10 Signs of Low Stomach Acid

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If you’re wondering Why We Need Stomach Acid, this video can help you understand the vital roles hydrochloric acid can play in the body. Here, we share 10 signs of low stomach acid. If you’re dealing with bloating, gas, indigestion, acid reflux, GERD, constipation, or other digestive discomforts, a lack of stomach acid could be at the root of your problems.

If you’ve been researching bloating remedies or how to fix bloating naturally, or if you’ve been looking for answers for constipation or indigestion, the first step is to understand the underlying cause of these digestive discomforts. If low stomach acid is at the root of these issues, you’ll understand the steps you take when you understand the importance of hydrochloric acid and how it functions in the body.

Chapters 3 & 4 of this book explain the digestive process and how to improve it when aspects aren’t working correctly.

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Disclaimer - T.C. Hale is not a doctor and does not claim to be a doctor or licensed in any type of medical field. Any information found in any of T.C. Hale's books, videos, newsletters, or websites are intended for educational purposes only and should not be used for medical advice. You should contact your doctor for any medical advice.

Video hashtags: #TCHale #KickItNaturally #LowStomachAcid
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Which of these signs do you experience?


1. Burping & Bloating 2. Heart burn, Reflux, gastroesophageal GERD 3. Indigestion or digestive discomfort 4. Chronic nausea 5. Chronic Constipation.Green poop, undigested food in pooh 6. Loss of appetite. 7 OR feeling hungry 8. Low energy 9. Significant craving especially for sugar 10. Imbalanced blood pressure (high or low blood pressure).


1. Burping/bloating
2. Heartburn, acid reflux or Gerd,
3. Indigestion, or digestive discomfort
4. Nausea
5. Signs in poop
6. Loss of appetite OR
7. Constant hunger
8. Low energy


This channel really deserves more subs. let's share with everyone


I literally burped hundreds of times every day. I told my Dr. He just stared at me like I was a specimen in a jar. 😣 Eventually another Dr. removed my gallbladder. I actually had a huge gallstone. 😢 You have taught me so much! I am better thanks to you. So many years of pain and discomfort that were totally avoidable! Do Dr's just not care? It is so simple, why don't they seem to know how the body works? I am learning. Thanks for being my teacher!


Im glad I stumbled on this. I have literally EVERY symptom you back story. I decided to quit smokless tobacco at the end of October and I quit cold turkey (not the best of ideas)..anyway...since quitting, I have had really bad digestive issues...some have put me in the ER. Ive had test after test...lab work and CT scans that all come back normal. The biggest thing I am dealing with is my blood pressure spiking after I eat a meal....my blood pressure is perfectly fine until I eat...then it goes nuts. Im talking 128/78 to 165/90 after eating. I also have noticed that my poo is not digested well....a yellow color with undigested parts and OMG the smell....smells like something dead...then there are all the other symptoms you described. I hope this is something I can fix...its driving me and my family mental.


I am literally crying as I am watching this. Every last symptom I thank you.


My husband has all 10 of these symptoms. He’s been diagnosed with gastroparesis. They have him on a bunch of antacids and a stomach coating medication. I keep having him watch your videos. He’s coming to a point of understanding that he needs to make a change.


Brilliant 👏
I was going through all of these symptoms about 8 years ago and discovered I had low stomach acid. I bought Bethune HCI Pepsin Gentian bitters, within a week or so it was over. My stomach has always been my Achilles heel. It all starts in our stomach.


I think you’re super. I became a nutritional therapist in the 90; now retired. It’s love lay to be able to watch your videos, which are clear and concise


Love your humor on these important subjects!!!


Thank you thank you thank you! I don't know how many thanks I can give through a YouTube comment. After months of misery and going through examinations and specialist consultations the final verdict was "stomach sensitivity". I was told there was nothing I could do other than take painkillers and small portions. Weeks ago YouTube algorithms somehow led me to the holy grail of your video and I was enlightened! I immediately ordered betaine HCl and within less than a month the symptoms have mostly disappeared! Big thanks! 🙏


I've been aware of low stomach acid for some time now and have been adding ACV to a glass of water before meals (plus Flaxseeds already softened in water overnight and Olive Oil). However, I never realized low blood pressure is also linked to low acid. Excellent information - I now know why!


This is 4th video I have watched on the digestive system and low acid production with various health practitioners and the general public who has fixed their digestion without medications. It seems so simple to fix and we all need to start from the second point of digestion ( mouth being the first) to eradicate our gut issues. Well done for enlightening us :)


The best video ever! Low stomach acid gave me vision problems and headaches and many severe consequences


I have a very peculiar case.

Gallbladder removed, fatty liver, hiatal hernia repaired, h. Pylori positive, low gastrointestinal acid, partial hysterectomy at 36, and just 2 years ago menopause finally kicked in. Possibly sibo or leaky gut.

I'm 52 years old. I weight 140 pounds, 5'4".

I used to be very athletic and participated in many triathlons, marathons, etc.

After my hysterectomy, everything went down hill.

Diagnosed with H.pylori last year, two rounds of antibiotics and my bitter mouth taste 24/7.

I've tried HCL, aloe vera-ginger, L glutamine, swiddish bitters, ACV, celery juice, bone broth, no dairy, no grains, no sugar diet.

Can I live a healthy live after all these issues?

I don't know how to target every issue.


'All the cool kids are stool-gazers' . You got a new subscriber doc.


1.burping and floating 2. GERD ( not taking no meds, since sept 2020, mine is age), 3. I am constipated because of stomach ( I know I don't have enough stomach acid ). I chew my food 50 times for each bite. 8. Low Energy :(
I only have 4 issues out of 10. *Thank You TC for all your help*
*This Video made me laugh, because you are funny* !! 😆😆😆😆😂😂😂😂😂


I have all of these. Everything is making so much sense now.


I was in the emergency room last night for two hours for 9 out of the 10 symptoms you mentioned .While I’m waiting to be seen I’m looking up videos and found your video!! 🙏🏼 Thank you so much!! I had two rounds of antibiotics for a tooth and almost back to back. I just ended the last round about 10 days ago. I had a flareup of Gerd bc of the antibiotics So I was taking my PPIs for the last week which I now know caused my low acid . Even on a gut friendly diet for all 7 days!! But now I know it wouldn’t even matter bc there wasn’t enough stomach acid to kill the bad guys!

I couldn’t believe out of 10 of the symptoms I had nine of them! When I got home Iimmediately had a cup of ACV before my meal and one after. I also went online and got a little juicer. I did watch your video about celery juice so I did my first juice today so far so good. I also put lemon juice in my water bottle, I notice a little burping today but cut those symptoms down to only a
