Filipino BBQ

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Ask yourself this question what makes great barbecue.

BBQ Tenga

Boil Pig Ears in:
6-8 Cups of water
1/2 Cup Soy Sauce
1/2 Cup Vinegar
1 1/2 Tsp Pepper Corns
2 Bay Leaves
3 Cloves Garlic
1 Onion

1 Cup Filipino Banana Ketchup
1/4 Cup Oyster Sauce
1 Tbsp Sesame Oil
1 1/3 Tbsp remaining broth from Cooking ears

Boil the ears until fork tender which is about 1 hr and then let them cool and cut into square pieces and then skewer up tight.

Grill over medium heat flipping every couple of minutes. After 8-10 minutes it’s time to keep basting with the BBQ sauce. Cook for another 5-6 minutes and then remove and enjoy.
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That looks delicious. Thanks for sharing 👍🏽


I've never wanted some ear until now


💖 ~ 😳😯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😧

Sauce, maybe (SANS the pig ears broth).
Pig ears,
I've never had a recipe traumatize me B4.

Weirdest things I ever ate? Hmmm:
Black Bear pit/spit-roasted (never again)
Rabbit stew (never again)
Elk dinner (again)
Caviar on party crackers (never again)
❤ CATTAILS boiled (again & again!!!) ~ ONLY thing I LUVVVED from my list – with salt-pepper-butter tastes like asparagus!

Never met a Wild native forest or prairie plant I didn't luv – lol!!! ... Initiated to the Wild world, during good ol' Dr. Scoby days, courtesy of his biology dean prof & a field trip to Itasca State Park to forage for wild native foods with two vanfuls of teachers (I shamelessly begged to tagalong & was the only student allowed AND the dean E-VON surprised me with extra credit on my grade – how cool is that?!? 🎉 😎 🎉).

We joyfully forest & peat bog tromped & found a whole bunch of Wild native plants to eat; like, tubers to eat like potatoes & delicious little red forest-floor hard berries that tasted like after-dinner mints, & just all kinds of amazing edible Wild plants native to the area!!! 😎😎😎

The dean instructed us to harvest our own Cattail to take home & eat – roots & all, but I wasn't strong enuff & some man teacher lent his muscles, but it was sooo firmly rooted & our intense struggling tuggings made my foot puncture the peat bog we'd previously been jumping up & down on – strange sensation – kinda like nature's trampoline, but snakes abounded & I just wanted out of the bog upon my 1st snake spotting, but immediately after I saw that snake, I fell through the thick & heavy peat up to my right knee!!!

The teacher grabbed my waist to save me & he struggled a lot to pull me AND MY CATTAIL out (I was told – well, kinda yelled at by everybody – shrieking – to drop my grip on it, but I was NOT about to let go of MY CATTAIL at THAT point – I hung onto it with every bit of strength I could muster). I was determined ... .

PEAT BOG KEPT MY SNEAKER ... . The entire humongous peat bog (as far as the eye could see!) ranged 1-5 feet thick, like ice thickness varies on a frozen lake. The leader of the pack dean had been stabbing down a measuring pole as we followed behind lightly bouncing – to determine bouncing safety & Cattails harvesting safety – B4 giving us the full go-ahead when he finally scored a 5-foot-thick peat reading (B4 the pole hit the icky swamp water beneath it) ... .

He measured my area after "the incident", (in which the bog tried to swallow me up, like a campy B-horror movie), & I had actually fallen through only a 1-foot-7-inch thick area of peat – foot to above knee!!!

Homework was eating one of the five edible parts of our own Cattail at our own homes (entire plant is edible!) & writing a paper on the results. FUN!!! Harvested Cattails on farmland that's devoid of peat bogs thereafter – lol!!!

... upon reflection ... that Cattail incident DID kinda traumatize me ... but still, pig ears = NOT EVVVERRR. Chef, no can do pig

Actually, I stopped eating pork back then in the glory days – completely – yesss ... after a "DR. SCOBY STRIKES, AGAIN!!!" encounter – lol.

If you've got 'em there, I'd LUVVV to see a certain cool chef show the world how to cook up a mess of Tennessee Cattails ;)
Sprinkling Blessings
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If you wish for peace, prepare for war. 💖
