Elixir & Phoenix Fundamentals Full Course For Beginners

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Learn the functional programming language Elixir, and how to build web applications with the Phoenix framework from scratch with this free crash course. In this course, we will get introduced to the Elixir ecosystem, then we will build 2 real-world web applications with the Phoenix framework.

*** Course Contents ***
⌨️ (0:00:00) Intro
⌨️ (0:02:11) What is Elixir
A quick introduction and history of the Elixir functional programming language.
⌨️ (0:03:20) Why Web Dev With Elixir & Phoenix
Benefits of the language, and why the Phoenix web development framework is a great choice.
⌨️ (0:05:47) Who Am I
A quick introduction of the instructor.
⌨️ (0:07:44) Elixir Basics
We go over the fundamentals of the Elixir functional programming language. We go over data types, operators, pattern matching, conditionals, anonymous functions, modules, functions, the pipe operator.
⌨️ (1:34:08) Elixir/Phoenix, PostgreSQL, Visual Studio Code Editor Setup
⌨️ (1:45:12) Password Generator Module Project
We build a fully tested passwords generator module.
⌨️ (3:00:57) Phoenix Framework Basics
We go over the basics of the phoenix web development framework, like the directory structure of a project, routing, controllers, views and templates, databases.
⌨️ (3:46:00) Phoenix Password Generator Web App Project
We build a real-world password generator web application with the phoenix framework.
⌨️ (4:33:53) Phoenix Todo Web App Project
We build a fully-featured todo list web application with the phoenix framework.
⌨️ (5:49:07) Thank You

#elixirlang #webdevelopment #programming
Рекомендации по теме

This tutorial for Elixir+Phoenix is highly recommended because it is using the current version of Phoenix v1.6. Learning from the old version would be confusing when you use the available current version. Thanks, Anthony, God bless...


Made in DR, lluvia de bendiciones man... Me sorprendió este curso, y me alegro de que exista.


Man you inspire me, let's be honest, I've been down because of series of ups and downs in life, and having myself lacks of discipline bcs I was too comfortable. We have about the same years of exp, but clearly you are far more valuable than me. But I won't give up, thanks for the series. This is really valuable what you've done.


Thank you for zooming in. I have to pass on so many tutorials because I can't see the code. This is big enough that I can actually follow along on my phone or laptop.


I subbed. You earned it. Keep up the good work. Dominican Republic is a place I always wanted to visit. Homeland of Juan Luis Guerra.


Thank you for the great amount of work you must’ve put into this. We need more up-to-date Phoenix tutorials.

Elixir’s dynamic typing is a big hurdle to learning Phoenix for me.


Great course. There was a lot to cover and watching a walk though complements my style of learning.


Hi! Great video! Can you please post a video where you implement a public API, like a weather API, using Elixir/Phoenix? I would like to see how to perform some more complex tasks like that with Elixir


Man I have to take this back to the beginning and catch up with some of your hardware and operating system


Thanks for this! It's hard to find an up-to-date tutorial on elixir.


It's the best course to learn Elixir & phoenix
Thank you very much, and I hope you upload more videos
Thanks from Egypt 🥰


Despite using Phoenix 1.7, this tutorial was still very helpful. The Elixir tutorial was useful to get to grips with the language, but I did have to try other beginner Phoenix 1.7 tutorials before I could get a good enough understanding of the differences for me to adapt to the rest of the tutorial.

I think for future videos you could improve by explaining the code as you write it, like establish the goal of what you're programming before you start coding, and tell us what certain keywords or functions do when you introduce them (for example, the __MODULE__ keyword was not explained when it was used, or the =~ operator, or several Phoenix functions).


yo im brand new to Elixir and around the 2 hour mark (so i'm sorry if this gets discussed later), but why are we writing out all the test cases before the password generator itself is actually explained? it feels like it would be more informative to cover the program before we dive in and start writing test cases. and overall this feels more like we're watching you quickly glide through someone's elses course rather than you explaining things to us


Thank you for this video. Please make more videos especially for the PETAL stack or PETL stack! Thank youu


Thank you for your awesome work! Please keep posting!


Great introduction. Thanks for posting.


This was insightful, thanks for the thorough introduction


Great video! But idk for the password_generator module, writing tests before writing the code seems like a weird approach. Especially with new syntax and paradigms you had not previously touched upon.


43:20 I don''t understand around `case` here how the matches evaluation are done.
First, Is it with `=`, `==`, or `===` ?
Then, how does {:error, "error": String} match {:error, _error: UndeclaredVariable} ?
I added :String and :UndeclaredVariable to be understood as part of my sight.


Love the code variables are your comments of what other would include extra in the code!!
