Unreal Engine 4: Rotating Door Blueprints Tutorial (V4.6)

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In this tutorial you will learn how to create blueprints for a rotating door which behaves like a regular hinged door, that swings in one direction only. Next, we will be altering the blueprints slightly to accommodate a door that can swing open in both directions, away from the player, regardless of which side the player is on.
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Excellent video. I thought I had mastered rotating doors, but it never crossed my mind to allow the player to always push the door away from him until I saw this! Will certainly be incorporating this into my level now. Cheers, and hope more to come!


Managed to use your helpful tutorial to make the double doors in my castle project, thank you very much for the clear tutorial.


Thank you so much, man. I've seen plenty of people explain how to add a door via the level BP, but I wanted a single, self-contained BP I could use again and again without copy-and-pasting the same code over and over. This is very useful.


Thank you very much for this great tutorial, It helped me a lot and was very easy to follow.


Thank, this video really helped. I was a little worried it wasn't going to work on 4.9 but I managed to get it working, thanks again! :)


Thank you very much for your tutorial! This really helps me out.


A life saver! LOL. Been trying to just do a simple open/close door that didn't allow the user to mash the input key LOL Also wanted to have a door open and door close sound. And this helped me figure out where to delay and how to get that working too.
isMoving was just what the Dr. ordered! Thank you so much.
Had to do a bit of "Column A, and Column B" But this helped immensely A resounding Thumbs up!


Thank you for this tutorial! A couple of critics: please explain the logic behind the choice of one node instead of another, I guess someone approaching this kind of tutorials is still new to the whole UE4 blueprint system and some brief notes here and there could be useful. Last thing the music, really too heavy and distracting, I would suggest something lighter on a lower volume. Overall great work, you got a new subscriber.


Please can you show us how to add sound to door when open it and closing sound when close it. Please Please :)!


Thank you so much! You're the only one I've found that actually made this work for me! Definitely a like from me. Just a question, my door does everything it's supposed to, just like in your video, except I'm wanting to be able to open and close it while remaining stationary. At the moment I can only close it/re open the door after I leave then re enter the trigger box. Is there a way I can open and close it while remaining in the trigger box?


Great tutorial, I can replicate (And more importantly, understand the blueprint logic being used in the video) but I don't like how the door can open if for instance, I'm looking away from it.

I'd like some way to only activate the door if I'm pointed at it, and within a certain amount of distance, could a ray trace generated when I press E work? And if so how would I make that work with pushing the door open in the direction the player is facing?

(Would the ray still require a trigger volume, or no?) Or is there a better way to do it than a ray trace?


i really liked the video and like how everything is set up but i cant get by the struct rotator  to convert to split struct pin. Any suggestions on this i followed exactly what you did but not giving me a right click, only options are promote variable and watch this value. Please help


Could you do an image of the finsihed blueprint, being able to look at it all at once would really help me out. There were a few places where I had trouble understanding what you were saying, . Thanks.


Thank you for this fantastic tutorial. It's the best door opening tut that works with my current version of UE4 (for UT). The ONLY THING MISSING for this tutorial is adding sound to the door...very important. I hope searching for tutorials on that will work with your blueprint. EDIT: adding a sound to your blueprint is posing a huge complication for me...where does it go? What does it connect to? What connects to it? I have an open sound and a close sound, where does each go and ....sigh...


This was very very helpful, thanks for taking the time. If I could have one request: the music in the bg wasn't so great and it was the same loop for 30 minutes... Please, good man, feel free to do without next time. Other than that, it was absolutely enjoyable.


Thanks for the tut mate, my door works like a charm, unless that is when I rotate it 90 degrees. It seems the door mesh is fixed on an angle so it's not rotating along with the frame mesh that I used which I set as the base mesh ...

I'm guessing I shouldn't have done that :P


So my open door works... but the close, it jumps to some crazy ass rotation and then animates... which ends up wrong

What did I do wrong


Thanks for the tutorial man, my door opens but i cant walk through, is there a problem with collision or?


Great Tutorial, but how do i get the handle working? that would be a great continuation ^^


Im in unreal engine 4.13.1 (thought i should say that to begin in case any updates have occured that I missed), but I followed everything and when I try to open the door, nothing happens. I even used simulation to see if the nodes lit up, which none did. Any ideas?
