being defeated by X, like in the game.
Damaged but not out, Storm can still fight.


An interesting thing is that Storm Eagle technically didn't have the virus in the game. He was a very logical kind of reploid, so when he saw how powerful Sigma had become it was less a question of justice and more of survival..


I see that many people think that Mega Man is something like a simple cartoon series or game. But for me it has always been more like a drama and dense. You are doing a wonderful job and you are transmitting that. I am studying Blender and in my spare time I make some characters with oil clay. But your work is inspiring.
