Mastering her pitching mechanics for the spring softball season
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Beautiful release and the shift in her weight was perfect this girl is a power house
Wow she’s really good! I’m a pitcher to and she’s doing really good. The only thing I would say is that she does “hello elbow” and that can cause a shoulder injury when older
Awesome!!! Her release is perfect!!!! Great job girl!!!
Great pitching mechanics, but someone needs to work with her about getting that glove back up to be ready to field her position. Yes, I do realize they are doing pregame or between inning warm ups. But if that glove isn't in motion to field a ball and neither is the body movement to reset quickly into a fielding position; she's either about to get drilled in the circle, or give up a whole lotta shots through the middle of the infield.
Great pitching but just a little tweak that could have her throw harder is when she draws back she could get into her front leg more to help her push off the mound harder.
Umpire here. I have seen 10u pitchers pitch significantly better than some 12u pitchers and even some junior varsity pitchers I’ve been behind the plate for. Great gameplay.
I love seeing girls right near my hometown growing up and playing ball. I live 30 mins from that field and know it so well. Proud of her❤️.
Anyone watching this in summer wishing school will come sooner to do tryouts for softball 🗣🥎
If only I pitched like that when I was 10😂
Amazing mechanics for a 10 yo! I would just say though that releasing the ball in your own way that feels comfortable instead of using the “hello elbow” can increase speed and decrease chance of injury
She is doing amazing she just needs to make sure she is keeping that glove hang straight, her hips need to stay open until she releases and she really needs to get into her legs when she is loading
Best thing about this video is the JR Writer plug! Go dad!
Hi I am a pitcher to and a thing I see is that when she starts to learn new pitches (not to rush) like change up maybe you could work on hiding the grip a tiny bit for so the batter does not have enough time to see the ball position against the hand sand figure out the pitch! But other then that it looks amazing
It looks sooo goood I am a pitch in 12u and girll when you learn you other pitches your going to have the best time of your life and never give up ❤🎉
She is so good I also play softball in 10u I am a third baseman with a great arm
They r good softball players can show us more of FIA pitching❤
Wowww I just saw this and I’m super impressed
As a pitcher I can tell she’s gonna be fire 🔥
And she needs to bring her hip forward more but she did really good
Good mechanics, get rid of the Hello elbow finish. It’s kills speed and causes injury.
really really good!!! Try not to fly your shoulder out though❤❤