Embarrassing signs of shrinkflation @dannyrayes #shorts #short #fyp #viral
How we're getting ripped off by hidden inflation
Embarrassing Examples of Shrinkflation Part 10 😳
Embarrassing Signs of Shrinkflation 😳
embarrassing signs of shrinkflation#usa #nostalgia #2000s #backtochildhood #childhoodmemories #1990s
‘Embarrassment’: TV host warns voters want a ‘refund’ on PM
Worst Embarrassing Signs Of Shrinkflation
most embarrassing examples for shrinkflation #shrinkflation #viral
Shrinkflation : companies stealing your food
SHOCKING Supermarket is actually dealing with the Shrinkflation CON
Embarrassing Examples of Shrinkflation 😳
'Shrinkflation' strikes Australian shoppers: The sneaky way companies are getting you to p...
French supermarkets call out food producers for 'shrinkflation' • FRANCE 24 English
Worse than inflation #shorts
Carrefour puts shrinkflation price warnings on food to shame brands Supermarkets
3244. Heinz offer Shrinkflation as a solution; shame on them 👎🏻
'Shrinkflation' tactics companies use to avoid sticker shock l GMA
The entire global economy is like that. It's no coincidence that all these companies are using the same tactics.
Yes indeed, walking in a grocery store makes me want to cry! 😢
So true so true-not only is the price more but they also reduce the amount and the quality ! There’s no way to win! I’m with you-such a bummer!! 🥰
I noticed the toilet paper thing a while ago. They think we don’t notice 😡Another thing that I’ve thought about for years and I don’t know why but like you know when you buy, let’s just say paper plates and it’ll say 300 paper plates. Well, no one ever counts them and I often wondered do they really give you the amount they say on the box. But that’s another story. I just saw something that showed how they are pumping water into pieces of meat to make them heavier to sell for a higher price, but you’re really not getting more meat. There are so many things. Unbelievable!!
Continued prayers for your son.
Maybe if the leadership in Washington changes, the toilet paper will be better!! Prices are just impossible.
So true! I mean just the cost of petrol alone is insane! Australian prices are worse than the US :( glad to hear u and ur son r both doing well ❤
Hi Lori, just found your channel and good grief I agree with you on this subject too! I feel I have to become a mastermind of making expensive things stretch. Crazy that I will rinse out ziplocks that are okay to reuse and even wipe off foil and reuse.😮 I’ll buy a large original Pinesol and make my own cleaner for bathrooms. I guess we are forced to think back on how to make healthy meals stretch by adding fillers like potatoes or healthy pinto beans. There are those must have things but for everything else I find a cheaper alternative. How sad that this is happening in our country, let’s hope a change will come soon!
Hi Lori, so happy to see you again!!! You look great and I love your excitement and happiness...even though you are upset about the toilet paper! lol!! I am 72 and I remember when my parents would buy a gallon (128 oz) of ice cream and it would feed all 7 of us! Now you only get 48 oz of ice cream and we pay more!!! I totally agree with you about the cereal, soup and so much more! It annoys the heck out of me!!! Happy that your son continues doing well and you are also!!! Take care!
Love your attitude about makeup. You are naturally beautiful. I hardly ever wear makeup, but I'm not so fortunate. I'll wear my sunglasses and or a mask to cover up my naked face! 😆 You are SO right about shrinkflation! I noticed the toilet paper thing a few years ago. I noticed it cus the rolls slide from side to side on the TP holder. And they just kept getting smaller and smaller. I remember as a kid, there was no slack between the TP and the arms of the TP holder. In fact, sometimes it'd be hard to roll the TP cus it was rubbing on the arm, the fit was so tight. It's disgusting. Why don't they just package items in smaller packaging. I mean, we're gonna buy it anyway, why try to deceive us... 🤷♀
Massively excellent video Lori (nigella4me)!! Hope you and your family and friends are doing greatly excellent!!
I could not agree with you more! I just turned 71 and I remember the boxes of cereal were filled to the top. You had to be very careful when you opened it or it was all over the place!
I will not buy those products anymore that are mostly air. I get the goat yogurt at Natural Grocers and it is filled to the top. I cannot eat regular yogurt, but the goat yogurt does not affect me.
Don’t get me started on the price of meat! I thought last weekend I would like to grill a nice steak; haven’t had one in ages. Well, still haven’t had one!
My Molly is the same way during a storm except she camps out in the bathtub! Hi Lillie!!!!
I agree with you! You look lovely and I enjoy your videos! Please tell your son to hang in there! I am praying for him! Please take care beautiful lady!😇🙏❤
You do have a very natural beauty and I so love your hair. I live in New Zealand and we also get the shrinkage in our food Supermarkets, same with the toilet rolls too. Cereal packets are only just over half full. Seems like some jar foods aren't being filled to the top too. It Peeves me off big time. They're getting away with it and they know it.
Yay your making videos again … missed your content
The old saying is it goes by weight not by volume, potato chips, cereal, etc. I remember when air was free.
I notice the same thing mths ago, when you put it on the little roll thing looks very short.
She mentioned her son at the start. This vid is a few months old but here’s a bit of advice. Keep in mind I’m not a doctor. Just a bit of common sense. 70% of your immune system is in your gut. Food can keep you healthy or make you sick. Cancer is when cells have bypassed & overcome your immune system & begin to multiply & grow exponentially. Not real complicated. 7 of 10 people with cancer, diet is the culprit. Life style is also a factor.
“Let your food be your medicine, let your medicine be your food.” Hippocrates said 500BC.
Ayurvedic Proverb: “When the diet is WRONG, medicine is of no use; when the diet is RIGHT, medicine is of no need.”
3, 000 year old Indian medicine system. Ayur-(life), Veda-(science/knowledge.
True then, true now.
Making your own yogurt is so easy if you have an Instanta Pot--not trying to be a salesman for them, just saying. Depending on how much whey you leave in your yogurt, I think it's almost nine pounds. I'm sure making goat yogurt would be the same process. Cheers.