Fine Structure Constant Explained in 60 Seconds (Part 1) #shorts by Parth G

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#shorts - the Fine Structure Constant (alpha) is a fundamental constant of nature. It is often known as the coupling constant of the electromagnetic force, and is dimensionless, with a value of approximately 1/137.

It shows up a lot in the mathematics behind physics, but there's a reason it's known as the "Fine Structure" constant. Many of you may know that atoms are made up protons and neutrons in a central nucleus, with electrons "orbiting" the nucleus in discrete energy levels, or shells. But if we look closely, many of these energy levels are actually split up into further levels that are very close to each other in energy. This is known as the fine structure, and the energy gap between these energy levels is proportional to the square of the number of protons in the nucleus, and the Fine Structure Constant. This is where our constant gets its name

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Interesting and worthwhile video. Wolfgang Pauli was at times obsessed with the fine structure constant. He died in hospital room number 137.


This is one of the clearest visualizations of the fine structure constant that I’ve come across. I’ve watched a lot of videos. Well done.


I just learned more from your 1 minute video then I did from 40 minutes of a PBS video on the same topic!


You are gifted in explaining science....keep meditating this precious knowledge Mr


Undergrad quantum class at UC Berkeley (when i was there), , Physics 137 (a&b). Kinda drilled the value into everyone. Felt a bit honored when I graduated, because there were only about 20 kids per year at that time. Hard to believe, but back in ~1995 there was a huge dark age in physics. No idea what its like now.


This trailer tells me that some serious entertainment is coming soon!


Very clear and straight to the point, thank you very much !


It's a ratio connected to space and time where more protons represent more spacetime creating gravity due to the subtrahend of the EM wave created by using time to measure the resulting increase in space: (e{a})/t=E. {a} is the value of asymmetry in effect.


OK. Your video is the first one of about the number 137 that explains how the fine structute constant comes into play. As a layman, it's intriguing to hear thst Feynman and Pauli were puzzled and impressed with this number, but I just don't get it. other 'amazing' things do make sense like Carbon resonance and A ton of finely tuned parameters. They are actually amazing, but I haven't had it explained to me why 137 is magical. I don't get it/can't see it/don't understand the mystical aspect. I REALLY WANT TO. Since you seem to get it somewhat it would be great if you did a video on the multiple ways 137 comes up and why it's so freaking "magical", in CONTEXT. You'd be doing a lotta guys like me a HUGE favor. Thank you for your video sir.


this was great. I don't want to be rude--maybe it was just my earphones-- but if you could make the music just a bit quieter it would help people (or maybe just me haha) hear your great explanations


It seems that the atom's protons are influencing/controlling the gaps between the energy levels within the fine-structure energy levels and that there is a direct correlation between the gaps and the protons themselves that their mass is influencing certain energy level structure and dynamics.


we were just talking about this in my physics lecture 😍😂


Wow, is this a coincidence or what i just learned about the thing called energy levels and subenergy levels a few hours ago and had complications to understand it but now you actually gave me a visualization of subenergy levels in this video.


The explanation you give doesn't really explain what the fine structure constant is. If ΔE ∝ (zα)2, that means the same thing as just \Delta E\propto z^2. Since the fine structure constant is a constant, it can just get wrapped up in the constant of proportionality.


Here is one for you ... 431 is prime and and if you multiply it by 'alpha' you get 'Pi' so quite some degree. :-) Why does alpha = Pi / 431?


Please explain Ampere's circuital law sir....
I feel very uncomfortable while choosing Amperian
Please short video please 🙏🙏
Love from india 🇮🇳


Thank you Parth for your cogent videos and crisp teaching style. I enjoy watching them and they definitely fortify my studying!

I apologize ahead of time if there was a more appropriate place to post this off-topic query.

Any opinions regarding Open University and the reputation of their physics program?

I aspire to be a secondary education teacher here in the US.

I would appreciate an honest (don't spare my feelings) objective opinion of OU and the quality of the education ( particularly in physics if known) and how it is regarded in the UK?

Unfortunately, a traditional brick-and-mortar college is not an option for me. Working full-time, online would be the only strategy that would work for my current life circumstances.

Shockingly, there is a paucity of reputable online options here in the US.

In other words, I'm attempting to thwart a complete disaster in both time and money. From what I have researched from official and unofficial sources (Reddit, Quora, etc), it's, well...not bad especially if distance learning is your only option available. And I kinda believe this. Just looking for further affirmation.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

Much thanks,


0:40 if something is proportional to (za)^2 where a is a constant it's also proportional to z^2 so why write the a?


Fine structure constant: the constant invented because the correct formula is unknown.


I really love your videos they can be understood easily and doubles my love for physics .
