Classroom Management: The 3 Things I Do Before Every Class

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Did y'all know I wrote a book called Art Teacherin' 101 that is FULL of info jus like this?

Here are the 3 things I do before each art lesson with my kindergarten through fourth grade students. From here, we dive into the lesson and that's a whole 'nother ball of routines. I will share those soon. In the meantime, if you'd like to get some of the supplies you see here, try this:

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When managing big groups of students being as specific as possible as to what you want and what you expect from them is kind and sets kids up for success. You can look at it as rigid or you can look at is as well planned.


HEY MS.STEVENS its one of your art students. i remember your classes


MS.STEPHENS i got into the music buisness too
