They just BUFFED Iron Man in Marvel Rivals... is he OP now?

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Marvel Rivals Iron Man Guide

#IronMan #MarvelRivals
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“I-I think I’m starting to feel the buffs a lil bit”

2 seconds later: *dies*


"I want to put armor around the world."-Iron Man

Iron Man Health: 250
Punisher Health: 300


I'm SO happy they sped up his flying speed. It felt so slow in the Alpha.


I could immediately see Iron man was faster and I like that, he was so slow and easy to kill so hard to get value. I do wish they add a charge mechanic to his primary fire, so he can do light spam fire, but you could hold the primary fire and charge a shot that does extra damage


It's nice to see someone who actually knows how to play iron man. So msny people say hes bad but i do really good with him.


I honestly don't know what I'd change to make him feel more like Iron Man. They nailed the movement and the attacks.


Fun fact, maximum pulse one shots mantis and luna snow even if their ultimate is active


He’s completely overpowered now. I got 50-10 with him one game which is, from what I’ve seen, some of the most kills anyone has gotten in a game.


Something you can abuse as iron man is that when you e your missiles are on a 2 second cooldown. Another thing to remember is that when you left shift and shoot missiles it will be on a 11 second cooldown but if you press e immediately after it will instantly refresh. If you want to hit your ultimate as iron man be as close to the ground and enemies as possible it will give them less time to react


I disagree about the idea that hitscan counter flying. It's true in overwatch but only because overwatch doesn't actually have real flying. In overwatch you can slowly float downward in a very predictable path and without much dexterity. Because of this you cannot duck in and out of cover rapidly to evade hitscan and your movement is easy to trace.

Contrast this with rivals where you actually have real, infinite flight. Your movement during flight is not really any worse than ground heroes and you can hold a position in the sky next to cover which you can duck in and out of. This is the big difference from overwatch. In overwatch you cannot hold a fixed spot next to cover in the sky because you cannot infinitely fly. In rivals, holding a covered position in the sky is literally equivalent to being on the ground next to cover. The only difference is that you are not clumped together with the rest of your team. If you choose to fly around in the open, yes you will get taken out by hitscan but that's true on the ground too.

People need to stop applying the overwatch mantra of "hitscan counters flying" without logically thinking it through. It is not true in rivals.

Ironman is REALLY good at pumping damage into the enemy team from afar - even when completely out of line of sight of the enemies due to his AoE blasts. His damage doesn't have drop off because it explodes at the point of impact. Ideally you want to find locations near cover which are at a good distance from choke points and don't have surfaces behind you (for enemy AoE blasts to hit). It's also ideal to not be too far from a health pack OR have a safe path to a health pack. If you find good spots like this for both attack and defence on each map, you're gonna do well with Ironman. No healers will need to heal you and it will be incredibly hard for enemies to take you out. The most likely counter for ironman actually seems more like a flanking Wanda or Spiderman who can reach you when you're pumping out damage from the backline. Not hitscan.


I’ve been playing this game since the start of the beta and watched a ton of “character breakdowns”. This has been the first that actually felt like a guide for me. Love that you didn’t just breakdown iron man but also gave strategies for how and when to use him. Big thanks ! Subscribing.


We need a full rework of Hulk. There simply no point if Thor does exactly what he does, but better.


Definitely one of my favourite characters to play


He does look better than before but he still is not as good as like a lot of characters, he does honestly look really good though


i really wanna see the heartbreaker skin for iron man, just imagine what it would look with the E ability


The best way to play him is to get over their team and farm ult charge with all ur aoe abilities and then you keep getting one of the best ults rlly quick


Imo he’s like pharah in OW. Great until someone switches to Hela or punisher and focuses him, if left unchecked he can dominate


When you have a Hulk on your team, MVP isn’t optional


iron man is op asf his movement is a lot and that beam goes a GREAT distance and its damage is disgusting. iron used the beam on hulk and got him down to half health or less, then he aimed at me and ate all my health, all of this was him using one beam..the onlt fair thing in his kit imo is his ult


Really entertaining and informative vod pls do Punisher next
