Phoenix Framework REST API Crash Course - Introduction + Full Elixir API Tutorial

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00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:20 - What is Elixir Phoenix
00:03:38 - MVC Pattern
00:05:49 - Installation
00:08:25 - Project Structure
00:10:03 - Main files
00:11:08 - Other Folders
00:12:12 - Create a Repo
00:13:59 - Basic Application Architecture
00:16:12 - Adding a New Page with Mock Data
00:22:24 - Creating an API
00:22:49 - Working with the Database
00:31:53 - Routes
00:32:48 - Updating a Resource
00:34:45 - Delete
00:35:23 - Users and Relationships
00:36:01 - Update the Model
00:37:23 - Making the association in models
00:40:25 - Nested Data in API Calls
00:43:17 - Get a User’s Posts
00:48:21 - Conclusion
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Phoenix Framework REST API Crash Course - Introduction + Full Elixir API Tutorial
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