Julia Mossbridge - What's the Meaning of Consciousness?

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Only about consciousness can we be 100 percent sure. That consciousness exists almost everyone agrees. What consciousness means—that’s where arguments and disputations arise. Must consciousness have ‘meaning’? Or can consciousness be a random accident, selected by evolution, the ‘foam on the waves’ of brain activity. But consciousness seems so radically vital.

Julia Mossbridge, M.A., Ph.D. is a Visiting Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), the CEO and Research Director of Mossbridge Institute, LLC, and a Visiting Scholar in the Psychology Department at Northwestern University.

Closer To Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.
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I don’t WANT to believe that the future is already happening / has already happened, but the more I learn, the harder it is to stay in denial about that.

But as a consciousness that only perceives the ‘forward’ flow, I can still enjoy the story unfolding, I suppose! No spoilers!


Those who deny the paramount role of consciousness within reality are, quite frankly, deluding themselves.


Time Symmetric & Nonlocal Information Access (in a kinda quantum concept way¿¡)! Gotta love that gig if u can get paid for that.


i didn't find her idea convincing personally.


The objective of life is to find the purpose of life.
The purpose of life is to be the delight of life.


A fascinating analogy, but my intuitions are nearly the opposite. The unconscious mind is chaotic, overflowing with disorganized "pre-information, " and relies on consciousness for any more subtle, conceptual reality to emerge at all.


On the subject of remote viewing, my Father once did an experiment with a friend of his - the friend would, at exactly 8 PM on some particular day, do a remote view and would later tell my father what he saw. My father was to concerntrate very hard on "tramsnitting" at that time. Well.... the day came and went. My father forgot all about it. Several days later, the friend told my father about a scene of beautiful landscape. My father asked what's that all about? The friend said "8 o'clock, on that date", And my father realized that he had gone to a woman's apartment on that night, and had looked at a painting (he's an artist, so this was keenly important to him, all the details of the painting including brush strokes, colors, form and content) while waiting for the woman to get ready. It was exactly as his friend described! This was in a woman's apartment that my Dad had only just met on that day! There was no way the friend could have colluded or followed him, in order to cheat. It was literally what he saw at that instant, in sufficient detail that my father recognized it some days later.


She is pretty open minded and her theory is interesting...
I would also add that consciousness IS necessary to any kind of reality to be felt. If a reality is not felt by something then philosophically does not exist either.


The unconscious mind has access to all memories. The conscious mind is constrained by focus. The conscious mind needs to process external stimulus and react to changes detected.


Words, words, and more words.
What word are anyway??
Thoughts manipulate the Infinite Potentialities.


To me it makes no sense to ask *"...What's the Meaning of Consciousness?..."* . Consciousness is simply an emergent aspect of the essence of life. And the essence of life -- in combination with matter -- is analogous to the wave aspect of the particle/wave duality of the fundamental substance that comprises what we call "reality." In other words, life (consciousness) and matter are simply two sides of the same coin.


_Cognito ergo sum_ - consciousness (is) therefore everything. Or, to use the more well-known translation of Descartes famous observation - _I think, therefore I am._ Yes.


Since when is consciousness equivalent to "human mentality"?

Robert, your basic assumption here is in error -- confusing awareness with its objects.


absolutely not christian or theistic in the slightest but it is funny how this model representing being and consciousness could be framed from a three pronged perspective like the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father being overall being, the son being persons or personhood and the holy spirit being that subconscious link between the two.


maybe consciousness has two aspects, manifest and un manifest meaning and Being.
in the un-manifest state consciousness knows only itself, it is awake to itself, no meaning .
The manifest version is where meaning occurs and yet it is appearing inside of that which is awake to itself.


The Eternal Living Being and Consciousness,
is the Cause-Less Cauce, has Not been created,
therefore No Meaning.
Meaning have to do with Thinking, creation, planning.
(driwen by the Life-Desire)


Why does it have to have meaning? From a logic standpoint, I don't see any reason it has to.


She's talking gobbledygook and in riddles.


(3:15) *RLK: **_"And gives the consciousness little tidbits of information."_* .... Nah, I see the exact opposite. The subconscious mind is like the many background processes happening on a computer while you are running the main software programs. Consciousness is on the _business end_ of brain function with the subconscious merely playing a supporting role.


She is my favourite guest so far. Thank you for the video.
