Toddler Food Hacks for Picky Eaters (Your Kids Will Eat EVERYTHING!)

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In today's video I share my top 19 tips and tricks for helping little ones who may be picky to love their food. These are simple habitual changes that you can integrate into your daily meal time routines!

0:00 – Intro
0:33 – Separate foods so they don’t touch
0:59 – Don’t over crowd the plate
1:25 – Add a “safe food”
1:49 – Make sure they are in a good mood
2:10 – Add a dip
2:59 – Change up the location
3:21 – “Ignore them” and don’t put pressure
3:57 – Use sign language
4:11 – Offer the same food in different ways
4:36 – Eat the same thing
5:06 – Pre-load the spoon
5:22 – Switch up the utensils
5:45 – Interact with their food
6:08 – Let them do it themselves and make a mess
6:32 – Stay positive and avoid negative talk
7:02 – Get them involved more with their food
7:30 – Eat together
7:59 – Fruit bowl hack
8:30 – Respect eating choices
9:20 – Outro




Hey HealthNuts, welcome to my corner of the internet! My name is Nikole and I’m the face behind HealthNut Nutrition. Here on my YouTube channel, I talk about all things food, self-care, wellness, lifestyle, motherhood and our little family of four! I post a NEW video every Wednesday and Friday at 3 pm EST, such as What I Eat In a Day, Healthy Recipes, Lifestyle Vlogs, Healthy Grocery Hauls, Routines and MORE! Welcome to the HealthNut fam and I hope you enjoy watching!

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Hugs + Smoothies,
Nikole xo
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These are truly the hacks I have been loving when navigating picky eating and was even successful today when tricking Sagey into eating fish sticks 🤣


I saw another video that suggested having the toddler “kiss” the food. This was huge for me because there are times that I know for a fact my toddler likes the item but says no when they see it or it looks different. Having them kiss it allows them to taste it on their lips and many times my toddler then realizes “oh I do like this”


Mini muffins!! I have a 19 month old and I swear she will eat anything as long as it’s in mini muffin form 😄


The tips are really great, you explained the toddler’s point of view; now I see how my toddler feels before a plate. However, as a mother of 4 I have gone through some horrible patches with some of my kids. I’ve tried many tricks and got stressed about it when it did not work. Especially between 2- 4 years 😢. I got so frustrated with their eating habits, and the way the get disgusted by food they aren’t familiar with.. but good news is they grow out of it eventually. So do not make food a tension source and a thing to fight about everyday. Ride it out and try your best.


Sage waving when you talked about separating food was the cutest thing!!


What has helped us the most is talking about taste buds: that they help us enjoy food and also that they change over time. So if it’s a new food, we check for taste buds by her sticking out her tongue and me examining it : “ oh look! I think I see some chicken taste buds! Let’s see!” And after she takes a bite more often than not she exclaims, “I do! I have chicken taste buds!” Or a food she’s disliked in the past:”let’s see if they’ve changed.” This has helped her try new foods and revisit previous dislikes. Though I know sticking out tongues at the table isn’t for everyone lol. (My LO is 2.5 yrs.)


I saw each and every video of yours and I have 13 months toddler who’s a picky eater. I tried your coconut cookies and he’s eating and enjoying. Big thanks


I like that you tried but honestly you have no idea what a picky eater is! Sage has always done great and you did get a lil lucky. some of us have done and are still doing all the things and struggling so when and if these don't work for some, please don't feel like you are a failure


You’re so helpful to the other moms. I’m not a mom but my nephew was the pickiest eater ever !


I’m my country it’s not really an issue . We don’t even have enough food for starters and no high chairs. Babies eat with family . It can be anyone mom aunt uncle neighbors too considered family . Babies just eat with us whatever we eat & are happy . We eat our traditional food & if we’re lucky enough protein but mostly vegetables


I so agree with the staredown or pressure. Even as an adult it's strange when people are staring at you while your eating and making sure you eat everything lol


These are great tips. My daughter only likes fruits and veggies, which may not seem picky to some, but she doesn’t like meat, and is super picky with everything else.


This is such a positive video on baby eating! Thank you so much for the amazing tips! ❤❤


Great tips! I loved that you included sage in here she's adorable 💗
The separated plate though could lead to a picky eater my niece would never eat food that touched other food, my kids dony mind actually my daughter loved to mix unrelated food and make tiny sandwiches of them


2:09 Sage's little nod as if to say, "yup, yup, she's right"😂😁🥰


I remember back when you started Sage on solids and you had done your research etc, my comment at the time was "you are way over thinking this it's not that complicated" or words along those lines, here we are all this time later and my goodness lm eating my words!! You have certainly have created excellent eating habits for Sage, your hard work and education has paid off. 👍


“No” “yeah, we did” lol 🧡🧡🧡
Thank you for all of these tips!


A family friend's kid would not eat any meat unless it was "chicken", so they started telling the kid everything was chicken. Solved the problem. The kid had neophobia.


This is so helpful! My baby is only four months but I have very strong feelings on helping children develop healthy habits with food as they grow. I think it’s so important. Thank you for this


I wanna cry. I’m not wealthy and I don’t know how to cook like my grandma😭 so finding an affordable cookbook for my toddlers and me I love it! I will have to deposit money tomorrow to place my order but I will for sure be ordering ❤️
