VR Roundtable - Episode 66 (Fallout 4 VR, LA Noire VR, Ready Player One Trailer + More)

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Welcome to VR Roundtable episode 66. In this show we talk about:
Ready Player One Trailer [1:03]
Fallout 4 VR Game Discussion [6:15]
Resident Evil 7 Not a Hero DLC Discussion [30:00]
The Unspoken Single Player Game Discussion [32:48]
La Noire VR Case Files Game Discussion [34:34]
The Last Guardian VR Demo Game Discussion [48:28]
Unknightly Game Discussion [53:03]

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I love this show.
you guys are awesome!


Unknightly performs really well with the Rift for me, except for one single thing : it requires 360 degrees tracking, which I don't have.
There is no way to turn in the game, you have to physically turn around. But apart from that, the little I've seen left me really excited to see the rest, and now I am eagerly waiting for a patch that brings turning options.


There are several other single player segments for The Unspoken. That was part 1 you played. There is at least 2 hours of gameplay to finish single player


I'm looking forward to playing fallout on the rift hopefully it goes on sale during the steam winter sale but can i just say that i was playing from other suns last night and that might be my favorite vr game right now it deserves way more hype it has the graphics gameplay and a decent premise why no hype


I'd love either Fallout or LA on PSVR.


Too be fair... When playing a bethseda game using the creation engine, you really have to expect to waste hours tweaking the hell of it or find workarounds to get it to run properly.
I recall flat version of fallout 4 was unable to even keep a proper frame pacing even on high end machines, causing the game to look choppy even at a locked 60fps with vsync enabled. Had to tweak both ini files and use third party software like rivatuner to lock it to 60fps to get rid of that issue. And if you happened to have a high refresh monitor and wanted to run at a higher frame rate it would completely break the game :P

But yeah it is still dissapointing especially when they somehow managed to get skyrim vr work properly on the ps4.

When it comes to controls though, I have really had no issues at all. I find in some ways that it works better than even using a gamepad like for example making quick saves. The only issue I had was pipboy interface, but even that worked fine as soon as I figured out how it works.


Lol Anthony when you were talking about the chair coming right tol you, It made me think how places like chucky cheese or Dave and busters any arcade, It would be kool to implement VR like with how the car shake when u inside them. To all you guys Do you think it will be in bethesda best interest if they like gave 10% off your purchase price for every one you sale the game to Just to help get this game out there more. And because we really do need this game to be successful for VR to be more commercialized


.ini is not an acronym, it stands for initialization.


I have a few thoughts on Fallout 4 VR. First off, I'm having a lot of fun with it and I'm really happy they brought it to VR, but what exactly were they doing over the last 18 months? They demoed the exact same game in June 2016. I don't see any improvements or modifications to the actual game. From what I understand, all they did was add a small amount of code to the original game to add VR support. Where is all the optimization, the interaction.They are using a deferred renderer instead of forward renderer in VR for Anti-Aliasing, which Valve and Oculus spoke specifically against using in VR games, which is the reason for all these AA blurring issues. Some people have found that you could actually pet the dog in VR and it will actually react if you reduce the size of the player hitbox. It's really disappointing as this release just seems overall lazy port and low investment from Bethesda. Also the controls on the Vive, while functional didn't seem to be fully thought out. Escaping conversations is difficult. The same buttons for snap turning are used in conversation, so I keep pressing them and making accidental conversation selections and then I don't know what's going on. It's disappointing because I really want to like it, and the scale is so much more impressive than anything else we've had, but if they were going to release it in such a state, they should have given it to us last year when they finished with the first controller mods.


i like you're show and to watch it with my son but if you all can keep in mind there are younger youths watch as well. try to watch the "F" bombs. when i have my wife walking by and hearing the show . it is hard for me to recommend it to the younger audience. thanks a bunch guys and keep up the good work.


FO4 VR, terrible VR experience. In VR we should be able to reach out and open containers, not click or tap to open. Light weapons should be holstered, heavy weapons brought from over the shoulder and grenades / mines on the chest. Instead, we get a 2D console like weapon wheel. Even worse is the interaction with enemies, why can't we reach out, grab hold of an enemy, rip a limb off and proceed to beat them to death with it? Going into V.A.T.S., we should be able to grab bullets and throw them back, but again, no effort has been put in to this port. Simple basic, and now expected features are missing.

They could have so easily have integrated a new UI for VR by having the Vault-Tec dwellers fitted with a Vault-Tec Hololens at the beginning of the game. They could have also integrated voice commands such as 'Dogmeat stay', 'Dogmeat follow' and 'Dogmeat go there'.

At best, FO4 VR is a very early access product that will never leave early access.


So negative! So picky! I had zero problems with Fallout 4 VR. Its awesome. Editing ini files is no big deal. I own both Rift and Vive too.


I can't bring myself to hand over sixty bucks for Fallout 4 vr, just on principle alone. It's a lot of money just to upgrade a game most of us already own to VR, and to add insult to injury we then have to go hunting for mods just to make the controls work properly. And editing config files for performance? The game should auto detect your hardware and scale it accordingly. I've lost all faith in Bethesda, I'd rather give my money to a few indie developers tbh.


Hi i have a Acer windows VR and im running it on a oman hp laptop (I7, gtx1080) and the image is lagging and making the game unplayable does anyone know of a fix to help me plz
