Quick Tip #14 - Hover/Rollover States | Adobe Muse CC | Muse For You

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✍️ Want to Learn User Interface (UI) Design?

The Learn UI Design course by Erik Kennedy is the most comprehensive course on UI Design on the web. It covers everything from typography, color, elements, and process. If you are new to web development or design I highly recommend this course.

👩‍🎨 Need Design Assets?

Save hours of time and money with Envato Elements! Download unlimited music, stock footage, After Effects templates, graphic design assets and so much more!

Рекомендации по теме

Wow, I like how even though you move quickly through this tutorial you explain what you're doing and take the time to show us where you are at. One of the best tutorials I've seen!


Great tutorials mate, I always come here when I get stuck


Hi, Can someone help me with a small doubt. I create a text box with a word HOME. Now on different breakpoints i can set different font size for the same HOME text. It also maintains the different sizes (even separate colors) i set for it on each breakpoint. But the same doesnt work on the rollover & mouse down states. When i try to change the rollover font size size or color for HOME, that color and even the FONT SIZE gets applied through out all breakpoints creating a complete design break up. Means if i set the rollover font size stage at breakpoint A to 20, the rollover state on all the breakpoints (C D & E) for that text becomes 20. So they are too large or exploded compared to the size of the normal state on the breakpoints. Only the normal state is able to maintain unique sizing and color etc for each breakpoint. How to overcome this ?


John, as always thanks a lot for the explanation, now If I want to use the hover state as a clickable element to get to another page, how do I go about it? Thanks in advance


Good Morning Man....
How do you create your widgets? Do you do it in Dreamweaver? If it's in Dreamweaver, I could do some tutorials .... Thanks


John, deviating a little bit from the topic, I sent you via de contact page in your site, an email asking if there is a way to set an element height kind of in a responsive way, but vertically, so the element would adjust automatically to the screen size....i.e from a MacBook Pro to an iMac, both cases with a browser open max. just not full screen, do you know what I mean ??
thanks in advance !!


And how do you add the links on the social icons rollover image?
