Understanding Dysautonomia and Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction

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Understanding Dysautonomia and Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction can be important if you are dealing with POTS, dizzy spells, can’t stand up, or other dysautonomia symptoms. This video will give you insights into the autonomic nervous system, autonomic nervous system imbalances, digestive symptoms, digestive malfunctions,how to find relief from dysautonomia symptoms and more insights into a autonomic nervous system malfunctions.

If you’re trying to fix autonomic nervous system problems, or balance an autonomic nervous system imbalance in an effort to improve dysautonomia symptoms, this video could give you a big piece of your puzzle.


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Chapters 3 & 4 of this book explain the digestive process and how to improve it when aspects aren’t working correctly.

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Video hashtags: #TCHale #KickItNaturally #Dysautonomia
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Well explained! I have been dealing with this for 20 years! 😪 My bp drops with 20 points every time I stand up.
But I'm surprised you didn't mention the difference between dorsal vagal (shutdown/freeze) and ventral vagal mode (rest/digest).

Cause it's not true that we are not in the sympathetic all the time. No body can stay in that state for months/years. Most people who have this, live in this so called "functional freeze" where they mostly live in freeze, but uses the sympathetic state in order to live/function whenever they have a little energy. Freeze mode is the brain's ability to shut off the continued cortisol that is being produced, in an approach to save energy and recharge. But since the stress is too high, the only state that is available is the dorsal vagal shutdown, so it basically flips over to freeze. Until there's enough energy to turn on the sympathetic again. That's why we continues to crash over and over again... Not able to truly reach rest/digest...

And yes, I believe you are correct about digestion low stomach acid and poor bile being my issue that started all this. I have been dealing with cold freeze/reflux since I was diagnosed with the worst kind of Marsh 3C celiac disease 25 years ago. I tried all kinds of medicine back then, to reduce the stomach acid, but it never helped. Going raw vegan helped me for some years, until this issue came back and my health was declining fast. My nervous system totally crashed. I had to switch back to eating fish, eggs and eventually meat in order to survive!

Wish I had known about Betaine HCl 20-25 years ago, could have saved me a lot of suffering... 😮‍💨


I have severe dysautonimia and have been on life support twice because of it. I got disautonomia from surgery by a criminal surgeon (literally arrested twice, lost his license then moved to another state to practice) and he purposely, illegally, and unnecessarily cut my Sympathetic nerve at T2-5 It’s a terrible terrible condition to have.


Oh, we are going to add more minerals. I have been giving him a little, bc he is very sensitive to so many things He cant take many vitamins. But that seems like the thing to do, adding more minerals gradually. Thanks for this video!! And I have had SO much help from adding Betaine HCL and bile ( I Have no gall bladder.). It made a huge difference knowing WHEN to take it.


It’s mold /yeast /candida infection I suppose. Kindly correct me if I am wrong.


I have never heard of it before !!!!
<<< I'm over here dealing with my health issues.


I'm sure I don't have it, but at least I can now pronounce it LOL. Interesting stuff though.


I have talked of our situation in an email a while back. Our 32 yr old son has a tiny life because of multiple things that started after his birth in mild ways & increased gradually into life threatening problems I have spent yrs researching and had some success, but alot more failures. I have had 2 drs tell me to stop trying. How do I do that? Taking care of him is a full time job. He has seizures and has almost died from them more than once, but we finally found a med that keeps them from killing him. I was resistant to meds as I wanted to get to the root of the problem ( most drs hate that & I have been treated like a moron), but I allowed some over the yrs, but they never worked until this one he is on now. It does not stop seizures, just reduces severity. As we searched for clues we discovered he had all those problems you wrote on the board. He started having BOTH seizures and syncope ( fainting) in 2007-2008 & has had many serious inuries & has worn body armour and helmet when he is not using a wheel chair since. Your video on seizures was a huge help! It is true, that if his blood pressure is low and his blood sugar low too he has a seizure. It helped us to figure out ways to get both up in time. He takes Midodrine to keep blood pressure up ( and Propranolol to keep heart rate down)- normal for him is like 90 - 97/ 65 or so. The meds help but over-doing it is just as bad as not doing anything, as his body stresses when blood sugar or pressure goes up too much - it drops like a tank sending him into stress & seizures. He eats every 2.5 hrs and we have journaled to find what he can tolerate to the best of our ability - it can take yrs to figure it out. So, he has all those symptoms and digestive issues were huge all of his life. I have used the HCL with his meals ( I give him 2) & Bile Flow 1x a day & he improved so that he had fewer seizures!! But he remains very fragile and he can have a POTS flare & so we have a long way to go - if there is a way to go at all. We will try One thing that I wonder if it is just a genetic issue is that if we dont keep fat low everything gets worse. I have used enzymes before and he didnt seem to benefit & actually seemed worse, but I may try again. Lipase He also cannot tolerate sugar in any significant amount. So, I think the digestion is a huge part of his dysautonomia. Also, we have AMAZINGLY been able to cut his Midodrine use down to very little. It is like his body is telling us it wants to do it itself. Also, if anyone has this issue with blood sugar too low, but it is too early to eat a meal, we give him something that is 4 grams or less of carbohydrate with protein & a tiny bit of fat. This prevents insulin from being released which will make the blood sugar drop again. The small amount of carbs usually buys us at least a half hour of time. Feeding too often causes trouble for him as well as not soon enough.


Hello 😊, is there a way to contact. You directly?


You mentioned Lupus, Sjogren's, Crohn's etc. Is Rosacea also a result of Dysautonomia? And do you have any info on Rosacea management?
