Is Oneness Pentecostalism a Modern Invention? | Episode 164

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Some critics argue that Oneness Pentecostalism is a modern religious concoction seasoned with a dash of ancient heresy. Dr. David K. Bernard refutes this claim by citing evidence of key Oneness Pentecostal doctrines both in the New Testament and throughout church history.

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Thank you Dr Bernard for another great Podcast. I have been enjoying every one of them. I received the Holy Ghost at 6 yrs old and baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in 1969. My humble sweet Dad was an ordained minister. My Mom was a wonderful woman of God. Sister Vesta Layne Mangun and my late mother were prayer partners for a while. My family and I are from the Ohio Valley area. My mother was from Rev. E.C. Sowards Sr church. He was the Superintendent of the West Virginia District and Western Maryland District many years ago.


There are so many that have experienced Act 2:38 for themselves. And a cloud of witnesses throughout history.


I am so thankful to be part of the UPCI as well as having a Gen Superintendent who is well versed, traveled, wise and knowledgeable. ❤


I Really Enjoy These Podcasts Bishop Bernard


I grew up in a pentacostal church and it will always be my church, even if i cannot be physically present in one. Due to lifes circumstances, I haven't been to a pentacostal church since i was 13 (we moved countries and the only churches around us were Catholic, no protestants at all) and when i moved back the church was bought out by Islam and the options were all trinitarian. I'm in a different area now and they are all different flavoured catholics and i am just the "heretic" amongst them. Just know your work here brother is reaching MUCH more than you can see. Thank you for your unceasing efforts in bringing the Word to those who need to hear.

In the words of Paul:
"Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ".


There were certainly organized groups in history that taught as the UPCI mostly teaches today… the Montanists were certainly similar… Sabellianism certainly resurfaces throughout different periods of Church history. Just as Nestorianism is assailing the Church, primarily popular with Roman Catholics with the defrocked Assyrian Bishop Mar Mari Emanuel down in Australia.


Dr Bernard is semi correct in stating that what is now the standard of Orthodox Christian acceptable worship was codified in the Imperial Church Age… but, it slowly developed over time as Christianity branched its way out of Judaism and the synagogue system of worship. Many of the Ancient Christian practices were certainly preserved, for example, Vespers, Matins, and prayer by the hours…. I think it would be fair to counter Dr Bernard’s assertion here that ‘no one has’… with ‘How closely does the UPCI reflect worship of the Ancient Christianity with their modes and methods employed in their worship services? Is there a continuity that’s unbroken, or is there a disjointed version of worship that is based on emotionalism and manipulation?


History is written by the victors - Church history certainly preserved different movements and their associated doctrines that attempted to innovate the faith. Sabellianism, for example, was rejected not only in Rome. But by other Bishops in other jurisdictions over multiple movements. In so much, that Arianism accused the one of the Councils that they were likened to Sabellius. One can read the copious amount of writings by different witnesses who were addressing these strange winds of doctrines that blew into the Church - and precisely why they were rejected.


I do admire Bro. David Bernard for uplifting our LORD God Jesus Christ as the one true God of the Bible. The only one that he is lacking is remembering the Sabbath day since our LORD God Jesus Christ is LORD of the Sabbath and the Sabbath is the Seal of His Kingdom in Heaven.


I think the Orthodox Church is very precise in her terminology and understanding of just who Jesus Christ is… and in our liturgical prayers - when we pray ‘by the Lord Jesus Christ our God.’ Or in the Jesus Prayer, ‘Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy on me - a Sinner’. No where in Orthodoxy do we say or teach of a divided up Godhead with 3 gods… we fully understand that Jesus is Fully God and Fully Man… that He truly is God manifested in the Flesh.


🎉OH HOW I LOVE THE TRUTH ❤ thank you again DKB .


I can’t believe the blatant mischaracterization of modern day theologians when it comes to oneness Pentecostals. Have reason to think theologians in the 2nd and third centuries did the same type of thing


Could someone reading the bible by herself, with no outside input from any person or church, find the teachings of the current United Pentecostal Church in them? Would she come to the exact same beliefs as Oneness Pentecostals? If no, why not? If yes, why doesn't this happen more often?


I recently got my hands on "The Oneness of God", and I love that book... but I fear that the people who need to learn its message the most will either not read it at all, calling it heresy without even picking up, or at the very least, read it only to attempt to debunk it.


Unga-bunga Caveman - what’s the World Wide Web? What is a URL? What is an e-commerce website that I can purchase books online? My point here is that in the 80s and early 90s these terms may not have existed - fully - and how we understand them today… Dr Bernard assertion here of terminologies were created by theologians … well, yeah … language has to come into the arena of apologetics and theology to describe things …. Imagine Dr Bernard’s books without explanations of his doctrinal positions. What would that look like?


I always say that the full deity of Jesus was taught before the Trinity 🤷🏼‍♂️


Bro. Bernard, do you have a video about saying 'oh my god'? First off it's a bad habit and sounds immature but is it a sin? Is it taking the name of the Lord in vain? People in oneness who teach Jesus name baptism still say using the word God is taking his name in vain. I would like to know what you thought about this as there are discussions about this everyday online somewhere. Thank you for your time.


Could you make a video about the differences of the doctrine of oneness from UPCI and the doctrine of oneness of Gino Jennings. For example would you be comfortable saying God made a suit (the son of man) and got in that suit?


Tongues were certainly NOT central to the Apostle Paul’s soteriology. No where in Scripture does Paul say ‘you gotta speak in tongues to be saved’. The only mention of tongues in Paul’s writings in 1 Corinthians- and with that he is correcting them for their abuses and misuse of tongues in their worship services. This is precisely why the Orthodox Church does not have tongues in their Divine Liturgy.

The Orthodox Church does not state that tongues ceased in her teachings. But, the Church looks warily with the how things transpire in the Charismatic movements.


I believe the apostolic Pentecostal church with the Acts 2.38 baptisms in Jesus name message. IS the original doctrine. That said EVEN THE ONENESS APOSTOLIC PENTECOSTALS divide God.

Ask any oneness apostolic who Jacob Wrestled with, who Gideon called the Adonoy, who Abraham worshipped on the plaine of Mamre and there are countless other examples?
Most will tell you it was a Theophany of God but when you ask if that theophany was Jesus Christ?
They will tell you NO Jesus wasnt there he was not begotten. Even the host of this podcast would tell you the same.
Like it or not that is division.
An expressed image Of God for Old-Testament encounters and Jesus Christ for the New-Testament encounters.
I personally believe that every time God made himself physically known in the Old Testament he expressed himself as the only expressed image glorified. THE SAME IMAGE THE DISCIPLES SAW AND WORSHIPED AFTER RESURRECTION.
If you tell the apostolic oneness church you believe that, then you are accused of believing Divine Flesh and believing in multiple Gods.
And they will disfellowship for it.
Yes, the modern apostolic doctrine is in some regard a modern invention.
