all i want - Kodaline [ sped up ] 🥀🎶

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#lonelyperson #favoritesong

All I want is nothing more
To hear you knocking at my door
'Cause if I could see your face once more
I could die as a happy man I'm sure
When you said your last goodbye
I died a little bit inside
I lay in tears in bed all night
Alone without you by my side
But if you loved me
Why did you leave me
Take my body
Take my body
All I want is
All I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody
Ooh oh
Ooh oh
Ooh oh
Ooh oh
'Cause you brought out the best of me
A part of me I'd never seen
You took my soul wiped it clean
Our love was made for movie screens
But if you loved me
Why did you leave me
Take my body
Take my body
All I want is
All I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody
Ooh oh
Ooh oh
Ooh oh
Ooh oh
Ooh ah
Ooh oh
Ooh, if you loved me
Why did you leave me
Take my body
Take my body
All I want is
All I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody
Like you, ooh
Рекомендации по теме

i miss him. i miss having a friend. i miss his laugh. i miss his reassurance. i miss his sweet voice. he felt like home. i know for a fact that i will never, ever, love somebody like that again. he made me happy. he made me genuinely want to be alive, because i got to wake up and see him again.


I remember at the start of the pandemic I broke up with my first boyfriend, I used to cry to this song everyday, It hurted me so much, because it was was so right, he brought out the best version of myself, the version I never had seen before, the best version I’ll ever see of me ever.


we laughed together, we cried together, but when you left me, our friendship died together.
Our friendship fell through my fingers like grains of sand, blown away to the winds of change.
I know you had to leave, you had no choice, but ultimately, at the end of it all. I thought i was your choice, you were the one to *my one* and together, we made two, a pair. Like an airpod case with one airpod, i feel in-complete.
8 years of friendship lost to the violent tide of parents, sweeping you out to sea, away from me, away from home.
There is no home unlike the one we made, in that school together.
Now its just me, 8 years of memories to look back on and the ghost of you. Ghosting my dreams, leaving a chill unlike any other, but this time, it's freezing over my frozen heart. This wasn't your fault, my heart froze long ago, when he died.
But now its dying even more, freezing over like a frozen wasteland, like a shooting star my heart is rapidly falling in love with someone, trying to use them to fill up the void of the loss of your friendship to mine. But she can't fill this void, only you can. But i understand, you need to live, breathe and thrive with someone else. Not me, never me, not really.
School isn't the same without you.
Home isn't the same without you.
Our favourite games aren't the same anymore with just me to play them.
Your sister seems to have grown an anger towards me, and i don't know why, just shooting daggers at me whenever she sees me at school.
Did you tell her to do this? My sweet dragonfly? As she watches me like a hawk, i cannot help but cower like the prey i am. Under her gaze, it reminds me so much of you, when a joke got too much, or a snarky comment made to me, you were there, glaring at them. We'd promise to have eachother's back until we died. How can i support the back of a ghost, and how can you support me, someone who's never really there.
I miss you so much.
You seem to haunt my dreams lately, its always the same, blurry vision, lost in a crowd, strangers bodies pressing against my own, then i find you in the crowd, both our smile twice as wide as any other. I always say to you "there you are! I thought i'd lost you." we'd talk and laugh, you'd be standing next to me with everyone else, smiling, laughing, talking. Then i wake up, and for a minute, just a few seconds, even ten minutes if im lucky, you're home again. You leaving was just a silly dream, you're really here, you're still here with me, nothing changed. Then i slowly realise, you're gone, never to come back. You left me physically, but you never left my mind. Never left my heart, or my soul, or our friendship we cradled ourselves in at school, for 8 years. This friendship feels a little empty without you to fill the void, to fill the void and block out this noise. I miss you. Please just come home, stop living in my
dreams, live in this reality, actually here with me. Please come home, i can't bear re-living every single day realising you're really gone.
I miss my best friend, she left before i could ever say goodbye.
I wonder if she ever misses me like i do her, ever cries over me like i do her.
Ever writes about me as i do about her, writing about her with so much heart and sorrow.
Does she ever see someone and think its me, as i see someone and think its her, but its not?
Does she ever talk to people about me, as i do her.
Does she ever want to come back to me, as i want to go back to her?
I miss you best friend.
So much.

- someones bestfriend whos bestfriend left them
(this is all platonic btw! im not inlove with my bestfriend.)


Currently crying because this song reminds me of my hopsital best friend. Within less than 24 hours of knowing each other I felt closer to her than I have to anyone else. She understood me like no one else did. Trying to escape hospital together, her being there for me when I broke down, us both in crisis yet holding each other telling the other one that it would be ok, us both crying our hearts out when she we left hospital somehow knowing we would never see each other again😕💔


Whoever’s going through tough times, i hope you find peace, this comment sections a free place im down to talk if you ever want to ❤️
My prayers will be with all of you whos going through a hard time ❤️


Please Mom im begging Dont you ever leave me. everyone has a chance right? please change for us.


I miss her... I miss my mom😢I miss him... I miss my grandpa 😢 I miss my pets😢 may they rest in haven I cried so hard listening to this I just can't 😭


this sing will always have special place in my heart


i miss him. i miss his hugs, his care, his love... he was such an amazing person and i hate cancer so much. it was the worst thing ever to see him pass. i will forever love him.

rest in peace, ryan. aka, my father.


When i first found this song i was in 8th grade at the start of the pandemic and i sung this at the talent show. Me and my best friend of 10 years were going through what i thought was a rough patch but it was just the start of the end of our friendship. I always think of her when i hear this song.


Every time a tear rolled down my cheek I know it's about you . There is no one who has left me as broken as you.
Yet I always think of you.
Is it that hard to get you out my head? Why can't I just have a normal day without crying cause of you? You meant everything to me but why did you have to do this? Why did you have to leave? Leaving me cry ever night.


I always listen to this song if I think of my dog


oh mom. wont you ever change? i dont want a broken family.


I miss him, i dont lay w/ him everything night now n dont hang out w/him. Hes dead, and i cant bring him back. I cry to this every night, asking why would he choose to leave me.. -> of course, he left me, cause he gave up.. he was in pain and it was our last goodbye in july 14 2023. Its been a couple of months, ive been trying to get out of the pain without him, by my side. ( hes an animal ). Thank you for this..


I miss those 3 hour calls his smile his laugh and his insults. I miss him wanting to call me and him being there for me when I get sad scared and lonely. He was my world the only person I wanted in my life and the only one who I felt emotionally attached too until he stopped. Stopped responding stooped calling stopped being nice and I fell for him.. and all he could say was aight when I asked him out and boom everything stopped he left me on delivered for 4 weeks so i unadd him and blocked him on everything so now he’s entirely out of my life. It hurts a lot but makes me feel nice I don’t need him taking over my thoughts and life :)


I miss him more than anything. I miss his smile, his laugh, his voice, his eyes, his hugs, his kisses, sleeping together, those deep conversations I had with him every night. I miss the feeling he gave me. He was my easiest "hello" and hardest goodbye. I forgot how his touch feels, but my body still craves it more than anything. And no matter how much he broke my heart, I will always continue loving him with the broken pieces.


I miss them. I miss the goodnight messages. The good morning messages I’d wake up to. Our vent sessions. And ofc their beautiful face. I miss the love paragraphs, we had our moments. Now we’re strangers it was going to be a forever thing but i guess forever is not a word for people but memories.


i'll be alright. I was fine without him before and i'll be fine now too.


I don't know why am celebrating my birthday with sad songs 😭😭 am really hurting inside


Theese comments man :(
Jesus is with you trust him❤
