When You Are Thinking About Someone All The Time

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When you are thinking about someone all the time, what does it mean? Why is this happening and how does it affect you and your life? Can the person that you are thinking about feel your thoughts and if so, does it affect the way they think about you? Can the energy of your thoughts affect the way someone behaves towards you?
The energy of your thoughts can be very powerful. In this video, I explain the effects of thinking about someone all the time and what you can do about it.

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Subscribe for more information on how the energy works when you are thinking about someone. It's all about you moving into the happiness and love within you.


I can't stop thinking about him .I'm goin crazy I have never done anything like this before and I think about him 24/7


I think about him so much I'm so in love with him, I hope he can feel me!


Thanks for uploading this Aliki. I have been dealing with this for a while. As an INFJ we naturally tend to do this. And when we like someone, we really think about them a lot. So it’s EXTREMELY hard to break the cycle. Just last week, I decided to let it all go, stop stressing about things I can’t change or control, and put everything in God’s hands. If it happens, it happens. I hope she and I end up together, but now that I’m no longer stressing about it, and just going with the flow of life, I feel so much better. 👍🏻✌🏻


I think of him daily because he loves me through inner me soul wise.


I can’t stop thinking about my person that I overwhelmed me everyday. Then I found this video which is very powerful to help me get through.


Another words back off of them, forget about them, focus on yourself, better yourself, live your life and if it' s meant to be in Divine timing it will happen and they will come to you, sounds cliche but it' s usually true, don' t obsess, don' t pout, don' t bombard and smother them that stuff only drives them away and turns them off and ppl sense that energy, that' s what i' ve been doing with my Love backing off and it is hard because I Love him and I know he Loves me he told me but I am the bigger initiator and communicator and I want him to do those things more, I want him to want to and I want that reunion so bad ( we live in diffrent cities) but I am backing off and not making myself so available, gives them the space and time to think and miss you, maybe it' ll even wake them up to take some kind of action in fear of the thought that they are losing or lost you and if they don' t come sadly it wasn' t meant to be and that' s their loss.


This video came at time what I needed it the most. Lots of love!


I feel hurt when ever I think about him but Allah knows if he is thinking about me too


Honestly like it’s making me angry I almost want to cry that I’m so frustrated thinking about this person and I don’t even care to think about them


I think about him in every blink of eye even when I'm busy at work, Than dream about him every night..I try as much as possible to delete him off my mind but in vain..I hope he comes back


Yes!!! I am connected to infinite energy. I am super detached, and am a magnet of love💕.Thank you Universe


This is soo true, yet hard to do purposely! Whenever my life gets hectic and I’m not so wrapped up with the thoughts of my tf, he always comes back, but yet when he’s the only thing I can think he continues to run from the connection....


This makes so much sense. Thank you. It's been push and pull for 2 years. I've distanced physically, but not emotionally or mentally. I do try to move into my centre, I've done it before, but this has been the hardest... The word "trying" resonates... Easier said than done


Your telling the truth. I should start to channel the energy into my heart rather than think of her and so many amazing things we might do together when we reconnect. So the story is back in Spring 2015, when I was a Jr/Sr in college, I had this female in my class who caught my eyes and my spirit. So we wounded up working with each other as lab partners in our class and got to know each other quite a bit. We clicked for the most part, but then my gut/instincts started to tell me that we are going to be in a relationship one day and have kids with each other/do and own businesses. So she caught my heart and I tried to pursue but she was playing hard to get. I can also assume because at that time she also has a boyfriend. At the end of the semester when I just moved on from her, I noticed she started following me and standing next to me all over class everywhere I went. That is when I knew that we were both crushing over each other. So after that semester we no longer had class with each other so no more mutual connection there. Now just a few months ago I found out she was pregnant with her boyfriend child, and just recently I found out that he proposed to her. All of this had me crash fully to the point now I’m just trying to get back up, and get into my reality again. Overall I am going to take your advice, and just let everything about her go and leave it to the MOST HIGH to deliver on its promises. Either way, I’m still going to enjoy life regardless. P.S. sorry for the long message. I had to get some steam out.


This was VERY confusing never learned what "the loop"meant or how to stop thinking about someone. I once heard that when your constantly thinking of someone it's because they are thinking of you. That makes more sense to me!


Thanks Aliki❤️❤️❤️... i certainly know now where this heaviness in my heart is coming from. True to what you said that whenever you try to fix things outside of you, sooner or later without your knowledge you got stuck in this loop that is beyond your control... and the fear of not thinking of a specific person may lose your connection with them; which is not true as to what you’ve explained it best. More power to you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


I never had someone so devoted to say they think about me all the time.


I have a SP that I really wish loves me and I can't stop thinking about her for the last two months, I keep worrying what she is doing and if she sees anybody, I really hope not.
I don't know what to do anymore..


I was thinking of someone like everyday, and I decided to stop, days later they texted me
