Affordable headphones from my collection!!!

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As promised here's a few of my favorite affordable headphones from my collection!

Measurement Index

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How to EQ Headphones

The Limits of EQ

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0:00 - Intro
0:51 - Sony MDR V6
1:47 - Audio Technica AD500X
3:52 - Rode NTH100
5:45 - Sennheiser HD6XX/HD650
6:51 - Conclusion
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HD668b, K 240 and HD280 Pro's are my favourite cheap options at the moment. EQ makes them great and far better than the average person is used to.


My NTH 100 broke and actually fell completely apart with light use. Support said that they couldn't send me the part and that they weren't repairable. They offered for me to send my pair all the way across the country to them and they would send a replacement. The cost of that seems like it might be a avoidance tactic. A bolt, a nut, a few lock washers and a washer later proves that they were wrong. They're fixed and better than ever with the loss of some articulation. I like everything else about the NTH-100 as a practical decent sounding closed back, especially for film making, but they have that one weak point in an otherwise great build and I really thought that their customer service wasn't so great. The parts that the hardware goes on are metal, so that fix is a permanent one so It's all ok in the end. They really need to do something about that though.


TOTALLY agree with you on the AD500x and V6--such little known gems. Of course the 6xx got me down this rabbit hole...


1) For my daily commute to work: I use the Sony XM5. Reliable and sounds good.

2) For gaming, Watching movies and music at home: Audeze Maxwell. Sounds awesome, amazing immersion.

3) Currently looking into a more refined headphone to use at home, currently considering the Audeze MM-100. Would also consider some other at the same price range/+100 USD.


My list includes:

Drop x Sennheiser 6XX
As discussed

Drop x Sennheiser 58X
Better efficiency and better bass than the 6XX with less warmth on top. The driver used seems to be a little quicker giving vocals greater clarity.

German Maestro GMP 8.35 D Mobile
Great all-arounder that’s practically indestructible. Easily modifiable.

For Bluetooth it would be my JBL E55 BT Quincy Edition. It’s a warm sounding, inoffensive headphone that sounds like you’re listening to a Quincy Jones production. Having his voice for the commands doesn’t hurt either!😊


The NTH100 cracking adjustment bar is a thing, both of mine broke I hold it together with a couple layers of packing tape, works like new haha. Hopefully Rode fixes this issue with v2 and makes the pads slightly bigger.


Wow, glad to see the ad500x here. Haven't heard about audio technica's AD series in a long long time. I personally own the a500x closed back version.


I’ve had the original HD600 (I haven’t heard a 650) for going on 20 years now, and I guess they’re just sort of a timeless reference to me. My current “flagship” is the LCD-5, but there’s no point in using it unless I’m at home with access to a very transparent, very powerful, very big, desktop DAC/amp. Back to affordable… As an alternative to the Sonys you chose here, I like the ATH M-50s, perfect for Apple’s newer laptops with improved built-in amp. The newer Sony of that line have a soft spot for me, as their over the top punchy bass and midrange slam makes them ideal for beat matching two turntables in the DJ booth. The wireless Audeze Penrose sound really good to me as well for the price, but I never know if I can get them to pair with any given device on any given day. Great channel!


I think the HD 560S should have been on this list.


Loved my ATH 500X

underrated for sure, miss them


Modified HD58X is my favorite budget headphones and it's more mobile friendly even I have 6XX as well


The DT770 80ohm and the HD6XX are my budget headphones. Great video as always


The HD660S was at a steal of a deal on Amazon recently. I used to be a bass head but damn the HD660S changed my taste. I love them and playing FLAC files through a DAC/AMP makes me get so immersed in my music.


Honestly you've got me pretty sold on the ad500x since that's basically what i could use for my gaming set


I find it interesting how rarely you see Beyer DT240 Pro's mentioned. I have them and they are cheap, light, small, durable and sound good for long listening sessions. I have 3-4 other headphones and always come back to DT240's when I get bored.


One thing to consider regarding the AKG brothers. On my K371 the pads disintegrated after roughly one year of indeed intense use. The real problem here - you cannot get original replacement pads from AKG/Harman - they (and the service place they forwarded me to) simply do not have any. Period. Not that the original pads were great but ... So first try on the third party market resulted in pads from China that simply would not fit (even after rated R violence) and ended reluctantly with 50 bucks pads from Dekoni.


Great review of affordable open and closed back headphones. My personal best headphones in my collection are the open back HD600, closed back HD598, the open back HD660s which I got on Amazon. And I would also mention my 1More in-ear Quad Driver IEMs. Keep up the great videos. They are very educational and enjoyable to watch.


I really like my x2hr. Even tho I have other more expensive and objectively better ones I often listen to x2hr, especially for electronic music (soundstage is awesome).


Kinda surprised that HD560S wasn't on the table considering how much you were gushing over it and then I found the reason 😂


My All time Budget Love is the Samson SR850
