The Tragedy of Tommy From MARTIN Show is Beyond Heartbreaking..

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The Tragedy of Tommy From MARTIN Show is Beyond Heartbreaking...
The mystery around Tommy’s employment was solved earlier this year when Tisha Campbell-Martin, who played Gina on the show, revealed the origins of the gag on Bossip’s “Don’t Be Scared” podcast. Campbell-Martin said; “Tommy was complaining, because you know Tommy is a Shakespearean actor, and Tommy was complaining, ‘You know, I don’t think they’re developing my character enough and no one knows what I do for a job, and they keep asking what I do.”

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One of the great! Gone too soon and Tommy will definitely be missed 😢


I think he was like nick from the avengers if you know his job then you are at risk that’s why cole had the job but never went to work
