Youth, Agripreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals (Part 1)

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09:00am Welcome and short introduction. Karolin Andersson, SIANI

09:05am Development cooperation and youth in agriculture - Sida’s engagements and perspectives. Ola Möller, Senior Policy Specialist, Sida.

09:10am Global development perspective on agripreneurs programs. Kostas Karantininis, Professor in Business Administration, SLU.

09:20am What is the IITA Youth Agripreneur Initiative explained, and what possible global interfaces are there? Ylva Hillbur, Pro Vice-Chancellor for International relations at SLU

09:35am Challenges and opportunities from agripreneurship in Africa – First hand experiences. Micael Edler, Executive Director, Bratt International, Sweden

09:50am Panel discussion

Photo credit: "Young people learn how to build a community center" by Albert González Farran - UNAMID via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
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