World Of Warcraft Quest Info: Heads Up

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Side: Horde
Start: Primal Torntusk
End: Primal Torntusk

Defeat Umboda Three-Heads and collect his head.

Umboda of the Vilebranch is one of their strongest warriors, and a sick butcher.
He takes the heads of all he slays as trinkets, rewards...even weapons! It's his turn to be taken.
Find Umboda "Three-Heads", slay him, and bring me HIS head! We'll see how the Vilebranch fight when we throw it back over their walls!

/*** All other languages ***/
DE: Kopfprämie
ES: De cabeza
FR: Têtes en l'air
IT: Occhi aperti
PT: Fique alerta
RU: Все дело в голове
KR: 가면 만들기
CN: 抬头
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what is your transmogs it look weird and good
