SAT Conference 2016 - 04 - Kevin Gilvary - Biografiction

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Kevin Gilvary talk on Biografiction at the Shakespearean Authorship Trust 2016 conference. Filming by Tim Pieraccini.
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William Hall and the 17 foot grave?
Why does the number "17" follow William Shakespeare everywhere, even into the grave?


Spenser was said by Camden to have had an elaborate funeral attended by poets who cast poems and pens into the grave after his body. This would be in keeping with his status as the greatest poet of his age, who died in London while at the height of his popularity.It's curious that they didn't do the same for a poet who made a name for himself as a literary poet 23 years before, but who had spend the next two decades writing plays for the popular theater, and then retired to a country town for several years before dying in obscurity. It's like Shakespeare didn't mean as much to them back then as he does to us today. But that can't possibly be true, can it?
