Acoustic Guitar Sessions Presents James McMurtry

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Texas singer, songwriter, and guitarist James McMurtry arrived at the AG studio recently, surly and travel-weary, with a new haircut, an old fishing cap, an Ovation 12-string guitar, and a deep well of stories to tell in song. McMurtry’s most recent album, Complicated Game — highly praised in the April issue of Acoustic Guitar — has more of an acoustic focus than his previous 10 releases dating back to 1989. Watch him play a pair of songs from the new album — the dark “Copper Canteen” and the comparatively lighter “How’m I Gonna Find You Now” (which, he grumbles, is “a little comic relief” after the first one) — followed by his famous new-millennium protest anthem, “We Can’t Make It Here,” from his 2005 album Childish Things.
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The greatest song writer alive today. I saw his show a few years ago in in Mississippi. After the show, he actually hung around and mingled with the audience. I approached him, introduced myself and to my astonishment he assumed a relaxed posture, leaned against the wall and proceeded to engage me in conversation. I tried not to be a total fanboy, but it was hard. I will treasure the memory.


McMurtry is so under rated it it's insane...


Mr. Mcmurtry is a living American treasure.


I’ve seen James many many times over the years beginning with the “Where’d You Hide the Body” album. He rarely disappoints live. Sometimes you can tell the road has worn him down a bit, but his guitar playing is always the driving force of his band. His electric sound is effortless, full, and he can create an amazing sustain.
He’s the dustbowl version of Bob Dylan, the echoes of Woody Guthrie, and the best everyman songwriter alive.


This guy is amazing. He's notorious as a song writer, his vocals are unique and perfect for conveying the feel and purpose of the lyrics, but his guitar playing is SO fucking underrated. Listen to Chactaw Bingo on Live in Aught-Three -- his ability to play rythem and lead at the same time is steller.


Lifetime fan here.  He sings what I think inside but never express verbally.  And yet I couldn't even begin to formulate the words to express it anywhere near how he does.


the reason he is not a household name is because most people could not see quality and talent if it hits them in the head ! he is a treasure that only a few can recognize!!!


My wife and I had the pleasure of attending Jame's show a couple of weeks ago in Oregon. The show was excellent and we were also able to have a brief and pleasant conversation with James after the show. We enjoyed meeting him and he struck me as a nice genuine hard working man. He looked tired which is certainly understandable with the hectic schedule he and his band mates keep. They had another show at a women's club in southern California the next evening and it was already after midnight in central Oregon when we were speaking.

He certainly is a solid professional musician with exceptional talent. I complimented his top shelf writing skills as we talked and I also noted his humble demeanor and palpable talent. I would highly recommend his excellent music and entertaining show to just about anyone. My wife and I look forward to our next opportunity to attend another concert of his.


Love James he is great. Get the fire going get the beers out and just enjoy 😉 an artist and so down to earth


We can’t make it here anymore was the song that peeked my interest and now I’m a full on fan. Been bingeing all his songs like I’m high on dope and hooked on Jesus!


Amazing to me, 70K views and only 840 likes! James is an astounding talent, So glad Horses and Hounds was nominated!!!!


This guy is great...i have never heard someone play the twelve string like that since Leo K.


I would go to every concert of his, he is just amazing


One of my faves! Can't wait to see him again.


I was pushing his first record to my little fledgling home grown crowd in Crested Butte, Co KBUT-FM he had a great song called "I'm not from here, I just live here" Everybody in the Butte could relate to that one. Stecklein7, I hear that!


Just my humble opinion, but James is the best guitarist l have ever heard in my 71 years on the planet. Aint no Clapton, Hendrix, Django, Atkins or anybody else could hold a candle to him


Loved sxince the mid-twen tith century...'No More Buffalo' just slayed me ...still does!!!


Why is this guy not a household name? He is the Springsteen of my generation, or rather what Springsteen wanted to be, anyway. Harry Chapin was never this harsh, but never remember the world being as hard back then.


That's one helluva talented family...


1 of if not the best songwriter in the world the past few years at least.