🛑✋ SEO Hack: Don’t Write Another Content Article Before Seeing This ✋🛑

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What is a “blog”?

To some, a blog is a relatively short piece of written content meant to engage readers.

To others, blogs are part of a larger content marketing strategy meant to drive traffic into a marketing funnel.

In some cases, blogs are vehicles to drive traffic to affiliate links (and get you that sweet, sweet affiliate marketing money).

And if you’re old enough… blogs are a place to pen esoteric treatises only you and five other people on the internet care about.

Regardless of WHY you’re writing your blog content, it’s important that you can tell the difference between different types of blogs. Because if you’re a new copywriter or learning copywriting, it’s not enough to be able to write a blog - you need to understand where your copy fits into your client’s larger marketing plan and how success is really being measured.

0:00 - Blogs as Content
1:53 - Blogs as Paid Content Writing
5:43 - How to Win at SEO Content Marketing


Copy That! is hosted by Alex Myatt, Rod Satterwhite, Lindsey Hough, and Sean MacIntyre.
Рекомендации по теме

How convenient! I just started a new blog


The thumbnails get better every upload…


Funny how the goofiest thumbnail has the most pragmatic lessons out here on youtube


Love you guys but SEO is a little more involved than keyword repetition... Like Copywriting, it is a deep subject that a few good SEO realy understand. Most SEOs and content written for search are poor.
