too hard to say [hiatus announcement]

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Beware of long and overly dramatic rant below. Read at your own discretion.

This is an official announcement of my hiatus from youtube. At the current juncture, I feel like leaving entirely, but I don’t want to be the boy who cried wolf, so I will just say hiatus and go from there.

The reasons I have for leaving are countless, but I feel that I owe an explanation, so I will do my best to convey my sentiments. I feel distant, irrelevant, and as though I am no longer truly a part of the Non/Disney editing community. The landscape of the editing world has changed, and I am afraid I’ve been unable to change with it. I’ve seen so many talented editors make their way into this community for the past six years, and while I appreciate all of them, I have noticed a lack of the “old-fashioned” editing style that I joined youtube for and came to love above all.

I truly am glad that so many people have found a hobby and a passion for crossover editing, and I honestly admire that community and your talents so much. You’ve inspired me to find a crossover I actually enjoyed creating and editing with Hiccup/Elsa, and I am thankful for all you have unintentionally taught me. That being said, I do feel out of my element when very few, if any, editors seem to practice or appreciate editing canon, lyric-based fan videos anymore. I know; I’m old and living in the past. But that’s part of why I feel I’m no longer meant to be here.

The editors themselves have also changed. I’ve been here for years, seen the “original” Disney editors move on; witnessed the “everyone needs to own their own MEP group” era; the Taboo Wars; the roleplay revolution; and now the crossover fandom explosion. It’s been a crazy adventure, and I’ve for the most part enjoyed watching it all happen. But so many people have come and gone, and I’ve made a few friends that I consider to be very real, but I’ve also been disappointed by some. As stressful as my real life is right now, I don’t feel that I need youtube drama bleeding into my already-hectic schedule. I’m sure none of it has been intentional, but I just don’t feel that I can handle it anymore.

And, finally, I am just older than most, and I find it hard to make friends and truly relate to the new editors who are sometimes half my age. We’re at very different parts of our lives, and I feel that I need to move on with mine. This has been an amazing journey (so far?), and I do enjoy editing to take my mind off of the stresses of life. But lately, youtube itself has been adding to the anxieties I already had. I need to distance myself from this hobby in order to better find myself and get where I want to be. It has become less of a hobby and more of a distraction as of late, and I need to draw the line myself.

All of this dramatic nonsense being said, I don’t want to alarm anyone (if there is anyone to alarm). I still plan on finishing the things I’ve started. The two contests I’m involved in (GMC – sorry for the lull in activity there; I take full responsibility for that and hope to get back in the swing of things soon. I have been, as I said, bogged down with responsibilities that have prevented me from continuing that for awhile); some collabs I’ve promised, and anything else I’ve previously committed to, I do plan to finish. So there are still things to come. I just can’t promise when they will come.

I don’t feel that anyone will be truly upset by this bit of news; I don’t have any active fandoms anymore, and despite my personal gratitude for the thousands of subscribers I’ve garnered, I’ve never felt as though I were a “popular” editor, so to speak. I just was able to snowball slowly over the years, and I’m truly grateful to anyone who has followed me thus far.

Again, this is officially just a hiatus, and it could be extended or brief. I just haven’t had time, inspiration or energy to edit lately, and I felt I owed you all some kind of explanation. If you have any questions, I will answer your comments!
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I totally understand and respect why you feel the need to back away from editing for a while. but that doesn't mean I won't miss your glorious edits!! you and your flawless style have been an inspiration to me for so long, so for that I thank you! <33


You are an inspiration, a beautiful editor of videos, and you'll be missed. Thank you c:


You're that type of editor I always follows, that type that knows how to make me feel good with just one video, but with who I never truly talked to. And that's a shame because you gave me so much, your editing always had that refreshing tone to it. I absolutely don't know the Disney community so I can't really relate with what you said in your description but I can understand that feeling that you're somehow stuck in a time. Sometimes when I edit I get suddenly stressed because I'm telling myself I can't do something worst than my last video, and I'm stressing myself for that and that's the anxieties I have with editing. But yours had something I always admire and I will regret not having to see this again soon. But I understand your point and wish you good luck with your life and everything! Thanks for your amazing editing to exist <33


I completely understand the feeling. YouTube it's self has really evolved as far as these editing projects go. And so do channels themselves. Every single great YouTuber will go through this period with themselves asking what should they do next or if they should even bother doing anything at all. And then life takes and play and just throws far more things for you to deal with. I love your work to death, and I can assure you lots of other people do too. But you have to take care of yourself first, and you have to make sure you're all collected together. That's what's most important. Take all the time you need :)


ok personally i dont find you irrelevant, your still one of my favorite editors on youtube as you were six years ago and we were all in love with wmm (well i know i was). im interested in knowing what you mean with "old editing style". iv deffonatly noticed an evolution of editing happening especially with more crossovers now ect but im interested in hearing more of what you mean. i still love cannon and always will and have recently gone back to my roots and started editing with Futurama as thats what really got me into editing all those years ago. i do understand however that a hiatus may be the best if its adding anxiety onto your life. i went through over a year where i just stopped editing because it wasnt fun anymore. when it starts stressing me out and it becomes like work i need to tell myself its just a hobby and a way of relaxing xxx


OMG no, you're one of my favorite people to go to when it comes to these lovely videos....


While I personally feel like the Disney community involves (and most importantly, NEEDS) crossover editors, canon editors, taboo editors, and so on, because I adore the variety and I truly enjoy all of your canon videos (to being able to edit canon so well is a talent God knows I do not have), I totally understand how you feel. I was not a part of the Disney community, so to speak, until quite recently, but I have witnessed it all too, kind of, since I was a fellow subscriber and follower of those who I personally consider the pilars of these community, and you were among them. It makes me sad to not have you here, but I do agree it is best to leave if this situation is adding innecesary drama into your life. Editing should be a distraction and something that makes you happy, that is why myself (apart from full time job and life in general that keeps me really busy) I am not as active anymore, I do not want to push my videos. Creativy comes and goes and it is totally ok to take a break if one really needs so. So, kudos for you girl. I would want you to stay here forever as I enjoy every single thing you upload, but your feelings obviously come first. So, best of luck and I whenever you return know that I will be first line to enjoy your new vid <3


Your videos inspired me in so many ways. I will miss you greatly. You've been one of the best editors I have ever met.


I am indeed sad with this announcement, you are one of the editors I've always looked up to, it was an honor to be involved in some of your MEPs and that being said I also understand the feeling and I am glad your are choosing what it is best for you at the moment


I completely understand that and I too have noticed the change in the non/disney community in just the last few years. You're such an inspiration to me, not just in editing but as a person too. It sounds like a break from youtube will be the best thing for you, I've always said editing should be something we do to have fun and get away from stresses in real life, it definitely shouldn't add to the stress it makes it feel like a chore otherwise. "I don’t feel that anyone will be truly upset by this bit of news " Girl I am upset about your hiatus and I'm gonna miss ya like crazy!
I wish you best of luck Liv and I hope taking a break will make you feel better and happier <3 *hugs*


Liv <333 sorry for my late comment, I've been really busy. I'm really sad that you decided to go on hiatus (for a period of time or even forever D:) because I enjoy every single video of you so much and I adore you for your outstanding editing skills. In my opinion, canon has an equal meaning in the disney community as crossovers. sure, crossovers got really popular in the last time and much better, but I think so have the canon videos :) I love how everyone works with the overvoices, scenes and what I most adore are the parallels between the movies <3 Canon videos just catch the real spirit of the movies, whereas the crossovers create something completely new and out of character even. I understand that you feel like this and I don't want to convince you to stay if you don't want to, I just wanna let you know that your work is appreciated and loved and all of us see you as a very talented editor! I would be so glad if you decided to come back when you feel like it, but of course your personal feelings come at very first ♥ so... I adore you and hope you come back some day ♥♥♥♥♥♥


Hope the best for you! You were one of the few editors that inspired me to start editing. I love your videos and I hope you stay in the youtube community.


Well since i got the same age as you and have been on Youtube for a very long time as well, i completely understand what you mean.

I have felt the same before i deleted my old account, and almost did it again not too long ago.
Now i just try to not see editing as serious like i did before, and it kinda works for me. I really hope you will find new strenght to go on with your hobby, 'cause you still are a very inspiring editor to me and have always encouraged me to go on with editing :)


I definitely understand this. I'm one of these "old" editors who feels out of place in today's editing community. I still do old-style stuff, but I don't finish many videos, so i don't post often, and was inactive for several years. I hope you find what you're looking for in taking a break. I've always loved your non/disney videos and I do hope someday you'll come back and share more of them with us. <3<3


Even though it's really sad to see you go, I completly understand the reasons behind it. I too miss the "old-fashioned" editing, and I hope my videos still have a hint of it as it is a style I love. So I do hope you will return to youtube one day- otherwise we've lost another "original" Disney editor, and you can never be replaced <3 I'm glad that you didn't change with the landscape, because that shows that there's still hope for a editingstyle that many have forgotten or moved away from.
I wish you all the best, and thank you for being here all these years- you're truly an inspiration for us all =D


I'm sorry to hear that :( But you have to do what you feel is best and I hope that whatever decision you make will be for the best :)


I will definitely miss your videos, you're probably one of my most watched subscriptions, and I believe your really talented. Don't push yourself if you're not enjoying it anymore, but don't think less of yourself as an editor :)


I'm so sad to see this announcement! Though I came late to the game and haven't necessarily been apart of this fandom, your videos have been an incredibly large inspiration to the editing that has occurred in my life.

I still rewatch your somebody to die for collaboration and I swear that was probably one of the most beautiful videos I have ever seen.

Over the past few years editing has changed a lot for me as well, technological problems, cancellations of some of my favourite shows and the addition of working and post secondary has really taken away a lot of the desire of of this hobby.

I feel like I can relate to some of the factors that led to your decision. Just know, that I will always appreciate these videos :)

All the best!


Your editing style is unique, beautiful -or whatever you want... you'll be missed. I hope you'll be alright... ! ♥


You are and always have been one of my largest inspirations - your editing always had a lot of heart and emotion, and this video is no exception. As a fellow mid-20s editor, the extended break will definitely help a lot - no one wants their hobby to feel like a job, especially when facing the joys of adult responsibilities (ack). I'll also admit I've felt the same about the relevancy - I nearly quit completely two years ago. Yet, your words and your encouragement were the main reason I decided to come back - and I'm happy I did. Even though it's not always apparent, you have inspired at least dozens of people - not just because of your talented edits, but because of your awesome personality. You keep being the amazing person you are, and here's to the road ahead.
