Converting Atheists With One Touch - Derren Brown

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Derren assumes the role of an evangelist, and converts a room of non-believers with just a touch.

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The explanaition to this mysterius pull technique is simple.
Derran is a jedi.


Just in case you didn't know, Derren Brown is a noted atheist and highly intelligent guy, hypnosis and psychology is his thing


I died laughing "all of these people were de-converted after filming"


This is actually the phenomena of "pleasing the doctor". The subject is compelled to become in synch with - and to please - their doctors, actually lying about their illness in order to downplay their suffering, in order to please the authority figure. I think I see that in this group. Much of stage work of this kind is similar, but with the added stressor of the audience, forcing him to comply with the authority figures instructions to a further degree. I've been in situations like this, and is VERY hard to suppress. I actually saw a journalist do it (suppress the instinct to comply) and not be at all affected by a bs secret energy "master" who could double over his students without actually physically touching them. But the journalist has such an amazing sense of personal honesty, that the "master" couldn't do shit. But the lesson here, I think, is that we allow ourselves to be victims. It's almost like a fight or flight thing, we certainly don't mean to do it. We (with normally functioning brains) want to please, particularly a person we consider "above" us. And while it is how we are "good" people, it is exactly our biggest liability! But we can practice controlling it.

'No one can make you feel inferior - without your consent.'


I’m really happy he tries to bring to light all the similarities between organized religion and brainwashing/hypnotism techniques, because it’s honestly terrifying.


Nothing beats having an encounter with Jesus. After having one, you'll never be the same and you will do everything to follow that man with the most piercing eyes of love and grace.


Wonder if Darren can convert someone's political allegiance ?


I have an inner hug. Its called cocaine


"Do you believe in god now?"
"Yes I believe in Satan."


Derren's videos are amazing. I can't help but feel doubt, like clearly so many others do, that this is all just rehearsed and they're paid actors - but he's very open about things generally and he doesn't claim to be magical or psychic. He's very clear about it being a trick. He has also been shown to fail sometimes, which further increases his credibility with me. He even has been on talk shows and performed mind tricks, so I don't know. I lean towards it being real and him just being a very skilled mentalist, but there's always the possibility that it's an act.


people are so incredibly deprived of real love, that a simple, innocent, and genuinely comforting touch can instantly pull them out of their protective shell, open their hearts, and instill absolute trust.

the world is crying, and nobody can hear it. this manipulation is so incredibly easy because of how desperate everybody is, for a hero to save them from their pain.


I'm an atheist, but I once watched a show written and performed by a guy who used to be an evangelical preacher and felt 'God' for a split second. I realised afterwards that it was just music, lighting and an emotionally charged story designed to put that feeling inside me but I was quite nervous and scared in the audience as I realised how easily one could be converted in an hour. I can see how a lifetime of listening to powerful speakers can make reality hard to suss out.


The comments on every Derren Brown video are so laughable. It's like no one actually understands who he is and what he actually does.


He is such a beast, his understanding of psychology is amazing.


There's a lot of comments on here claiming that it's all rehearsed or actors. Derren has never used stooges in the past and he has no reason to put his career at risk by doing so. Furthermore the performances are very convincing: if they _were_ actors someone would have exposed him by now, they would all have profiles on imdb.
I have several theories on how this was done, but I don't want to spoil it. All I can say is that's it's very clever and that Derren is extraordinarily talented.


Seriously, why they film with a potato quality?


The thing is, those people wouldn't have gone to that talk if they weren't, on some level, looking for an excuse to beleif.


Derren tells the guy he is going to catch him before he starts his thing, then tells him he wont tell him what he's going to do. Genius level suggestion.


This is probably one of my favourite things derren brown ever done. Very simple, but really effective.


It's annoying that every Derren Brown video is filled with people who cry "fake" with absolutely no reasoning or logic other than it just looks impossible to accomplish without faking or having actors. Sometimes when something looks unbelievably impressive, it's because it just is. Your brain's response is to reject what it thinks can't be true, but that's not a good basis for discrediting someone and calling them a fake just because you think so. Have something to back up your claims.
