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Ayrton Senna is one of those legendary F1 drivers who even today's drivers are inspired by. Among all his legendary feats, however, there is one that is not often recounted, but which makes us realize what kind of driver Senna was. That time when he Asphalted anyone in the wet and set the Fast Lap... From the Pits.
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I was at the Brazilian GP in 1993, when it started to rain the crowd went crazy, they knew Senna would overtake everyone in the rain. He did.


I remember a Senna interview he was asked “ Why do you like driving in wet conditions ? “ He replied ‘ Do you think I like it, ? No you’re wrong I hate it like all drivers do, I just manage it a lot better ‘ Best F1 driver ever ? …. For me YES


I was there, no big screens, no mobile phones, we couldnt hear PA system because of the wind! We had to use a telephone box to call home to ask what was happening in the race. It rained then stopped, then rain started again, then wind came again, then rain stopped again and again and again, the cars were in and out of the pits non stop! I will never forget that day, and I still have my ticket!


Senna was legendary in wet conditions, in his first victory in 1985 with a Lotus in the Portuguese GP it was raining cats and dogs and he lapped everyone but Alboreto in second, leading the entire race.


And don't forget this: the drivers who Senna passed on that lap included Michael Schumacher, Alain Prost, and Damon Hill, who would go on to win a combined 12 world championships over the course of their careers!


The story of Senna at Detroit when he was full attack and said the barrier moved and people didn't belive him until they watched footage and saw that someone else hit and displaced the barrier that he hit is insane. He had such amazing car control and awareness of the track to see that is amazing, Senna was a special person.


As an Argentinean, even though we have some rivalries with Brazilians, I must say that Senna is the best F1 driver... ever.

Even our own Fangio said it so (and he had records that took half a century to surpass, even his win ratio, both race and championship, are at the top).

Numbers and statistic don't transmit the real genius of Senna. Not for nothing he was called Magic.


Few know this but Senna had a special method of driving in the rain, he would feather the throttle instead of just planting it . If you look very carefully in some footage you can just make out his foot actions. Never seen any other driver use it . A true genius and a gentleman. I miss him very much still.


Senna was out of this world. I saw him winning in Brazil in 93. I remember that day as it was yesterday! Incredible! People from the G sector have invaded the race track at the end of the race. Senna stopped less than 100 m in front of us. Man, that feeling when hen jumped out of the car and raised both arm in a sight of victory was like as we were in a rock concert with our favorite band, singing in euphoria. Don’t have words to that.


"I'm a racing driver, I'm I am designed to win races, not to come third, forth or second, Im here to win" Something like that Ayrton Senna said in an interview with Jack Stewart. I can see a lot people talking about the other side of Senna, that he would humilate other drivers by lapping them. I guess those people have no passion in life. Senna breathed formula one. It was his passion. Real sports people don't care who you are, they will destroy you one way or another. Tennis players, soccer player, racing drivers, and the list goes on. They will eat you alive if you give them an opportunity. For instance, Max Vestapen is doing that very same thing. Louis Hamilton did it when he had the best car. Theres no such thing as being nice in sports, specially in formula one. Ayrton Senna was a great human being, he donated 400 milion dollars to charities in Brazil to help underpreviledged childrem. His charity still helps people even today in 2024. That's why he was the best!!


I think it was the 1989 Adelaide GP, race day was extremely wet.
On a particular right hand corner many drivers, including Nigel Manson, spun out doing several 360° s and all eventually crashing into the wall.
Ayrton spun out on the same corner, he did about 4-5 360°s however he did NOT crash into the wall, he regained control and continued the race. I thought it was sheer luck, but after getting home I watched it in slow motion and couldn't believe what I was seeing; as Ayrton was spinning 4-5 times, all in a mere second or 1.5 sec, as the car's nose pointed towards the wall he applied the brakes, as the rear of the car was heading for the wall he would accelerate hard and you could see the tyres spinning furiously.
He applied the brake, then accelerated, then brake, then accelerate 5 times in a second or so.
Ayrton Senna was head and shoulders above all his rivals, he was a true legend of motor racing, may he rest peace and his soul a blessing.


This lap became known as: ''Lap of gods''


No doubt, he's the best of formula one history!!! Ayrton Senna from Brazil!!!!


There was also, perhaps, one of the most legendary races in history in Brazil in 1991. Senna had problems with the gearbox and ran the last laps only in 6th gear. (Remembering that it was a manual transmission). This victory generated one of the most beautiful scenes on a podium ever seen: Senna with his hands shaking trying to lift the trophy. LEGEND!!!


The Senna/Prost rivalry was absolutely fantastic viewing. Senna for me will always be the number 1 of all time


I am from Argentina and in my country it is not normal to have sports idols from other places. There are exceptions of course, from great legends like Magic Johnson, Nadia Comaneci or Steffi Graf, but with Ayrton Senna something special happens. He is still remembered, loved and mourned by Argentines. Fangio once said that he loved him like a son. He never recovered from his death. Argentina has a sporting rivalry with Brazil, but there are Brazilians so special that they touch the heart of difficult people like us. It also happens with Guga Kuerten or Ronaldinho. And with people from other fields, such as art, politics or science.


O maior de todos os tempos
O único, e imbatível até hoje.
Nosso querido Ayrton Senna
Saudações do Brasil !


I'm brazilian and I remember watching the brazilian GP in 1993 with my father and sister (one of the best memories of my childhood), when the rain came the energy at the atmosphere changed, the certainty of the victory was so strong you could feel it like an energy and I've never experienced that feeling of trusting in any other human being or any other sport in my life.


he was and he is till now NUMBER ONE...he was the magic


Here is a Proud Brazilian and I appreciate your time to make this video, of a Brasilian guy no one can never forget, besides Mr. Pelé. A great driver, so sad he left us so soon...
