Agripreneurship || Agricultural Entrepreneurship

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Agripreneurship is a sustainable, community- orientated, directly marketed agriculture produce and services. By sustainable agriculture we mean a holistic, systems-oriented approach to farming that is focused on the interrelationships of social, economic, and environmental processes for delivering the agricultural produce. Agripreneurship is synonym with entrepreneurship in the field of agriculture and refers to the establishment of agribusiness units in the agriculture and allied sector.

Agri-business Centers Scheme – Training programme
The National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad is implementing the Scheme of Agri-clinics and Agri-Business centers initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.

Institutional Support for Agri-business
RBI started in July 1982 NABARD to give full attention to the rural sector in areas of agriculture, small –scale and cottage industries and agro-based industries. Since its formation NABARD hold the responsibility of managing all the activates of the RBI pertaining to rural development and agro based activities

Panchayatmandi (Agri-Mandi)
The concept of self-governance has gone to the level of marketing of village produce through village markets and fairs. The concept of Panchayat mandi is to reduce the influence of middlemen and traders. This is possible only if functioning of the zilli Panchayat is effective in coordination with state marketing boards and APMC (Agriculture produce market committee)

State Agricultural marketing banks (SAMB)
State agricultural marketing banks are set up to actively regulate markets for food crops and oilseed in bigger markets of towns and cities

NCOSAMB (The national council for state marketing board) An agro based country like India needs training centers with modern facilities throughout the country. The government of India provides grants in aid to state to set up such training facilities. NCOSAMB is the body to coordinate the programmes of such training

State Trading Corporation (STC) The state trading corporation of India ltd is premier international trading house owned by the government of India having been set up in 1956; the corporation has developed vast expertise in handling bulk international trade international trade

Most of the Agripreneurial opportunities are at Input stage, Farming stage, Value chain, output processing, marketing stage and related services. With Govt. incentive and financial assistance the scope and potential of Agripreneurial opportunities is increasing. There are very promising opportunities for Agripreneurial process in the areas like bio-pesticides, bio-fertilizers, vermicomposting, testing and amending soil etc. The increasing focus on organic farming has opened many opportunities. In seed development and production there is a lot of scope for research and development. The gradual shift in the usage of natural manure and pesticides offers tremendous opportunities for production and marketing of bio-pesticides, eco-friendly agrochemicals and natural manures. There is an opportunity to find innovative methods for balancing the use of fertilizers and pesticides, agrochemicals, adopting multiple cropping and crop rotation to protect and preserves and enhance the quality of soil, using the Agri-Tech machines to reduce the cost of cultivation and drudgery of labour etc.
Post-harvest opportunities in the areas of value chain, output processing and marketing. The realignment of agricultural supply chain management offers new business models. There are opportunities in the area of distribution and logistics. In the areas of farming vegetables, fruits, food grains, pulses, oil seeds etc., developing greenhouse concept, , dairy and poultry development, animal husbandry, herbal plantation, packaging of agri products, establishing food processing units and cold storages, sericulture, horticulture and many more there are tremendous opportunities in Agripreneurship development.
Role of Agripreneurship in national economy Agripreneurship plays various roles in the growth and development of national economy through entrepreneurship development which increases the income level and employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas. Agripreneurship also play following role in the economic system, it helps in inducing productivity gains by smallholder farmers and integrating them into local, national and international markets. • It helps in reducing food costs, supply uncertainties and improving the diets of the rural and urban poor in the country. • It also generating growth, increasing and diversifying income, and providing entrepreneurial opportunities in both rural and urban areas.

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