JMeter Beginner Tutorial 30 - JMeter Selenium Webdriver sampler

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Hi, I am Raghav & today we will learn:
JMeter - Selenium WebDriver integration
Client-side performance analysis using WebDriver sampler

Step 1: Open JMeter

Step 2: Add plugin

Step 3: Create a test plan - add thread group

Step 4: Add
Listener - View Results Tree

Step 6 : Add scripts in Web Driver Sampler

Step 7 : Run & Validate

1. WebDriver Sampler automates the execution and collection of Performance metrics on the Browser (client-side)
2. While using WebDriver sampler each thread will have a single browser instance and each browser consumes significant amount of resources.

References -
How to use plugin manager

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Not many people on YouTube doing such a nice demos. It’s to the point and shows full knowledge on this topic. Very nice demo. Spot on.


It's a nice explanation....very easy for more videos on this...Thanks Raghav :)


After searching a lot, finally I got this video which is most useful. Thanks a lot Raghav.


Hi Raghav, Thank you so much for all the tutorials. It is helping me a lot and I am learning a lot from your videos.

I found that there is an option to select "use chrome headless mode" in chrome driver config in jmeter which will allow us to run the load test for as many thread users without opening the actual browser. You can plan a new video for it if you are interested.

Again thank you so much for all the great videos!!


Thank you sir. You are too good and explanation u r giving is always very clear and easy to learn.


Excellent work once again Raghav! Thank you!


Thank you. This is just what I was looking for


awesome and informative tutorial and postscript, thx.


Great explanation!! Thank you for this video


I learn new things from your channel, nice to have you here explaining things, appreciate it! I have one question here, cant we use existing selenium scripts directly instead of writing code in JMeter?? that will be of great help


Thanks Ragav for the tutorial. I would like to ask you that to reduce the consumption of memory for opening browsers, can we use Headless browser and do the same activity ?


Hi Raghav, That is a beautiful explanation. Please may I ask how we use webdriver sampler using Gecko driver for Login to a web application,


Hi Raghav, This is very helpful video .
I have this requirement in my project as well . But the load is high . Is there a way to run it without the browsers like an ideal load test. Also would you happen to know a solution for this - a tool or a scripting method where the scripts can be used for both automation functional and Performance testing without having to rework the scripts -Scripting needs to be done only once for both type of testing .


Hi Raghav, Thanks for this great lecture but i have question,
i chooses to run the script in headless mood but when i set the number of threads to 100 user, i found out alot of timeout errors and after investigating i found out that jmeter using a chromedriver.exe and browser window in background for each thread, which means 100 chromedriver.exe and 100 browser window which effected in PC CPU and Memory.
So how i can fix this and make it use 1 chromedriver.exe or help with this issue?


Nice video Raghav. Just wondering, can't we utilize existing JMeter scripts here, instead of building a new one since I don't know much about Java scripting?


Hello Raghav!
I want to know, how can I measure page load times ? For example I want to make an automated test and then measure each visited page and calculate its load time ? Is it possible using JMeter and Selenium ?


Thank you for the tutorial, it is very helpful. I am planing a load test with four webdriver samplers, but I have a problem. The first sampler is for login process and the second one for some process after login. Could you help me, is it possible to stay logged in after the first process?


Hi Sir, very good videos on JMeter which is self - learning. While using the WebDriver Sampler for testing the web application, I want to test multiple pages by navigating to each. I have created a sampler for log in page of a web application. When I run the script, it gives the dashboard report of that webdriver sampler( for login page). Similarly I want separate response times, etc for each page in the web application. How should I create the webdriver sampler ...Each sampler for each page I desire or a single sampler for all the pages in a web application. I want this to be done using a WDS as this seems to be working well for my application.
Thanks in Advance.


Hi Raghav,

I started following your videos after watching this jmeter tutorials. Thanks a lot for a great explanations.
I wanna ask some doubts, please try to help me out.

1. Im trying to do performance test for one app. Its react based app so i decided to use Http request(for 99 user) and webdriver sampler for (1 user) amoung 100 users load. Is this a ryt approach?.


I would love to know how you maintain such test cases. From my experience simply don't mix functional and non-functional tests, period. When one does web ui automation just stick with page object + page factory + map ui and other designs patterns.
